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Online Unsigned: Self Delusion


It would appear that since it's creation the most popular type of music on MP3.com is dance / electronic.  Is this because out of all the types of music you could create it is becoming the most accessible?  Or is it because you don't have to deal with other people in your musical scheme?  Who reading this would happily forego the pleasure of the vocalist with an ego the size of an Elephant testicle?  Or ignore the bassist with the personality defects and ego over complexities?  One joy of creating electronic music is that when you want the drums to stop they will; and you only have to punch in the information once.

In a way electronic music in the late 90s and to date could be viewed as the greatest liberation of music since some fella somewhere thought hitting a log with a stick might sound groovy.  No longer do you need thousands of pounds for studio time and years of training. Music is now something that has become truly accessible to everyone. The only problem with this freedom is that it is a lot harder to sort the wheat from the chaff.

Self Delusion create a fairly ambient sound that is just this side of euro pop.  The opening track 'The Wings of Gabriel' sounds like the incidental music from the PlayStation game �Nightmare Creatures�.  Your little fella is walking round in circles in a dark 1800s London back street and in the background you hear ominous music that lets you know that something with a ton of teeth is about to attach itself to your nether regions.  The next track 'Masque' starts quite promisingly with guitars before sinking back and relaxing with some ambient noodling.

After listening to all the tracks on the site I felt like there was something that I needed to know to enjoy them.  To be honest I am not a massive fan of this genre; I'm not sure how to listen to it!  I used to love listening to Aphex Twin whilst drifting off to sleep.  Maybe I'll try the same with Self Delusion. They create a nice kind of non invasive music.  It doesn't challenge you; you can just put it on and the mood of the room changes instantly for the better.

Andrew Culture


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