Re-Minding and Re-Membering The Archangelic Body


  An Extemporaneous Talk By:

  Alan Hammond

  October 13th 2002


 I’m sure most of you recall that at our last service presentation, Sanford Baran spoke about memory. It is, I find, an evocative subject. I thought we could look at it a little more today. Quite obviously the most important thing that we can remember is who we truly are. That memory doesn’t relate to recalling something of the past, but relates to bringing to consciousness something which is present now. The kind of remembering I have in mind is not just recalling a concept . . . “Oh, yes, I remember, I am divine.” Rather, it is actually coming into oneness with the reality that is present. To do this, there has to be the adequate quality of substance. And it is an individual effort. No one can do it for anyone else. Either one is generating the quality of substance necessary and coming to know oneness consciously with the reality of Being, or one isn’t. Although it is true that one can be assisted in this process by someone who is having something more of the experience.


There are people who give evidence that they have enough substance and their expression of life is of the Tone. They are creative, compassionate, honorable, even though they may not consciously describe their experience in the ways we do. We might say of those people that they know, and they know not that they know of their true Identity. However if they are not consciously aware of their true Identity, they will invariably have areas of their lives where beliefs and concepts tend to limit their experience of themSelves.


Last week Sanford was describing the various aspects of memory. One of the most significant is the matter of how items that come to consciousness are related one to another, and to what is already in consciousness. This process allows us to develop a sense of meaning. Things develop relatedness within our experience. Because most people only have a false experience of themselves, inevitably their relationships are false. And although they may invent meaning for their lives based on these patterns of false relationship, in reality they don’t experience true relationships. It is a hard thing to say, but a false identity and its experience is relatively meaningless. So we can see how important it is to remember and express our true Identity.


 I think it was Plato who said that all knowledge is contained within the individual. If we acknowledge that Life itself is the true Identity, then we can see the validity of what he said. Initially that idea may seem strange, but consider this: Where did the language come from that is used to name everything, and think about everything? Where did numbers and mathematical systems originate? Where did every idea and theory about everything come from? Where did the very notion of knowledge and facts originate? It all came and comes from within mankind, and is conveyed into the world through the process called thinking!


This insight by Plato provided the foundation for his educational ideas. Since all knowledge was within, his process of education was designed to draw out the necessary knowledge from within. The word educare means to draw forth. Now the knowledge which is drawn forth is not really billions of facts, per se, although perhaps it seems to be that from the view of the isolated outer mind. The fundamental knowledge which is drawn forth from within is the knowledge of Self, the awareness of Self, differentiated. As far as we need consider in our meditation this morning, that Self, we could say is the Archangelic Self--the larger Identity of this planetary Body of which we are an aspect. Thus all facts about the planet, for example, are facts about one’s Self. All true knowledge is an awareness of an aspect of the Archangelic Self, differentiated. We are here to re-member the Archangelic Body--to give the Archangelic Body form again; re-member. And we are here to recall the Archangelic Identity in the Archangelic consciousness; to re-mind the Archangelic Body. Remember and remind.


We can see that because there is fundamentally a false identity known within human beings, their knowledge is false knowledge. They think they are discovering facts and principles external to themselves, but the process is actually one of projecting a false self, which in this case is projection of false knowledge. It is distorted. Actions based on false knowledge, partial knowledge, must be destructive. The true relationships of the essences of Being, are not known by the segregated human mind. And so connections, relationships are made which are false because there are gaps in the awareness of Self. Certain facts and principles are forced together where they don’t belong, and therefore human activity in every field is destructive.


This basic principle has application in our everyday living. There is no doubt that there are many patterns of relationship within our personal worlds that are not true. That is so, of course, because we have not consistently expressed our divine Being. As we increasingly express our true Selves, true relationships emerge. We find we gradually become aware that all things, all relationships with everybody and everything, are working together to perfection in the fulfillment of our responsibilities in the design.


Shakespeare, in his play “Hamlet,” caused Polonius, a wise man, to say, “This above all, to thine own self be true, and it follows as  the night the day,  thou canst not then  be false to any man.” Many people pride themselves if they feel that they are loyal and honorable toward their husband, wife, friends. However, I would suggest that we don’t have a reliable person if they have that attitude only towards certain people. The loyalty must be to one’s true Self. “To thine own Self be true.” If someone is only oriented externally in their loyalties, there will come a circumstance in which there may be doubt as to whether they will be loyal, honorable. But if they are true to their true Self always, they will be true to reality wherever they encounter it.

Another facet of this consideration relates to the matter of consciousness itself. Consciousness is not Identity. It is interesting, if you examine your own experience, to find that it is very easy to think that one’s consciousness is oneself. It is important to realize the difference. For one thing, there was something that created not only the physical form, but the consciousness also. Furthermore, this something is present even when consciousness is not. For example, in the womb, the outer consciousness was, shall we say, minimal. And when one is asleep there is unconsciousness, but that something is still present. This Self created the outer human consciousness in order to function within this band of vibration. If one’s consciousness was aware of other levels outside of that band, it would be very confusing indeed! The human instrument is designed to focus experience in this level, and we are to express our spiritual Identity through this instrument, within its prescribed range of consciousness.


Because of its fallen state, our outer consciousness knows very little of how the creative process works. But as we generate finer substance, our outer awareness may gradually expand in this regard. Creativity is achieved not by manhandling physical substance, but originates from the meta-physical (meta means above), and meta-mental levels of Being. The physical and mental levels do not organize themselves. They are organized from a level above. And we can consciously participate in this process by letting the true quality of our Being shine through this human mechanism through which we create on Earth. Creativity is meta-physical and meta-mental even in the human state. Nobody creates anything, starting at the physical level. If we took time we could see it is not at the mental level either—but at the spiritual level. The quality of spirit which is expressed gradually takes form in the levels below. It is because of the distorted expression of spirit through human beings that there is so much destructive form and experience on Earth. So the sense of Identity must transcend even the spiritual expression level.


We let the true quality of Being shine forth, and the multi-dimensional mechanism which is already in place will achieve what we are responsible for. We may have been impressed by human inventions and technologies, but the divine technology related to the human form is the most marvelous. Through it we can express and experience some of our essences of Being--such essences as being childlike, being a parent, being creative in a myriad ways, of loving in a multitude of aspects and forms. But these essences are only a few of what we divinely are. These few can be expressed through this particular instrument. I am not demeaning the human form in saying that there are only a few essences that can be experienced through it. I am suggesting that we are in fact much greater than we could possibly express through this instrument of expression in which we are now incarnate. However, there is no limitation of opportunity within the range currently available to us.


Most of our creative activity at the moment is of a healing nature, to make whole again, designed to reintegrate the human form into the larger divine organism. To do this, the healing primarily relates to human beings. However, it is no good telling people not to have sorrow, not to be angry, not to be afraid. We bring healing by encouraging them to express who they truly are, because it is only through the expression of divine Being that all the lacks and distortions are dissolved; they are replaced by the expression and the experience of reality. This is the only way to bring wholeness and healing. We are not battling what is absent or distortedly present.


There is seemingly a memory of magic. Science fiction is a modern portrayal of magic—all dressed up in machinery, gadgets, and the like. But in the past, magic was clothed in gods, wizards, fairies. But neither myths nor science fiction are really related to the past or the future. They are evidence of a dim awareness of what is present of Oneself and of the potential and power inherent in Being--fundamentally one’s own Being and the Archangelic Being. This great power and potential relates essentially to the release of radiation, pure power. In the divine sense, inherent in the radiation of Being are the designs for what needs to take form at every level. Interestingly, even now in the human world we can see human technology lumbering towards this awareness—radio, television, all rely on radiation. Gradually it will be found that radiation is the most potent form of healing; also in weaponry, and the use of computers. All these fields are moving in the unconscious ascending process towards the use of radiation. You may wish to meditate upon one simple example of the wonderful power of radiation in the creation of the human brain. Radiation fashioned physical substance into this minutely delicate instrument, without a hammer and chisel! The radiation that we are privileged to know oneness with, is of that same delicacy and power.


Memories and visions of heaven are not related to the past or the future either. They are all ‘sensings’ of what is present in us here and now. Whenever we see or hear anything of beauty that moves us deeply, we are touching into the vast experience of Being, which is now here. And any experience of beauty that we have now, in whatever form, is only a very pale hint of the greater reality with which we have, in fact, some connection now. But the intensity and scope of our current experiences of heaven are tremendously stepped-down because of the depleted and distorted human facility.


We cannot possibly imagine what the experience on Earth would be like with billions of Angels finding clear expression through human form, not only in true relationship with everything and everyone on this planet, but integrated into the power that is moving in the cosmos beyond. This is the Whole of which we are an integral part. We are responsible to give expression to that quality of glory moment-by-moment, through whatever substance is available to us. We don’t have to weigh it, count it, assess it—we simply play our part in the Whole now.


The key to fulfilling our responsibilities in the Whole, is remembering who we Are. I suppose we can help people by outlining to them some of the laws and principles of life, and this may help them get through the day, or through a difficult situation. But when we assist another in remembering who they truly Are, we give the fundamental key which gives them the opportunity to play their part in every moment in the vastness of Being, as it is now. “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him to fish and you feed him for life.”


I appreciate our togetherness in this process of re-minding and re-membering our Archangelic Body.


October 13, 2002      


(There was a live telephone hook-up during this Radiant Service with 13 stations from several locations in Colorado too New York, too London, England, to Victoria, BC,  and Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and elsewhere.)



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