wyp Logo 100th Anniversary of the Theory of Relativity! The World Year of Physics
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The World Year of Physics 2005 is a United Nations endorsed, international celebration of physics. Events throughout the year will highlight the vitality of physics and its importance in the coming millennium, and will commemorate the pioneering contributions of Albert Einstein in 1905. Through the efforts of a worldwide collaboration of scientific societies, the World Year of Physics brings the excitement of physics to the public and will inspire a new generation of scientists.

The Puzzle

The primary reason for choosing 2005 as the World Year of Physics is the fact that it is the 100th anniversary of the Theory of Relativity. But then one wonders why the Nobel Prize was never given to the Theory of Relativity? How come no one ever mentions Henri Poincare? Was the original paper a collaborative work of Einstein and Mileva? Or was it entirely done by Mileva Marec?

It is widely accepted that the main contributors to special relativity were Lorentz, Poincaré and, of course, the founder of the theory Einstein. There are no arguements about it among physicists. Having said that, one is amazed to read that Poincaré's reaction to Einstein's 1905 paper was rather strange. When Poincaré lectured in Göttingen in 1909 on relativity he did not mention Einstein at all. In fact Poincaré never wrote a paper on relativity in which he mentioned Einstein. Einstein himself behaved in a similar fashion and Poincaré is only mentioned once in Einstein's papers. Lorentz, however, was praised by both Einstein and Poincaré and often cited in their work.

Questions still remain on how much really was Einstein's original contribution to the 1905 paper on Relativity. Internet is opening up access to a variety of information, previously unavailable to the public on a world level. More and more information on Mileva Marec, Einstein's girlfriend and first wife, is coming out on the web.

A web-based poll on this issue conducted by pbs gives us an idea about the public perception on this today! Recall that a few years ago, very few knew about Mileva Marec!

In the coming months we will investigate all these purely from a scientific point of view. Ours will be an objective view accepting the great work done by Einstein, at the same time finding the missing links on Mileva's contribution.

Here we reproduce a serious article on Mileva-Einstein Maric

This non-commercial impartial page is a personal tribute to the
World Year of Physics and the Theory of Relativity
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