New Year

What did you accomplish
In the year that's just gone by,
Are you happy with the things you did
Did you work and did you try?

Did you really lend a helping hand
When your neighbor was in need,
Or pass a smile to someone
Did you do a kindly deed?

Did the road seem hard and rocky
That you were asked to tread,
Or did you feel complacent
With your stomach so well fed?

Did you work for all the freedoms
That help to keep man free,
Did you take them all for granted
Were you blind and couldn't see?

Did you ever count the good things
That were often sent your way,
Did you kneel and thank your Maker
For the blessings of each day?

Did the resolutions that you made
Fall flat ere they began
Did they seem too hard to follow
Did they interfere with fun?

Now goodbye old, hello the new
Let's make our resolutions few,
Be true to self and man and God
And watch the road whereon we trod. 1

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