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Esther Flores - 10/14/00 03:58:07
My Email:[email protected]
City: Whittier
State: California
Country: Los Angeles

Me uno sinceramente a las plegarias para estos sucesos tan dolorosos y tristes de nuestra humanidad.

Augustino Nguyen - 03/11/00 05:17:30
My URL:http://www.hometown.aol.com/augustinonguyen
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City: San Jose
State: CA
Country: USa

Praise to The Lord. Dear Sir. I am very happy to get into your site.Absolutely you are working for Jesus and Mary. You are very right: Pray, Pray and Praying is the only way to help the unborn baby. I am a Vietnamese Roman Catholic, and volunteer working for Our Blessed Mother. Every irst Saturday of month, we have one Holy Hour for Christ and Mary, we also always pray for the unborn baby at this time. I knew this terrible number of unborn baby killed. Very, very terrible.That'why Our Mother cried in Akita,Japan and tears and tears wi h blood in Naju, South Korea.If you visit my personal site, you will see how Our Mother tears with Blood!in ALBUM PAGE. I intend to created a few webpages of killed unborn baby, but in Vietnamese language,because my English is not well. Could you show me how to put digital clock to count unborn baby killed. Thanks God and Mary, and thank you. I am waiting for your help. The time is very short and hurried. Remember in Pray. Augustino Nguyen.

Rosanne - 02/25/00 22:21:38
My Email:[email protected]
City: Shakopee
State: Minnesota
Country: USA

Keep up the good work. Great site. The ticking clock really sent a message.

jes�s molina - 10/19/99 00:49:00
City: margate
State: florida
Country: costa rica

se�or jesucristo te rogamos de todo coraz�n ilumines a todas las jovenes que estan embarazadas y tienen la intenci�n de abortar para que recapaciten el gran da�o que hacen a sus vidas y principalmente que con esta acci�n le quit�n el derecho a la vida a na criatura tan inocente que merece la oportunidad de nacer,crecer,vivir,amar, ser amado.

sara z.r - 10/03/99 17:10:13
City: Monterrey
State: N.L
Country: M�XICO

espero que esto del aborto se arregle y que las mamas de estos bebes razonen , y que hagan conciencia de que lo que tienen en su vientre es un ser humano , no una cosa con la que puedes jugar, y es SU BEBE.

Ray - 06/15/99 00:23:48
My Email:[email protected]
City: Barrie
State: Ontario
Country: Canada

Jesus, Mary & Joseph, I love you very much. I beg You to spare the life of the unborn child in danger of abortion & to save the life of the mother. Amen Praise & Glory to You Almighty Father, Son & Holy Spirit

John Parris - 03/14/99 13:28:49
My Email:[email protected]
City: Columbia
State: PA
Country: USA

I recieved this page from a friend of mine in Fla. I used to be a member of Our Lady Queen of Heaven when I lived in Fla. I truly miss the church and the people there. I think your page is wonder and I wish you continued success with it. May God Bless the souls of the poor unfortunate aborted children.

ARIEL - 02/27/99 15:55:24
My URL:1590http://
Country: U.S.A.


Hilda - 02/25/99 10:50:08
My URL:http://www.trading-news.com
My Email:[email protected]
City: Buenos Aires
Country: Argentina

Gracias Nuestra Se�ora de Guadalupe Yo ped� por mi peque�o nieto Lucas y Has escuchado mi ruego. Tus manos se han acercado a su dolor y has obrado en �l con Tu gracia. Hoy �l est� sano y con sus padres. T� que amas tanto a los ni�os y los protejes con Tu amor has puesto Tus ojos en Lucas y hoy lo vemos sonreir otra vez. Seguir� agradeci�ndote en mis oraciones por haber derramado Tus bendiciones, Tu amor y Tus gracias sobre nuestra familia. Nuestra Se�ora de Guadalupe, ruega por nosotros Hilda [email protected]

al castillo - 02/21/99 23:58:47
My Email:alcastillo
City: margate
State: fl.
Country: U.S.A


Mar�a P. Torres - 02/14/99 03:37:08
City: Tamarac
State: Florida
Country: EEUU

Se�or, proteje a todas estas criaturas que est�n por nacer. Dale valor y coraje a sus madres para que acepten a estos ni�os o puedan tomar una decisi�n en favor a la vida que t� como creador les has dado atrav�s de ellas. Proteje a las tambi�n a ellas y dales esperanza para que vean en estas criaturas tu poder Creador. Am�n.

Juana Cardona - 02/06/99 23:08:45
City: Tamarac
State: Florida
Country: EEUU

Se�or en estos momentos te invoco para que el Esp�ritu Santo venga sobre cada una de nosotras las mujeres que llevamos un hijo en nuestro vientre para que, por abandonada o falta de ayuda no cometamos el pecado de asesinarlo antes de nacer. Tambi�n ilumi a a cada hombre para que no abandone a la mujer en estos momentos y comprenda que es maravilloso el fruto que �sta lleva dentro de s�. Gracias Padre por tus bendiciones que a cada minuto recibimos de t�. Am�n

erin - 12/18/98 07:53:14
My URL:http://apps.vantagenet.com/aforums/thread.asp?id=1998111391857

You're doing a great job here. You're right; the clocks of aborted children are very hard to look at. How sad that THAT many lives have been extinguished forever. I run a pro-life messageboard (at the above URL) for pregnant women or women grieving an abo tion...if you're interested in sharing any insights or advice with the people there, your input is welcome there!

10/26/98 13:17:28
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just passing thru and saw your page Thanks

Hilda - 10/10/98 20:40:29
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/athens/parthenon/3600
My Email:[email protected]
City: Buenos Aires
Country: Argentina

Oh Se�or, necesito que mires con Tus ojos a esta sierva tuya, por un momento. S� que tienes que mirar nuestras guerras, nuestros erores, nuestra miseria y nuestra falta de inter�s. Yo s� que debes de estar muy desilusionado con nosotros y por eso pido tu isericordia. S� tambi�n, que t� est�s lleno de amor, por eso escucha mi plegaria, porque no estoy pidiendo para m�, sino para los necesitados. Por aquellos nonatos que nunca podr�n ver la luz si sus madres no los mantienen con vida. Te estoy pidiendo por quellas madres que necesitan apoyo y est�mulo. Estoy pidi�ndole tambi�n a Mar�a y a sus sentimientos de Madre, para que envuelva en su abrazo a todos esos peque�os y los ayude. Por Cristo, Nuestro Se�or, Am�n
O Lord. I need Your eyes fixed upon me, your servant, for a moment. I know that You see our wars, our mistakes, our misery and our mindlessness. I am sure that You are very disppointed with us, that�s why I am praying for Your mercy. I know also that You love me, so please, listen to my prayer, because I am not asking anything for myself, but for the helpless. For those unborn who never will be able to see the light if their mothers don�t allow them to live. I am asking for those moth rs who need encouragement and support. I am praying to Mar�a also, and to Her motherly feelings, to embrace all these little ones and to help them. I ask these things as I ask all things in Jesus' most precious name. Am�n

Marian - 10/10/98 17:09:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/athens/parthenon/3600
My Email:[email protected]
City: Tamarac
State: Florida
Country: USA

Our Lady of Guadalupe, protectress of the unborn, pray for us.

C. Mailloux - 10/10/98 16:54:43
My URL:http://members.aol.com/padrepio.html
My Email:[email protected]
City: Lindenhurst
State: NY
Country: USA

May God bless you.

Rose Nicole Louis - 10/10/98 16:50:02
City: Lauderdale Lakes
State: Florida
Country: USA

I pray that the Lord help each of us women to understand the meaning of life in order to protect the unborn babies that God gives us as a gift to enjoy our life and praise His name.

Renee Smalls - 10/10/98 16:46:44
City: Lauderdale Lakes
State: Florida
Country: USA

We must pray to Jesus for all pregnant women, that they will keep their babies so that they can be born to new life. Also, I ask the Lord to help me to be a better servant. For this I pray.

Luis Enrique Chong - 10/10/98 16:43:39
My Email:[email protected]
City: Lima
Country: Peru

Muchos saludos por tu pagina que esta muy bien, las oraciones , las canciones estan excelentes. Muchisimas gracias por recibirnos en tu casa. Nosotros te esperamos cualquier dia en Lima, Peru. Muchos abrazos Luis Enrique Chong

Orville Lovell - 10/10/98 16:39:54
My Email:[email protected]
City: 19 Fairview Heights
State: St. George
Country: Barbados

I do pray that God will bless all His people in every land, keeping them close under His Almighty arms. May He continue to watch over and guide us each and every day as we strive to do His will.

Cecilia - 10/10/98 16:31:48
City: North Lauderdale
State: Florida
Country: USA

Oremos constantemente por todos los ni�os aun no nacidos. Oremos para que las madres puedan ser iluminadas en el momento de tomar sus decisiones y asi proteger las nuevas vidas que estan por nacer. Que Dios nos perdone por nuestras faltas y nos de fuerz para seguir sus mandamientos todos los dias. Y asi poder abrazarnos como hermanos en Jesus.

ray - 10/10/98 16:28:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Lab/9369/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
City: Glendale
State: AZ
Country: USA

Father-have mercy on us in the precious name above all names, King Jesus.

Fr. E.N. Straszak SSC. - 10/10/98 16:13:20

May God Almighty have mercy upon the murderers of helpless unborn children. May Our Lady pray for them. May Our Lady pray for us all. Amen.

Robin - 10/10/98 16:10:05
City: North Lauderdale
State: Florida
Country: USA


Juliana - 10/10/98 16:04:32
City: Pompano Beach
State: Florida
Country: USA

Ora��o para os abortados ou aborto natural

Dorothy - 10/10/98 15:58:25
City: Philadelphia
State: PA
Country: USA

We must pray for all those mothers who have aborted a child from their wombs, that they will find the Lord again, repent, forgive themselves and open their hearts so that they can feel His love.

Rodney J. Erps - 10/10/98 15:55:05
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/4918
My Email:[email protected]
City: Pekin
State: Illinois
Country: USA

I enjoyed your homepage. I wish all people felt about abortion as you and I do. I am planning on making a page in the future on abortion and hope that it is at least half a good as yours. God bless.

Nancy and John Conn - 10/10/98 15:36:51
My Email:[email protected]
City: Baltimore
State: Maryland
Country: US

We pray to God our Father to bless all the unborn children in the world. We pray that one day all of the children be given the same opportunities as we have been given on this earth. This page serves as an inspiration toward that dream. God bless.

Juliana - 10/10/98 15:26:45
City: Pompano Beach
State: Florida
Country: USA

Ora��o para os beb�s abortados ou aborto natural Pai-todo-Poderoso, Vosso amor por n�s, protege nos contra os dem�nios, para aqueles beb�s abortados de quem V�s os dar como presente de nossa vida. Que a Tua miseric�dia aproxima-se os cora��es das mulheres gr�vidas em nosso dia de hoje que n�o pensam ser m�e. Ajuda elas verem a crian�a que carregam no seu ventre que o Senhor criou-assim como elas- e fez para a vida eterna. � Deus, tira o medo e o ego�smo e dar para elas o cora��o verdadeiro de m�e para amar suas crian�as e seu nascimento e todo aqueles que nec ssitam de ajuda que a m�e sozinha pode dar. N�s pedimos em Nome de Jesus Cristo, Seu Filho, Nosso Senhor, com Quem vive e pertence � V�s, e Esp�rito Santo um s� Deus para sempre. Amem.

Mathilde Eugenia Medina Bezerra - 10/10/98 15:23:48
My Email:[email protected]
City: Sao Paulo
Country: Brazil

Se�or en el silencio de este d�a que amanece, yo vengo preguntarle la paz,la sabidur�a, la fuerza. Yo quiero mirar el mundo hoy con los ojos abatane de amor; para ser paciente; entendiendo, manso y cuidadoso; ver a sus ni�os de las apariencias adem�s c mo usted los ve, y as� para no ver el bueno no en cada uno. La mina �ntima oy� a la calumnia entera. Guarda mi idioma de toda la maldad. Que s�lo de bendiciones est� lleno mi esp�ritu. Que yo soy tan amable y alegre, que todos cu�ntos si ellos se acercan de m� que ellos sienten Su presencia. Me cubre de Su belleza, Se�or, y que en el curso de este d�a, y lo revelo el entero.

Ar�stides Brito - 10/10/98 15:18:06
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Lagoon/3412
My Email:[email protected]
City: Porlamar
Country: Venezuela

Protect the unborn.

Enrique Chong - 10/10/98 15:12:15
My Email:[email protected]
City: Lima
Country: Peru

We must pray for the protection of the helpless unborn.

Liz Toolan - 10/10/98 15:10:40
My URL:http://homepages.enterprise.net/toolan
My Email:[email protected]
City: London
Country: England

Please pray for all those who stand up for the children and sacrifice, like Joan Andrews, their liberty for the sake of God's little ones. Visit Joan's page http://homepages.enterprise.net/toolan/joanandrews Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of human life from conception to natural death - Pray for us. God Bless, Liz Toolan

Ray - 10/10/98 15:04:13
My URL:http://www.hooray2u.com
My Email:[email protected]
City: Glendale
State: AZ
Country: USA

Let's get on our knees to Jesus and praise HIM for HIS love for the little ones - Be encouraged.

Alfredo Hantch - 10/10/98 15:00:07
My Email:[email protected]
City: San Luis
Country: Argentina

Congregatulations. You have a good homepage for the helpless unborn.

The Innocent - 10/10/98 14:54:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/South Beach/Lagoon/6507
My Email:[email protected]
City: Waipahu
State: Hawaii
Country: USA

You really have a good idea for a homepage. There should be more like yours. Protect the unborn!

Jim Davis - 10/10/98 14:40:29
My Email:[email protected]
City: Tamarac
State: Florida
Country: USA

This homepage is a step in the right direction.

Chrysta Stotts - 10/10/98 14:37:28
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/meadows/1105
My Email:[email protected]
City: Clinton
State: Maryland
Country: USA

God bless your ministry. Let's keep fighting for those precious unborn children.

David & Jaimie Taylor - 10/10/98 14:32:58
City: Towson
State: Maryland
Country: USA

This is a powerful message, true to the reality of the changing winds of the upcoming century. We, as children of the universe, must learn to bridge the gap of our diversities and learn the truth of the bonding love that is within us all and that will ev ntually bond all of humanity in peace. We need to be real to ourselves or the inevitable reality will not be just the fear for the lives of the unborn--It will be the pending doom of mankind.

Gaylon & Mo Lovelace - 10/10/98 14:28:27
My Email:[email protected]
City: Dry Ridge
State: Kentucky
Country: USA

Lord, protect the unborn.

Judy Jackson - 10/10/98 14:24:46
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/5105
My Email:[email protected]
City: Temple
State: Texas
Country: USA

I attended the Texas Right to Life rally at the Texas State Capitol in Austin, Texas on Saturday, January 24, 1998. Preceding the rally was a special rosary for life and mass celebrated by the Most Reverend John McCarthy, Bishop of Austin. We Catholics ave always made a stand for the pre-born. Our stand is firm and we continue to pray that some day soon, our prayers will be answered. We pray that unwed mothers have the strength to withstand secular pressures which make them believe that abortion is th ir only alternative. We pray that the women who have had abortions will seek the healing available through Project Rachel and others such as Crisis Pregnancy Centers throughout the nation. Help these women to understand that they are "mothers" in every ense of the word. Their babies are with God, now. God will forgive if they but ask. Let us maintain the sanctity of life for everyone from the moment of conception until the last breath of a natural death. We MUST restore the love of Christ and the v lue of the family to defeat this message from Satan that we can choose between life and death for others. May the Lord bless every pre-born child always and give the mothers the strength to stand firm choosing life.

Andrew - 10/10/98 14:19:02
My URL:http://www.iweb.net.au
My Email:[email protected]
City: Craigmore
State: SA
Country: Australia

It was good to see your page and your stand against abortion. We must pray to the living God, through Jesus Christ, that all abortions will be ended. He is the only one who can help us.

Amie - 10/09/98 21:33:18
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/meadows/1101
My Email:mailto:[email protected]
City: Sault Ste. Marie
State: Michigan
Country: USA

Protect life!

Jim Ryan - 10/09/98 21:26:28
My Email:[email protected]
City: Reisterstown
State: Maryland
Country: USA

Heavenly Father, We pray for all those who are tempted to have abortions that your grace will touch their hearts to realize the dignity and beauty of all human life created in your image and to preserve and nurture that life rather than destroy it. We pray also for tho e who despite your grace have had abortions or have encouraged or participated in them in any way. May they each receive the grace the realize the sinfulness of their actions against human life. May they repent sincerely of their sins; and each in their own way become advocates and evangelizers for the dignity of life. Deacon Jim Ryan Sacred Heart Catholic Church Glyndon, MD

Andrew Silva - 10/09/98 21:19:05
My URL:http://members.aol.com/esilva5534/esilva5534
My Email:members.aol.com/esilva5534/esilva5534
City: Plantation
State: Florida
Country: USA

We must protect all children, born and unborn.

Ray Watts - 10/09/98 21:11:26
My URL:http://mmedia.albion.edu/academic
My Email:[email protected]
City: Albion
State: Michigan
Country: USA

We pray for the end to all abortions

Bob Miller - 10/09/98 20:31:29
City: N. Lauderdale
State: FL
Country: USA

We must never forget the unborn.

Janice - 10/09/98 20:23:29
City: North Lauderdale
State: Florida
Country: USA

Dear People: Take time again to look at all small children. Be still to really see them where ever you are. Talk to them. If you do this often each day, you'll have the love again to have them and be with them. Thank you God bless you all. Janice<

Olga Mohyuddin - 10/09/98 14:21:38
My Email:[email protected]
City: Fort Lauderdale
State: Florida
Country: USA

A very noble effort on behalf of the unborn. May God bless you and your ministry.

Cindy & Don - 10/09/98 13:59:26
City: Frederick
State: Maryland
Country: USA

We pray for the safe delivery of all unborn children.

Diana & Jim - 10/09/98 13:58:14
My Email:[email protected]
City: Davie
State: Florida
Country: USA

We pray that all pregnant mothers will have the joy of holding, caring for and loving their babies.

Linda - 10/09/98 13:54:26
My Email:[email protected]
City: Hampstead
State: Maryland
Country: USA

I pray that the Lord will protect the helpless unborn, especially those whose mothers are planning to have an abortion and kill their babies.

Xavier - 10/08/98 18:01:03
My Email:[email protected]
City: Madrid
Country: Espa�a

Una pagina preciosa Jim. Y como podras comprobar funciona

Bianca - 10/08/98 17:55:28
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/hotsprings/4500
My Email:[email protected]
State: Florida
Country: USA

Nice homepage James. Your sentiments are beautiful

Humberto - 10/08/98 17:50:42
My Email:[email protected]
State: Mississippi
Country: USA

Hola mi amigo! Que dios te vendiga a ti y a tu familia y a los nonatos.

Michael Conn - 10/08/98 03:11:18
My Email:[email protected]
City: Westminister
State: Maryland
Country: USA

I pray for all children, born and unborn.

David McNamara - 10/08/98 03:08:02
My Email:[email protected]
City: Hampstead
State: Maryland
Country: USA

Every child should have a birthday. We pray for the unborn.

Manuel Coello - 10/08/98 02:42:38

We must pray to Almighty God for protection of the helpless unborn.

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