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Venue: Chelmsford Army & Navy

When: February 7th 2002

OK so I�ll admit it, I was very dubious about this gig. All I�d really heard about this band was that the line up consisted of three girls and one chap and the young ladies in question didn�t exactly wear much. I have to say that this provoked my usual response of, �The Alternative music scene should be the one place where woman can be creative without out having to rely on their sexuality to gain attention, blah blah blah���

Well Toxic Slut challenged my somewhat purist principles tonight and all I can say is a big hearty �Thank you!�  From the moment they took the stage it was obvious that sex appeal was going to play a major part in their act.  So this is nothing new in rock & roll but when you mix this with excellent thrash punk songs and, most importantly for me, humour, you have a rich cocktail for twenty five minutes of top entertainment. The only fly in the ointment for me was the pathetically muted reaction of the Army & Navy audience. Granted, the majority of those present were probably there to see the two more conventional indie guitar combos either side of the Sluts in the running order but I really feel this band�s good natured ebullience deserved a more enthusiastic response. Still, true to their website�s motto of, �If you don�t like us, we don�t care�, they carried on determined, if nothing else, to enjoy themselves. Hopefully, waxings such as, �Bathroom Wall�, �Sex Party� & you guessed it �Toxic Slut� will soon be committed to disc. As for their cover of �Safe European Home�, all I can say is my initial reaction was, �Top, a Clash song!�  The fact that I found the Sluts rendering totally unrecognisable didn�t diminish my enjoyment one bit.

So there you have it, there is now an alternative to brain-dead boy / girl acts and snooty indie bands and their name is Toxic Slut. For more details check out their website at http://uk.geocites.com/toxicslutuk

(it�s a hoot) or e-mail them at [email protected]             

Put your dancing shoes on, leave your preconceptions at home and be prepared to smile. Go on, you know you want to.  

Paul Wood


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