Atie's Little Obsessions.

Greetings and welcome to a page full of my rantings, fascinations, and obsessions. Here is a world that I have found to be my home away from home. This page has been created in part as a tribute to those actors and actresses out there and their excellent portrayal of the characters that we all love in Movies and the Television. The other tribute is to all those authors that have taken the characters further than they could ever have gone on the screen. The world off screen accumulates its own fans as well as the ones on-screen.

Thank You.

My interests lie in the wonderful world of SLASH Make Believe. If you are new to this world then you don't know that it is where Two beings of the same sex find a lot of comfort in loving each other and expressing that love in whatever form they like and this includes sexual expression. If reading about this is not appealing to you and you are above 18 years of age then look out for the warnings.

If you are below 18 years of age, Thank you kindly for visiting but this is where you stop. You can read about the Movies and Stars at The Internet Movie Database.

If you have reached here then you heed all my warnings and I can do no less than to bid you


As you continue your journey, Here is my Address, please drop a note and let me know what you think.

Email Me.

May your destination prove as interesting as your journey.
AtieJen   Daniels.


This Atie's Little Obsessions site
is owned by AtiJen Daniels.

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