and the Second Destruction

The Second Destruction of Atlantis

As mentioned before, there were three major destructions of Atlantis - with the entire continent sinking in the ocean being the third and final (and the most famous and remembered). There are of course, many opinions as to when this happened - my prediction (based on accounts, dream research, and astrological evaluation) is that this probably occurred around 26,000 years ago.

Atlantean culture was believed to have lasted over the course of 12,000 years, which is certainly longer than any ancient or recent culture that has endured in modern history. The first era, called the "Wa Epoch", lasted approximately 6,000 years and was destroyed by famine, disease, and an unknown "dark force". The second era, known as "Lucia Epoch" lasted around 4,000 years, and was destroyed by a civil war. The third and final era lasted just over 2,000 years - which was the "Golden Epoch".

The background for the civil war in the second destruction was described in this column a few weeks ago (the scientists on Atlantia tried to control the populations on all the other islands). This mass subjugation almost occurred, except that the great seer Wal-Bru returned to his home island of Azoro in time to warn his people - who then in turn were able to warn the people of Perco, Sto, and the Norsa-Wa Islands.

The ISLANDS of Atlantis

The people of Atlantis were divided culturally between the northern and southern islands. In the south was Atlantia, the largest of all the islands and where the capitol (also called Atlantia) was located. Allied with Atlantia were the southern islands of Eura, Atar, Veserka, and Maas. These islands held most of the population, and all had good climates and soil for agriculture.

Two islands that could be considered "neutral" to this north/south conflict were Statara and Sto. Statara - due to its position - had strong ties to both sides, being very close to Atlantia and Veserka in the south, and to the north Delos, whose citizens were considered a "sister island" to Statara. Due to this position, many on Statara became natural diplomats, and the main city - the port of Taralos - was the site of many political treaties, trade deals, and intrigue.

The island of Sto was also neutral due to it's position - and people. (For space sake the island of Sto on this map is shown near all the major islands, however is was actually much farther east, taking several days journey to reach by sea). The citizens of Sto were an eccentric and very independent people, and resented being drawn into the north/south conflict - for while the people of Sto were of Atlantean culture and blood, they did not consider them Atlanteans, but "Stoics".

Actually, the association of Atlantis and the island of Sto came about during the early "Wa" epoch, when all of the Atlantean islands - out of necessity - needed to unite in order to fight off outside invaders. After this was accomplished, however, the people of Sto minimized their contact with most Atlanteans, and only sent their representative to the "Council of Twelve" when is was absolutely necessary.

The northern islands consisted of Azoro, Delos, Perco, along with the Licaga and Norsa-Wa island groups. The Norsa-Wa Island group consisted of thousands of tiny islands that spread from Perco and Azoro to it's three main islands, which were the northernmost Atlantean islands. Azoro was the largest of the northern islands, and it's main city of Dimensa was not only a major port to the outside world, but the rival cultural and political center to the capitol city of Atlantia.


Even in the "Wa" epoch, there was a great deal of interaction and interdependence amongst all the islands, even though each island considered itself a separate state. In the early years of Atlantean history, a system was developed when a decision was needed that would affect all islands - such as trade, fishing rights, and raising and army and navy against outside invasions.

This system was called the "Council of Twelve", and met in the capitol of Atlantia four times each year (interestingly enough to those interested in astrology, during the summer and winter solstices, and both equinoxes!) Each major island sent one council representative, who had one vote in any given matter (while the Norsa-Wa and Licaga Island groups were not major islands, they each also had a representative).

This system worked well during the "Wa" epoch, with each island sending their best strategic minds in the time of a military crisis, or those who mastered economics when the Council of Twelve were to decide trade or business disputes. However, the southern islands began to resent this council representative system, since in the latter part of the "Lucia" epoch most of the population resided in the south (and wished to have a representative system based on population, not by individual islands).

Interestingly enough, it turns out that many of the later decisions so important to Atlantis ended up being decided by the very island - Sto - that didn't want anything to do with Atlantis! This occurred since the southern islands usually had 5 votes from Atlantia, Eura, Atar, Verserka, and Maas, which were canceled out by the five votes from the northern islands of Azoro, Perco, Delos, and the Norsa-Wa and Licaga Island Groups. This left Statara and Sto to cast the decisive votes.

Statara, being diplomatic and having ties to both sides, would usually pass the vote (or if possible suggest compromises, which some say prevented a civil war for 300 years). However (like today) as anger rose, compromises became rare - and the island of Sto had the final vote and would happily respond in a way to anger BOTH sides. Something had to be done - the south decided - and the scientists had just developed a perfect solution which was soon to change Atlantis forever.



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