Before you go judging a mofo (short for muthafuc...shut yo mouf), I'm only providing links to my music lists because trading activity is a very real possibility. Let's say, for example, that somebody out there has the MC Puff n Stuff and the Gargoyle Emcees that I've always wanted and I have that Ultra Smooth Fairy Finesse that they've always wanted. Well, that means that we can trade, right? And what better way to tell the entire world what I have than to provide a readily available list. So yeah, that's the reason this page exists, to spread love, not to boast and brag as if to say, "look at all this cool shit I have" cuz the fact of the matter is that my collection is lacking som'thin terrible. Note: These lists are not, in any way, complete. As a matter of fact they're only half done, but half is better than none. I'll be updating on the regular, but until then make do. UPDATE: I couldn't provide a list that the majority could download and I'm too lazy to make lists so if you'd like said lists e-mail me at this address.

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