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Online Unsigned - One:Day:Life

Band: One:Day:Life

Web: www.onedaylife.co.uk

Okay, so sometimes flashy design on a website can hide some content that really stinks!  On first arriving at the One:Day:Life website I was struck by how professional it looks, it has found the fine line between smart and impersonal.  On closer inspection it turns out that this band has an average age of about 17!

So, talented design, flashy pictures, but what are the songs like?  If you go to the audio page there are some nice clear links for downloading snippets of their songs.  The only thing that really bugged me here is that you can�t download the whole song, just a brief section.  Saying that, I get the impression that a 30 second sound bite is probably enough to get the idea.  The sound quality is actually pretty good for an online band, slightly scratchy but it almost sounds like that could be deliberate, almost atmospheric!  In fact some of the �extra� noises on these tracks made me feel slightly reminiscent, remembering back to the days when dodgy hardcore bands used to mike up rattling studio windows and creaky floorboards to get a more atmospheric sound!

The best song in my opinion is the last in the list �As Good As It Gets�.  It is representative of the One:Day:Life sound; catchy, dirty, to the point and kinda loose.  The song ambles along with some very enthusiastic guitar playing, at some points it sounds like the rest of the band is having trouble keeping up!

One:Day:Life play a very American sounding brand of punk pop, you will hear a lot of BLINK 182 / GREEN DAY type riffery but singer Mog�s voice make this track really stand out.  The vocals are kinda like John Lennon at his rawest, with a tiny hint of FEEDER.  �As Good As It Gets� perfectly captures a band that is very loose, but that threaten to rock-yer-block off when they tighten up.  Go take a look at their site; theirs may be a name to remember!

Andrew Culture


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