Lessons for each Star Sign for the 21st Century

...what you need to know before you do ANYTHING in the new millenium...!


Several events this year may assist many Aries to confront, then later overcome a personal fear they were UNAWARE of. While it is true Aries are usually fearless in nature - their courage, however, is often directed towards EXTERNAL elements. They will bravely challenge a group who hold a different idea, they will speak their mind openly against a boss (or any OTHER authority), and Aries is usually the one who will stand up in front of the whole class to point out how the teacher has made a mistake. However, fear over something INTERNAL, such as deep feelings, is a very different matter with this fire sign.

More than likely this previously unknown personal fear is related to some suppressed feelings, or experiences. (Which is one of the reasons WHY it is unknown, since it has consistently been 'pushed' deep down into the emotions - so the mind will not have to 'think' about it, or deal with it). Perhaps also this "suppression" has been going on anywhere from 8 months to 2 years, which may offer a clue as to what experience or feeling is the issue causing the fear.

It is very likely the beginning of March (or two to three weeks before your birthday) will reveal the first events which will touch upon your inner fear. Chances are a Pisces, Scorpion, or Cancer, or one with these ascendants may be involved in this particular situation. While your first impulse may be to AVOID this confrontation - DO NOT - otherwise you simply repeat the pattern that has been going on for the past years or so.

Instead, listen carefully to what ACTUALLY is the idea, or thing, that causes you to react - especially if it is an emotional reaction (or suppression). Once you see what the real issue is, STUDY IT. For example, if the reaction came while being invited for a swim, stop then to study WHY. Your mind will probably create 'standard' excuses: no time, no money, no transportation - Bullshit! Look beyond these. Study why EMOTIONALLY this does not appeal to you, for this will be closer to the truth. Are you afraid of the water, or feel uncomfortable to be seen in a swim suit? Perhaps the pool itself, or something/someone at the pool is the source of the feelings....

The lesson will begin when you explore the emotional reasons for wanting to avoid the event. In most cases you will not see the basic reasons right away, but you will at least have area to see in what DIRECTION the feelings are moving you towards. Other times this issue may come up strongly are mid - May, the beginning of July, and the end of September/beginning of October. It would be helpful to list all the 'issues' that come up during these times, and later see what they all have in common.

Once this issue causing the personal fear is seen, then steps to rid it from your personality can be easily developed. Once accomplished, you may be surprised how free, and how much stronger you feel After all, it takes a lot of energy to keep a fear suppressed deep within the emotions.....!


The coming lesson could certainly create a big change your life, and in a most wonderful way! It seems a metamorphous is taking place in a certain way you communicate (or express yourself), and a new talent may be the outcome of this change! Discovering a new talent can, of course, be exciting. But hold on, there is even MORE good news. This talent will be very useful (as well as for the REST of your life), for when it is learned, for you will be able to COMMUNICATE what you want more EFFECTIVELY.... thereby getting what you WANT more OFTEN! How long have we waited for THAT...?

Since Taurus are usually lovable characters, they often get what they want simply by making the other person feel comfortable. Also, their ability to simplify a complex situation means a Taurus business plan is often taken, since most groups gravitate towards the SIMPLEST option as a solution, or plan of action These natural, easy going, and simplistic tendencies however, do not always assist Taurus in certain types of communications - ones that present cold or tough negotiations. (Especially if there is a Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius on the other end driving the hard bargain......)

Perhaps as early as the beginning of February, or for others the end of March, you may see the first sign of this transformation. It may not be a wonderful experience (for indications are you may be taken advantage of, either financially, time wise, or emotionally. It may be you have to become infuriated FIRST, for anger may be the only energy that can motivate you into action. Since it has been estimated that an explosion using at least 12 sticks of TNT is required to get a Taurus off their ass, it may be the anger necessary at this time can be pretty explosive, too. But all this 'letting off steam' is for a good cause - the motivation - and an important clue is seen.

When the anger has burned out (and all the necessary apologies have been given out, and received), look carefully at your mistakes in this situation. Then DISCUSS these with the others involved. Study the ways you have overlooked their feelings, or how you missed what they ACTUALLY considered important in this issue. (In negotiations, finding AND realizing clearly what the other holds important is 90% of this art). Write all these things 'neglected' on a list, and find the common element.

When you have this element DESCRIBED, you will then be able to introduce it as a TOOL in future negotiations. Once you learn how to see what is important in the other parties negotiation, you will then be better able to COMMUNICATE IN TERMS OF THE OTHER PERSONS INTERESTS. So, rather than you shouting "A", and the other party screaming "B", you simply say "B + 7".......... and if "B + 7 "actually EQUALS "A", then the deal is done! End of June, beginning of September and end of November will offer some 'developments' of this talent. What a fun year THIS is going to be - getting what you want MORE often.....!


Do you know what ONE thing would make your life easier? This new year you should not only see it, but also have several opportunities to DEVELOP this mysterious attribute. So, it may be this year you are able to cut out a lot of the hectic and chaotic episodes that seem pop up a lot. You may find yourself not standing in so many lines, not dealing with so many canceled meetings, and also not finding yourself being rushed so often.

No idea? Before you say a new car, or some other time saving device, think again. The one thing you have a chance to learn (that will probably cut 60% of the chaos out of your life) is not some machine. This thing has to do with the way you THINK, or plan things. The big lesson that can change your life this year is: ORGANIZATION.

But you say you are ALREADY well organized? Perhaps in some ways. Many Gemini people ARE very good at scheduling things (like the 1,001 activities they would like to do during any given week). But do all 1,001 things usually get DONE in any given week? No. The reason being that scheduling is only ONE part of organization. The OTHER parts of organization can be learned now in 1996.

Nearly all the other star signs have certain times during this year when events, people, or other energies will have a stronger effect to assist in learning their lessons. Your lesson however, can begin on January 1 (and be practiced on any day after). This is since your lesson needs only YOU to make the decision to learn these other sides of organization - which are: (1.) proper execution of whatever is planned, (2.) the ability to schedule what you ACTUALLY have time for vs. what you THINK you have time for, and (3.) choosing the right people.

Organization is MORE than just listing things you need to do on a piece of paper. You must be able to manifest the plans into reality. That is, DO the WORK required to make an idea turn into something practical This ALSO means in situations where you RELY upon others, the people you CHOOSE must be able to do so ALSO.

In heaven, the police are British, the cooks are French, the engineers are German, and the lovers are Italian. In hell, the police are German, the cooks are British, the engineers are Italian, and the lovers are always surrendering.

European Community Joke (year 2002).....E C cultural humor approval code # 2345-23 - TZ - GEX - 987 - 56TF - MMC........Apology accepted by France (year 2008)

How not to end up in your own personal hell? Simply take your time in 'organizing' those you may rely upon. Rather than delegating them jobs immediately, take your time. Make a long chess game out of it, instead of deciding immediately like a ship captain under enemy attack. You usually collect the right people, this year you will learn how to put them in the right order, or arrangement.


What one mental skill would have helped improve some of the more tense moments from the last, say, five years? Could you have been more hard? Perhaps so. More forceful in expressing your dissatisfaction? Probably yes here, too. However these have more to do with regulating your emotional nature, and are not totally mental skills as such. The mental skill that has a chance to be developed in a very big way this year is the art of diplomacy.

Cancer do have a special 'caring quality' found in no other sign (except for a few positive Pisces that pop up once every 120 years or so). Because of this caring, Cancer naturally do have a special sense of being diplomatic. However, this 'Cancer Diplomacy' is often a form of avoiding an issue, or 'side-stepping' a confrontation, than actually getting two different parties to AGREE on something. This year offers several chances to develop, and improve this skill of actually settling things.

Cancer can certainly 'feel' the needs of the other parties involved (which, of course is important in diplomacy). The trick, however, is for the mind to construct a solution BASED on all these impressions. Why does this not happen already? Probably since their mind is using the information to manipulate things. The tendency for Cancer to solve things is: (1) TAKE CONTROL, (2) Find out what is wrong, (3) then manipulate the environment in line to the solution Cancer wishes.

Many people fight it when a Cancer trys to take control, which is of course, the wrong action to take. The other 11 signs will usually try to do #2 first, which means the problem STILL GOES ON while everyone is 'looking around' wondering what the fuck to do. No doubt the Bosnia problem would NOT have gone on for almost 5 years, had more decision makers in the UN and at NATO been Cancers. (So, if you are not a Cancer: let the Cancer take control at this phase, if they feel they must to solve a problem. You'll be in good hands until the problem is found...)

When the problem is identified, the Cancer will then decide if they want to deal with it, or leave it to someone else better suited. If a Cancer wants to tackle it, the control remains PLUS the manipulation starts. Rather than using the needs within the others to come up with a satisfactory agreement, most Cancers will use the needs of others to push, twist, and move the others around - so the Cancer can STILL keep control....! (Then they wonder why the others rebel later on).

When Cancer learns to use the impressions they 'picked up' by their intuition to bridge the gap between negotiating parties, instead of manipulating, the lesson of true diplomacy will be learned now. This will be especially so, if the Cancer can also negotiate this while being one side of the parties involved.


What makes Leo people so wonderful? Is it because they seem to move us the way certain actors in TV or films do? Is it because they ALWAYS seem to know just how to cheer one up who is on hard times? Or, is it because they were the only one who would lend you money when you needed it the most? Whatever it is, one can certainly say it comes from inside - straight from the heart.

The focus for an important lesson this year for Leo is related to the heart. It will not be a test or anything to show how BIG their heart is - we all know a human heart can not get much bigger (or more generous) than a Leo one. The special lesson also will probably not lie in the area of whatever love relationship is either being found or lost. More than likely, what will be learned has to do with how a Leo looks in their OWN heart, and whether they are being true to themselves, or not.

It may be many Leos over the past few years have been moving AWAY from a certain desire that is burning deep inside them. There are thousands of different reasons, just as there are thousands of different stories to explain them: outside obligations, cultural traditions, parents who do not allow certain freedoms of expression, or a partner who will not allow their Leo to be a Leo. Whatever the reason, it seems many Leos then had to dim a special light that shines in their heart - and for those that have been neglecting it for a longer time - this light may not shine at all.

This year can bring a change to this condition, if the lesson of honesty can be learned - the very difficult lesson of being honest to one's self. Are you NOT ready to look deep inside your soul? Then life will probably continue with it's same ups and downs, somehow without a deep sense of purpose - which is OK, if that's what you want. However, if you somehow want that piece of "life's energy", that spark that makes life rewarding and fulfilling, that special part of your heart....here is how:

Around the end of January look closely at a certain disappointment that enters your life. It may be due to a person (a Taurus, Capricorn, or Virgo, perhaps?), or it may come as a financial matter that simply melted in front of your eyes. Whatever the situation, look below the surface...deep below the surface. Look also deep below the reasons you 'thought' you wanted it. Underneath all this logic, reasons, and excuses, you may see you were not really honest with yourself over what you TRULY wanted.

Since each of you are different with different desires, I can not say here what each individual Leo really wants. However, once you start looking closely at several other disappointments (mid March, end of July, and end of September), you should begin to see a pattern in how you are NOT going after what your heart truly wants. Once you see what it is, simply go after it from that time one. Then you will start to be, and express, a part of you yearning to be free...


This year has a lesson connected with LOVE. Of course, when you hear the words "love" and "lesson" in the same sentence, you may automatically feel this suggests something difficult. Perhaps in the past this has been so - love IS a complicated issue, and MOST of life's lessons are tough as well. While a few aspects of learning this lesson may be difficult, AFTER learning it your life will be easier - a LOT easier.

Anyone who looks at most Virgos in work (or the way they keep their home), usually has one impression from this observation: those born under this sign are PERFECTIONIST. Of course, this is a rare and important characteristic. It is responsible for a lot of work being done right, for a lot of homes being a quality place to live, and the very same energy that put humans on the Moon (there were many Virgo's involved at NASA in the 1960's). When a Virgo excels towards perfection, the world is indeed a better place to live, and love. However, trouble starts when this sign starts to EXPECT their standard of 'perfection' from OTHERS.

When this expectation of perfection has to do with LOVE, then MORE than trouble starts - scientists are still measuring the numbers needed to show what is called TOTAL VIRGO CHAOS SYNDROME. The most usual signs of this are a partner that has gone insane, since every improvement they make only brought on MORE DEMANDS of perfection. Is THAT love? A Virgo thinks so. Virgos also honestly believe they are making the world a better place, and in the best way they know how: by making OTHERS perfect.

There ARE actually those around who wish to follow such 'paths to perfection', but unfortunately most have already traveled to Tibet to sit in a cave, or enrolled in a temple to be under the Dali Lama. Those left then, usually want SOME form of personal freedom against 'Virgo perfectionism', and this is the lesson for Virgo: allowing that to happen. How? Simply by ACCEPTING an individual as they are FIRST..........THEN try to make them perfect later.

Most Virgos do just the opposite (they try to make a partner perfect first, then will show signs of acceptance). The main problem with this, of course, is that the other party never actually REACHES perfection. Therefore, no acceptance is ever really given, only perhaps a reduction of nagging, or criticism from time to time.

You may think accepting one they way they are first will lead to a lowering of your high Virgo standards. Not really. Remember, you can still IMPROVE them, just accept what you are getting AT THE TIME. If you learn to enjoy the other person for what they are (rather than what you THINK they could be), then you can experience joy WHILE you are making them perfect. Rather than waiting for perfection in order to enjoy the experience....

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