


We thank you Dear Lady

For 500 years of Christianity in the Americas following the discovery of our continent by Christopher Columbus.

For the apparitions of Our Lady of Guadalupe and her motherly protection.

For the blessings given to the Americas through the Immaculate heart of Mary.


We ask you Dear Lady

To bring purification, forgiveness, reconciliation and healing to the church, our priests and religious.

To intercede as patroness of pro-life, for the end of abortion and respect for life.

To protect marriages and families, especially the youth, from false teachings and worldly temptations and bring healing to all family relationships.

To bring reconcilliation, healing and unity to all cultures in the Americas through the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

To draw the spiritually poorest to her Son, Jesus, Our Lord.

To bring an increase of religious vocations and a generous response to the Lord's call.

Now, let us offer our own petitions and intercessions, either vocally or in silence.


Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mother of the Americas, look in compassion on your children. We need your help to keep the faith, to preserve the family, to work together for justice with forbearance and forgiveness, to live and grow in charity.

With our whole heart, we consecrate ourselves to your immaculate heart.

Direct our abilities, our efforts, to the furthering of God's kingdom on earth.

May we do our part to make ourselves and the Americas more worthy of the love you show for us.

Looking on your image, may we grow in the likeness of your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Our Lady of Guadalupe, protectress of the unborn, Queen of Mexico and Empress of the Americas, pray for us.

Before you leave us, you may want to spend just a moment at the graves of two aborted children, whose broken bodies were recovered from garbage dumpsters at South Florida abortion mills. The children were brought to Our Lady Queen of Heaven Church and given a Christian burial. They had no names, so here we have called them, "Joseph" and "Mary."

Joseph and Mary's graves

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