the island of magic and time travelers

The mountain and desert of PERCO

Perco was the 5th largest of the major islands of Atlantis, and next to Licaga had the smallest population. The island was mostly desert, the only habitable area being the peninsula on which the capitol of Parogea was built. The peninsula had lush gardens and forests, and it was said that in ancient times the entire island used to be so.

Just beyond the peninsula was Mt. Wasenata, which was the highest point in the Atlantean islands. The belief on Perco was that the mountain was magical, if not a living creature unto itself. It was discovered in ancient times that all who climbed to the upper reaches of Mt. Wasenata returned as "changed", and seem to acquire special "magical" powers. It later became a ritual that all children at the age of 13 - the age considered when a child becomes an adult - should journey up the mountain to find themselves and their power.

Perco was thought to have the oldest culture of all the Atlantean islands, second only to the island of Sto. One of the early myths of Atlantis was the story of how a "fire from the sky" fell upon Perco, which explains why most of the island became a desert. Everything west of Mt. Wasenata was said to have exploded into flames, and the fires are said to have burned for "three new moons", or just under 3 months. After the fire, nothing could grow in this area again. Those who ventured out into the desert never returned - except for 4 individuals - who were to become the greatest magicians of all Atlantis.


During the first age of Atlantis, the Wa epoch, one known as Mewa set out to explore the desert after his initiation on Mt. Wasenata. His family and friends were naturally distressed, since this was a trip from which no one had ever returned. However, due to the respect for whatever vision one had while on the mountain, he was allowed to make this journey. Three years later he returned, and appeared as a man of 60 with white hair and long bread, even though he was only 17 years old. He also acquired a special power, being able to summon, control, and perform magical feats with fire.

Mewa told of how he was picked up by a "cloud" and taken to a great lake in the desert. By the desert was a small "tent", but inside was as large as a great city, the most beautiful city he had ever seen (which was later called Zalemula). While he never saw anyone he could still hear voices and these voices could hear him. Inside this great city, Mewa lived over 40 years and was taught all the knowledge by the dwellers, who one day said it was time for them to leave. Stepping outside the "tent", Mewa saw it "turn to light", then disappear. It then took him 3 years to walk back to Parogea.

After hearing of Mewa's adventures, many in Perco set off to find Lake Mewa, as it was now known. Even though they now had a map by Mewa that described most of the desert area, none of them returned. Mewa was later to save Perco in one of the first invasions from the outsiders before all the islands of Atlantis united. At age 120 he was again "called" by the voices, and returned to the lake with almost a small village: his 3 wives, 51 children and grandchildren and several groups of friends and their families. They were never seen or heard from again.

Dorota, Branata, & Kos

The life of Mewa was said to have occurred in the later part of the 3th millennium in the Wa epoch (which lasted 6,000 years). In the end of the Lucia epoch - which lasted 4,000 years - something strange occurred with the disappearance of three children. The two girls Dorota and Branata, and the young boy Kos, each became missing after their separate journeys Mt. Wasenata. On the day that each of these 13 year olds journeyed up the mountain, there was a huge display of fire in the sky - lasting all day and all night. Even at midnight it was said to be brighter than the longest day, "lighting from all that not even a shadow existed anywhere".

Exactly 3 years to the day that each child went missing they mysteriously returned. Each, as Mewa, appeared to be 60 even though they were only 17. Each also had acquired a special power: Kos with water (who, as we saw earlier, parted the ocean to save the Licaganians), Dorota with air, and Branata with the earth. All of these magicians, as you will see later, played important roles in the civil war of Atlantis, even the return Mewa (who as we will see, was the one responsible for the disappearance of the three).

Keep in mind that all citizens of Perco had a special talent, that those from the other islands of Atlantis considered magical. However, Dorota, Branata, and Kos - in the Lucia epoch - were by far the most powerful, and also share several interesting relationships with Mewa. One interesting fact was that all three had the same birthday (the fall equinox, September 23) and the same birth time (noon). A Perco historian was later to discover that Mewa had once said he would return to:

"...collect the three that will save me, Who will save the people I love, and the people whose eyes are still free, Save the next generations so there may be a golden age, Save the even further generations so humanity may journey through my tent's door."

Did Mewa return after nearly 7,000 years to "train" Dorota, Branata, and Kos? Note also that even though this passage was written in the Wa epoch, there is strong reference that he had knowledge of the civil war in the Lucia epoch - that is, "the people whose eyes are still free" could be a reference to those that were not subjected by the cressa mind control device. He also names the 3rd epoch of Altantean history by name: the golden age.

What of the reference so that humanity can be saved so that it may journey through his tent's door? This was a mystery throughout every epoch of Atlantean history, however there is a possible explanation now. The "tent" he described by the lake could have been a transporter, which sent him to an alien civilization, therefore explaining why it appeared as a small tent from the outside, but became a huge city once inside. Could it be that Mewa is still in Zelemula, waiting for humanity to find the transporter so we may "journey through his tent's door?



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