the first known revolt against mind control

The spark that ignited the Civil War in Atlantis was a device called a "cressa". This was a device placed on the eye - much like a modern contact lens - and was basically a receiver that could pick up electronic signals sent by the scientists from the main island. These electronic impulses could influence the brain, so that those who wore a cressa could be given great feelings and visions of pleasure, pain - and could be influenced by "suggestions" from those who controlled the signals.

The "mad scientists"

You may think that "mad scientists" who wish to rule the world is a story line limited to a science fiction thriller, but as you will see it is a plot from one of the world's OLDEST cultures. At this time in Atlantean history, science was at a stage never seen before, and it seems a few in charge of all this knowledge and power were corrupted by it.

The first attempt by the scientists (who were primarily from the main southern island) was to create a race of super warriors, who could defeat the superior soldiers and sailors who were found in the northern islands. This was done by kidnapping victims from the northern islands and subjecting them to horrible experiments (genetically mixing them parts of animals and beasts which produced half-human/half-animal creatures). As mentioned in the section describing the Culture and Geography of Atlantis, those in the north were more physically evolved (excelling in sports and being keenly adapted to water - some could stay underwater as long as a dolphin!- so were perfect subjects for these experiments)

An Egyptian drawing of the Half-human/half-animal warrior creatures created by the Egyptian version of Plato's Atlantis

However, when these experiments were discovered and made public, the condemnation by the masses forced a majority of the representatives on the Council of Twelve to order the experiments to halt. (The Council of Twelve was basically the executive branch of government in Atlantis. It consisted of 10 members who each represented one of the 10 major islands that made up the continent of Atlantis, and two who represented the thousands of tiny islands - which were usually inhabited only by one to several families).

Even though there was an executive order to halt these experiments, they still went on - unofficially. Despite a long standing agreement that all islands must abide by the decision by the Council of Twelve - which was one of the oldest legal institutions of Atlantis - the main island of the south continued these experiments in the greatest of secrecy (and with the full knowledge of many ministers and the island's Council representative. However, the current situation made it impossible to create an army of "beast-warriors", for while it was easy to conceal a few experiments, one could not easily hide thousands of genetic mutants.

A "fad" controls the masses A breakthrough came for the scientists with the development of the "cressa", which was a small device that looked very similar to a small contact lens that many people wear in their eyes today. This device, however, was a tiny receiver that could pick up signals sent by the scientists, and could transfer these electronic impulses directly to the brain. The cressa then, was a way the scientists could control people, for suggestions sent to one wearing this device were often carried out (often times with the individual unaware of what they were doing).

The cressa could also stimulate many different parts of the brain, so that the scientists could send signals that could bring great feelings and visions of pleasure as well as pain. Realizing that the people of Atlantis would not willing place a cressa in their eyes so they could be controlled - the cressa was introduced to the public as a pleasure device. To assure success, the scientists found a part of the brain that when stimulated, created experiences of pleasure that exceeded those felt from sex. To say the least, the device was very addictive, and within a few months nearly everyone on 7 of the islands were under the scientists complete control.

Wal-Bru the "seer" Oddly enough, the very islands the cressa was intended for - the 3 main northern islands - were not accepting them. This was due to a seer named Wal-Bru, who had lived on the tiny island of Kos - alone - for over 75 years. One month before the introduction of the cressa, Wal-Bru appeared on the island of Azoro, which was the largest of the northern islands (and his place of birth).

In his youth, Wal-Bru was well known as writer of beautiful and mystical poems - which years later the people of Azoro learned that his "poems" were actually prophecies that came true! Thousands of people passed through his gates for many years, hoping to be present when he wrote his poems - for whoever was near him when he became "inspired" to write, was usually to whom the prophecy applied. Being overwhelmed by visitors from all over Atlantis, and even nobility from other parts of the world, Wal-Bru at the age of 30 left society to live as a hermit on a group of islands that were on the outer most reaches of the Atlantean empire.

Upon seeing him return many were joyed, yet realized his return was significate. Even though he had not spoken to another person for 75 years, there in front of a huge crowd who came to greet him, Wal-Bru at the age of 105 spoke his final words,

"Golden eyes brings pleasure not, instead the south sends it thoughts"

After reciting his final poem, Wal-Bru peaceably lied down and died. Of course the people of Azoro did not know the meaning of the poem - until one month later - when traders from the south arrived with the gold colored cressas to be put on ones eyes to bring the "joy of one's lifetime". A warning was put out immediately to all the northern islands and allies. However, for some this warning was too late. With 7 islands under the control of the scientists, they now had a majority in the Council of Twelve and could now issue decrees to impose their will (for example, wearing a cressa was now manidatory for ALL citizens).

Out numbered, the three remaining free islands rebelled which started the Great Civil War - and the Second Destruction of Atlantis had begun.

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