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Live: Mind at Large / Dictaphone / Radium 88

Junction 7, Nottingham

Saturday 4th May 2002

A new venue, a new live night and 3 new bands awaited us as we headed into the centre of Nottingham, which is fast becoming a capital for club and gig goers everywhere. Seven, the new venue situated in Canning Circus, has been billed as an �Ambient bar.� It adds to the string of similar pre-club bars opening in Nottingham. The live area is a function room upstairs with a makeshift stage and respectable PA system. The entry fee of �4 did seem a little steep as this was only the 2nd week for this new event, but by the end of the night all agreed that it was money well spent.

I had become familiar with Radium 88 some time ago and I was particularly intrigued to hear their set. Their original mix of Sci-Fi/Dub/Rap is something new for the Nottingham scene. I suppose their style lies somewhere between Dubstar and Pop Will Eat It�s Self, if they were starring in a 1930�s American Sci-fi movie that is! The female vocals were angelic, the rapping somewhat Urban, bordering on rural. The violin added a ghostly classical texture and the guitar added a strong rock element. The fact that they were using a backing through a medium sized PA may have deflated the set a little in terms of sound quality, but the reaction from the student based crowd was positive, with a fair few CD�s being sold afterwards. The 88 missing folks in Radium would be proud. It�s live Jim, but not as we know it!

The simple fact that Dictaphone set up a glockenspiel made them a hit with me straight away. The fact that the music was so damn good as well probably helped. From the opening track you could not help but think that these guys had something special about them. The sheer power of their music burst straight through. Even a broken bass guitar string could not stop them from propelling the room into a drum and bass and glockenspiel infested frenzy. They sound like a more melodic and vocal version of Add N to X, and definitely have the potential to fill the boots of the London band, if Dictaphone had a car between them! A discussion with the glockenspiel/keyboard player afterward suggested that a name change might be on the cards. Don�t bother guys; if the Dictaphone ain�t broke don�t fix it.

Mind at Large - The headline act! The almost non-existent sound check could have cost them, and did shortly into their set when the synth failed to make any sound at all and the singer complained of monitor problems. When they finally got it sorted though they were great, inducing the first dancing of the evening. It was as if Primal Scream had walked into the room and fired up the amps. The quality of their material is obvious, and they have a strong stage presence. The vocalist seems to like his FX box quite a lot though and this made it difficult to pick out the words. Still, I could not help but like them. They have the ability to tap into the electro-rock market that seems to be on the rise. The mind is definitely at large!

Lee Fewkes


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