How to make each Zodiac Sign Fall in Love with YOU


No need for the long, flowery speeches that you would find in a Shakespeare play. ACTION is what these signs want - in their life, and in their mate. Forget the gentle boat rides in the Moon light. Or the long, quiet walks. Their idea of romance are the kinds of things you would find in an Arnold Schwarzenager movie. They want those explosions, chases (cars, or on foot), and dramatic rescues. Even the males want to be chased aggressively - with as much commotion, noise, and action as possible.

Since Aries are usually very physically oriented types, most need more than just hugs or soft caresses. While holding them, squeeze real hard when a kiss comes to show it is affecting you beyond control. They will love that. Many like hard squeezes on their behind - very hard squeezes, (but start out slow to see exactly how much, and where). Nearly all Aries go wild if you scratch and massage their head and scalp. Muss their hair (aggressively) when you first meet them and watch them light up! They probably will fall in love with you right then and there...

Even though many Aries have large egos, oddly enough, they have a large amount of insecurity as well. Always admit you are jealous, even when you are not. You must also be impressed with everything they have done in the past, and what they are doing now. Be creative. If they finished a race in 8th place (out of eight runners), tell your Aries he or she was the most graceful of all the others. And that, after all, to you is more important. Find a way they are the best in whatever they do, and you will soon see they have a desperate 'need' to be with you a lot. They want an optimist for a mate, (and they are by nature, even though they don't always act that way).

With an Aries, you must always give them 100% of your attention when you are with them. Even glancing off during a conversation is a signal you are not giving them your full attention. So ALWAYS look them directly in the eyes when they are speaking to you, and when you speak to them. The more intense the stare, the better. Never be the first to say 'I love you'. Once they think you're conquered, a certain thrill is gone. So, follow the rule of 'don't say it - do it'. (Remember? Show it with ACTION!)

Their weird way of needing proof is another reason to let them say "I love you" first. Next to Pisces, these are one of the worst signs in putting you through hell to 'prove' your love. (And you probably already know your Aries can create more hell and trouble than anyone in town). The secret, then, is to worship them - WITHOUT saying you're madly in love. This will drive them crazy! It will finally dawn on them that they are in love with you, once they put it together that all those others who professed their love STILL can't make them feel the way YOU do. Even after they announce they love you, hold off a bit before admitting you do. Just before you put the rings on each others fingers at the wedding might be an appropriate time to do so. For some Aries, though, even then might be too early. Use your own discretion.


Never complain that you always have to go over to their house. Their home is where they feel the most comfortable. And this, probably, is where you will be spending most of your time. Learn to like it. Learn also where they keep everything in the kitchen, for you will probably be cooking over there a lot too. (It makes them nervous hearing you fumble around looking for the right saucepan, or whatever. Handle their possessions with extreme care). Their home is also the best place to seduce them......after you cooked them a wonderful meal, of course.

I can not stress the importance of good food in attracting a Taurus. In their vocabulary, 'find food' and 'romance' basically mean the same thing. You can't cook? Then you'd better learn, or have a friend that is a gourmet cook, (preferably one with 12 or more years experience at a 5 star restaurant). Less than 1% of these signs are vegetarians, and many only tolerate fish, so get in good with the local butcher to give you the finest cuts of steak, lamb, and ham. Always have dessert ready even though they will claim they don't want any, or shouldn't. Forcing them to eat that chocolate cake is proof that you really must care for them, and their happiness.

As with other signs, it is not a matter of impressing a Taurus to gain their admiration, you have to make them feel comfortable. This means YOU have to feel good also. Some of you men may need to shave twice, to make sure there is not one patch of stubble that may scratch them while kissing. Women may need extra lotion so nothing is chapped (especially the lips). Always make sure whatever you wear will feel good against their skin. Stay away from the synthetic material, and make sure you only wear natural fibers around them. The favorite material for many Taurus people is cashmere, whether on you - or on them. Remember that the next time you want to buy them something to wear (a task which should be done often, by the way).

Touching a Taurus needs to be done with the greatest of care. Soft, gentle strokes of the finger tips - just barely touching the skin - is the best way to start. The secret for arousing one of these is to make them feel comfortable first, then hot. Never start kissing directly on the lips right away. Better is to start on the shoulders or neck, which is where many are the most sensitive. If these are covered then start with the hands and work your way up. Some of the shy ones need to be held for several hours before they can be comfortable kissing. Take your time in any case. Believe me, this will certainly be worth the wait.

When a Taurus finds a good thing, they love to do, or have it, over and over. You'd better be prepared to do the same. Never even hint this is starting to become boring. For being accused of such is their greatest fear. Making them confront this fear will have them freeze like a glass iced tea in the north pole. And they will stay that way for months. This sign takes to change very slowly, and rarely want too many surprises in their life (unless it is a new dessert you found for their mid-night snack). Just find the things you BOTH love doing together, then do them over and over and over....


Rather than going through the stomach, with this sign you have to go through the brain to hit their 'love button'. It's not the question if you are attractive, sexy, or romantic enough. The real issue is: are you interesting enough? Read up on your politics, history and philosophy - both past and present. Learn one, or two other languages. They loved being talked to in different accents, especially in bed. Find out their interests, then fill up your house with books on those subjects. Make sure your computer is plugged into the information super highway. When all these things are in place, you will start seeing them over your place a LOT....

Learn to put up with all their other current, and ex-lovers. The secret in catching a Gemini is simply to be their friend. Deep emotional conversations will only scare them away. Forget trying to make them fall madly in love with you. Just be the last friend standing, after everyone else has slit each others throat, or ran off in frustration. Many of these have to be taught about deep love and intimacy, for their idea of romance is simply having a lot of friends. So be their best (and most interesting) friend, for that is who they usually end up with.

The most difficult aspect of dealing with a Gemini is their "I-don't-know- what- I-want" game. This can be truly frustrating, I know. Some will even act more bewildered if they sense you don't have the nerve for it (a sort of 'can-you-put- up-with-me-acting-like-this?' Gemini test). Instead of following this psychological merry-go-round, play the game with them (which will raise your score on being 'interesting'). What these signs really want deep down is VARIETY. There, you now know what every Gemini wishes they knew about themselves. Now, here's how to use this most important fact.

Never offer all your ideas first, when a Gemini is 'wondering what to do'. Instead, play with all the suggestions they have already made. Get excited over whatever offers the most variety. Act bored if it was done recently. "Go to Paris this weekend? Weren't you there last month? Disco? Again? A midnight swim? Hey, haven't done that in a long time, could be fun!" Never actually say you want to do anything, just that it might be interesting, or fun. After you both have completely exhausted running up and down their suggestions, THEN you present your ideas. Coming up with ideas when a Gemini has run out, shows you are in their league mentally. Most will fall in love with you at this point, though none will admit it.

You can touch a Gemini just about anywhere to get them excited, AFTER you have talked dirty to them. Call them at work, and tell them where you'd like to stick your fingers. Suggest sneaking in the coatroom while dining. No other sign is aroused so much by steamy verbal suggestions. Sex novels were invented with them in mind. Go to the library and check out a few to develop some good lines. They love it when you speak softly real close to their ear. And this, by the way, is the best place to start kissing. After all, that is where you come in closest contact with their brain!


This sign will require more experimentation than any other to find out what turns them on. Don't be fooled by how simple they appear. This is a typical Cancer defensive mechanism - acting very plain and common. They do this to see how you will try to manipulate they can later turn around and manipulate YOU. Just act as plain, as they do. Of course they know there is a lot more to you. They can sense that a mile away. But they are fascinated by one who plays the same game they do.

Once people realize there is something under those seemingly simple first impressions, many make the mistake in thinking there must be an extremely complicated character to deal with. Don't be afraid, or turned off. You are in for a delightful surprise....if surprises are what you enjoy. A few can be rather complicated, but underneath that veneer of blandness is Cancer's biggest secret. A secret so deeply buried in the oceans that many Cancers don't even know. They are not overly complicated, or complex. They are just plain WEIRD.

You can easily understand this weirdness, and probably will later come to enjoy it. We all know how Cancer people are famous for their moods. However, unlike other signs, who change from anger, to sadness, to being happy - a Cancer's mood change only switches between opposite polarities. Of course, this can be 'expressed' in many different ways - which is what causes all the confusion in the first place. But the truth of the matter is, Cancer people usually move between only two emotional states: the need to be a mother, and the need to be a baby. Yes, this can change in a matter of seconds, and it often does. However, no matter what behavior you see in front of you, just remember they either want to be the parent, or the child, in any given situation. Simply find out which, (don't worry, you'll be given plenty of 'hints'), and then play the opposite role.

When they are in their 'mothering' role, it is best if you act tragically in need of care....the more pitiful the better. Cancer people equate need with love, which is why they take in so many 'strays' - both animals and humans. This is the role they like best, for they can exercise their control, outright and direct. Simply be slave when they are in this mode, bowing to their every command. When they are in their 'child' role, act the stern parent (with that unspoken attitude of "I know what's best for you" in every sentence). Many will act out the 'problem child', in which case you will probably have to be a slave, bowing to their every command.

Along with Pisces, these are the most sensitive of the zodiac. So take extreme care with any joking or teasing. Or better yet, avoid it all together. These signs know that in order to make a joke about their nose (or whatever), SOMETHING about their nose has to be an issue to begin with in order to receive the attention. So instead, tell them how much you love that nose. Even better is to write it in a love letter. It doesn't have to be a long one. But you will have to write at least one a day. They have a need to collect mementos. Give them enough and you'll be in that collection.


This sign is one of the easiest to have fall in love with you, for many are displaced romantics who feel their being here in the 20th century is some freak of nature. They were supposed to be born in more chivalrous times. And they were supposed to be a king or queen. Show that you recognize their nobility and they will fall in love with you immediately. It's really that simple.

The only difficult part is getting their attention. You probably will have to fight your way through a crowd of admirers they always seem to have around....and even then they may not notice you. One way to get their attention is to look at them uncontrollably, for they always know when someone is noticing them. If you stare at them long enough, they will always come over to see why (to learn what it is about them you find so appealing). Tell them. Loud enough so everyone can hear.

If you are one who doesn't want to play the role of worshipper, there is another way to get their attention. Get your own crowd to surround you, and be a center of attention yourself! Then they will come after you, sensing that royalty deserves royalty. If you don't have enough friends to pull this off, then dress up like a rock star - or look like you should be famous...somehow.

When you finally do get within their 'inner circle', appeal to their sense of humor. A deep fear for many Leo people is that no one really understands their funny side. And for good reason - many don't. Show that you appreciate this part of them right from the start. Laugh at their jokes, tell them how all your friends laughed at it also when you passed it on, and remind your Leo how you still get a chuckle from something they said weeks ago. Over a period of time, you should see how they use humor to keep their pride in high gear. Do the same, and they will soon wonder how they ever lived without you.

This is one of the serious fun-loving signs of the zodiac, so it is important to just have fun during visits, and in your conversations early on. Hold off creating rules for the relationship, or pressing for a commitment. These things are supposed to happen naturally, in their opinion. Let it be so. When it suddenly dawns on them that, a) you are the only one who really understands them, and b) for some reason you seem to be the one that's always there - THEN it will (naturally) seem you must be the one.

Creativity is what impresses Leo the most. If you are cooking for them remember that the food has to LOOK nice on the plate as well. Visit a four star Japanese or French restaurant to get ideas for food presentation. You don't have to be a famous artist, just be original in whatever it is you do. Know how you make an extra effort for someone on their birthday? With a Leo you basically have to do this everyday. Remember, it's not enough that you have to make a Leo feel good, you have to make them feel SPECIAL. After all, you are dealing with royalty.


More important to a Virgo than your looks, or what you have in the bank, is your health. To get one of these starsigns to fall in love, it is important you are disease, stress, and germ free. Did you just step off the train after an 18 hour trip and happen to see them at the station picking up a magazine - and you want to walk up and say 'hello'? Not on your life. Go home and shower first. Forget the high priced French perfumes, or ultra powerful colognes. For although smell is very important to a Virgo, you don't have to reek like a flower market. You just need to smell.....clean.

Lucky for you this sign has a healthy attitude about sex. A very healthy attitude about sex. To a Virgo, sex is just as natural as breathing. So it is YOU that better not have any hang ups about sexual acts, or being seen naked. They will pick it up right away and sense something must be wrong.... something with you. If you invite them over for dinner, or whatever, your place had better be spotless. Just 'straightening up' won't do, disinfecting every square inch is what is required to obtain their approval - especially the bathroom. Notice how that is the first place a Virgo 'needs' to go when they come over? You may think it is to use the toilet, but you're wrong. It's an inspection. If you pass, they will stay over - if not, something will come up and they will be gone. Forever.

One element of Virgo behavior that is often misunderstood is their critical nature. When they start picking on you and pointing out your faults, you may think they are trying to start a fight. Or that they are finding reasons to leave you. Wrong. As twisted as it sounds, when a Virgo starts being critical towards you - that is the sign they are falling for you! You see, they are perfectionists, and view their nagging as an at of love. They honestly think they are making you better. Helping you come up their standards. (And 99% of the time they do improve whoever they are with).

While other signs are moved by flowery words, or fur coats, a Virgo is deeply touched and impressed by one who really works hard. The job doesn't matter. If you are giving it your all to repair automobiles, heal people, or making your shop clean, a Virgo is sure to fall in love with you. Work is their real love in life, and they want someone who can keep up with them. (They fall in love faster when you do chores for them without being asked, by the way). Heaven forbid any of your 'gestures of love' start to interfere with their work. A lover stops being a lover when they get 'in the way' of the work a Virgo needs to do.

So how do you get them away from their work in order to have some romance? You may have to resort to force. Kidnap them to an isolated Mediterranean island, one with no phones. Or, after you get a day or two ahead in matters, pull the fuses out so there is no electricity to run the typewriter or computer. Only when they feel they have no control over such situations, can they enjoy some time off without feeling guilty about being away from work. But don't keep them away from it too long.

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