What GIFT to give each Sign of theZodiac

...for Christmas, a Birthday, or just to say you're sorry.



First of all do not tell an Aries that you got them a present - they will pester you until you break down and tell about it, so save yourself all that psycho terror by keeping your mouth shut. Forget the antiques with these signs - they like new stuff. And I stress the word NEW. It must be fresh out to of the box. If you give them a book, don't read it, or even open it before you give it to them - for they not only have to be the first owner, but the first person to see, smell, and touch the thing as well. They would somehow know if there were just a fraction of a fingerprint or smug on any part of anything you got them. Most of them love glass, especially diamonds. Custom made things, especially if it appeals directly to their egos work well, such as things with their names on it. Their colors are red, black, and white - sometimes orange, sometimes see-thru. For best results wrap it in magic looking paper (shiny paper works best ), for these signs are one of the worst for needing THEIR present to be wrapped properly. They could love a tacky orange plastic placemat with their name on it, if the thing were wrapped right.


One word applies to any type of gift given for this sign: expensive. The gift doesn't even have to be on time if it is expensive enough - (they can understand you had to work several weeks extra to afford it - and that's OK with them). With these signs you have to pay very close attention to texture, for things have to feel and smell good as well. If the gift is clothes, it has to be 100% cotton, the best wool, or the finest silk, FORGET polyester or mix blends. These signs need flowers to accompany the gift as well, so get some, or rather, a lot of them. Their colors are pastels and any shade of blue. Most Taurus would like to receive things instead of experiences, so forget the trip to Greece and ask around what item they've been wanting the past few months (anyone near them will know). With these signs you really have to spend some thought on, for these people see a gift as a symbol on how you really feel about them. If you can't get them that certain, special, (expensive) thing, then take them to the most expensive restaurant and tell them this is just to hold them over while you are saving up to buy them that new, metallic blue Mercedes 600 double ZX.


These signs are really the easiest to shop for, they are modest, bore easy, and are interested in nearly everything, so you can get them nearly anything (and you can be modest about THAT, too). These aren't too concerned about the wrapping, but do put it in something so there is at least a few seconds of some kind of mystery. They like nearly all bright colors, especially green and yellow. Variety is the keyword here. If you give them chocolate, make sure it is the mixed-variety-bag. Most prefer the "do- something-gift", theater tickets, gift certificates - and by all means let them choose if at all possible. Books on their latest interest is always a sure winner, as with magazine subscriptions. With many the mere communication is enough, a post card (or if you're not too far away a nice long letter). New language books to assist the trip they want to take will make a big impression, even if they can't take it for another 3 years, or more....it shows you really know just how much they want to get out of the place they are in, and they appreciate that.


Even before you even think of the gift for this sign, you'd better have a very good idea for the card. These are the sentimental types who are going to save that card, lovingly, charmingly..... for about forever. These are the ones who still have the card even after the present is long gone. The more mushy and syrupy the words on the card, the better. Read several romance novels before writing your card, that should be good training to what these people want.....and need. The key to making a Cancer is to make their word soft. Bedspreads, quilts, extra pillows (big ones), and other fine things for the home.....try to get them antiques if giving furniture. If they really like you, then you can give them something old of yours, as long as there is a great sentimental story behind it. Cancer colors can be found in the sea shells you find on the beach. Fine food is right next to heaven with these, so a grand meal is well loved - especially if you made it. Also, make sure the wrapping has flowers on it.....right next to that wonderful card you spent so much time on!


These are real easy, unless you are broke. Just give them anything gold, real gold - and oddly enough, that is their favorite color too - besides blazing reds and oranges (although some look really good in just black and white). Make it big too, you can never get too flamboyant with these types. Nearly all these signs will love a present that has to do with them, (so, to give a free ad for your local astrologer) you might want to give them a gift horoscope reading. It's always good to make a big fuss over them in giving the present too, for it is the ATTENTION that comes with getting a present that is just as important as the gift itself. This means a singing telegram or some other exotic 'presentation', in other words, a full blown Hollywood production. Film and theater tickets work well with these, as well as other 'do things' gifts. Unable to get them gold? Then make sure it's wrapped in gold, and big ribbons, please, very big ribbons.


For some reason this sign actually gets nervous if they think you spent a lot of money (which is good in one way since you know you can save tons of money here). However, on the other side of the coin, since they are such fussy types, you are going to have to spend more time doing research as to what they want than you would with any other sign. They'll never tell you outright. How-to-do-books on whatever project they are currently into work well, and a specially cooked meal works with 90% of these also. They love natural things, natural fibers, natural woven things, anything from the earth. And the earth is where you find their colors too, brown, wheat, khaki, cream, sort of like the colors you find when you buy a kilo of brown rice. If giving things and gadgets make sure it is functional - they have to feel it's practical, otherwise it ends up in the attic next to all the other junk. If none of the above seem right for YOUR Virgo, then go with the woven basket filled with flowers, health food and other assorted weirdness - even with that, they will somehow know you still spent a lot of time to wonder what on earth to get them.


You probably already know this is the most difficult sign to get a present for. A thing is always difficult to get one who would really rather have a person for a present. You can try the person popping out of the cake, (just make sure they don't leave just after the party). If you can't give them a partner, then give them the words of what a partner would say (and yes, Waage need a heavy card, too). Go with the flowers, clothes, jewelry - and booze glasses for the men. Color is very important with these, many tend towards pastels, blues, pinks, and purple - some of the weird ones like red. They never seem to make a big deal about you having to get them something, but don't they usually surprise YOU with something really nice you never expected? OK, then, no matter how much is in the budget for this, return that love. One sure way with these is to think not only what they want, but what they NEED...!


Why do these signs year after year seem to be disappointed with anything they get? Simple, they want magic. Forget the fancy ribbons, just wrap it in a black cloth that came from ancient Vikings, or some other ancient civilization. If this cloth was from a member of your family who did some great (or magical) deed , then make sure they know THAT - and also tell them a special reason why it is at this moment this cloth is coming to them. You see, magic. And that was just the magic for the WRAPPING. Now the real challenge, what in the world can you get this person? Let's start with the colors, as we mentioned before black, but we can probably say that is their second and third color too, down there somewhere also is blue, maroon, and perhaps poison green. Books on voodoo, magic, or what ever occult they are interested in work well, as well as anything with a mystery to it. Best is to find a thing that will help them unlock a certain mystery they are currently dealing with - or anything that will make them feel they have more power.


One of the real easy ones. With many you can even forget the presents, for this one cares more for the party than some thing. In the clothes department they probably need everything since usually wear their favorite item long past it's projected life - replace those types of things if they ever get lost, and not until then. Otherwise your expensive designer jeans will sit with all the other new ones until his favorite is either lost, stolen (unlikely), or totally trashed from one of the many outdoor 'expeditions'. The exception to this clothes rule is the sweater - which is what these people seem to live in. These are the ones who actually love getting tickets; tickets to the horse races, football games, lottery, or one to Las Vegas. If you are thinking of a book just stick with those on travel, or one with a lot of jokes. Anything that even somewhat relates to something they did, or are doing, or said they wanted to, will make them absolutely happy. Like I said, easy.


With these you must first forget you are getting a mere present. Think of it instead as a 'future-investment-assistance-tool'. If this scares you away from getting a 'thing', then let me warn you also about the 'do something' gift (like a movie) - just forget the film and theater. Sure, they love going, but really only when they are in charge - so you are defeating yourself from the beginning with that approach. Invite them instead to your club where they can develop business contacts, or to someplace where they can, or to anyplace where they would just stop being so lonely. Many like books, those 'how to scheme your way to the top' books, and autobiographies, for they are always comparing themselves to others. Gray is one of their favorite colors (nearly all Capricorn look absolutely beautiful in it) along with silver, black, and some shades of green. A few tend towards Virgo colors. Nearly all of these need a body massage, so if your masseur is all booked up then get the oil out and give one yourself - a long, hard, enduring one.


With these you'd better find out what their current passion is, and this changes week to week, if not day to day. You can ask them what they would like and they'll probably have a whole list of things - if they can only remember where they put it. Modern, futurist furniture and gadgets are sure bets, and in the clothes department many would rather have velcro than buttons or zippers. If you have the money, get them an electronic keyboard (whether they are a musician or not), for this is something any Aquarian can get lost in when they have to deal with the mundane, which is nearly everyday for them. Nearly all these signs have some shade of green they like, along with white, blue, and sometimes yellow. Many like pyramids and other metaphysical things, so if you can get a crystal that was used by some great guru from Tibet, great. If not, then go with something scientific, like a book or video on outer space (their second home), or a robot.


Here's another difficult sign. To complicate matters, even if you get them what they really want, it's very possible they might not be in the mood for it when you give it to them. Timing is everything, so put just as much thought and energy in to when you give it to them as what you give them. Like Scorpio, these need magic, but more along the lines of appealing to their senses than outright voodoo. Drag them to a fortune teller to have their cards read, give them candles, incense, good luck charms and videos of old movies. Go with things that are going to move, touch, and lift their feelings. Clothes should be velvety, chiffony, soft, and flowing. Peacock feathers appeal to them, and colors found in them, along with purple (although some work magic with black). The shy ones like sunglasses and hats to hide under - and all Pisces have a special relation to music. It's OK to get music you know they like, but you score big extra points if you can find songs or a new style of music they've never heard but love also.

Presents for Young Girls


You probably don't want to buy your Aries friend a Christmas present right now. You may even be ANGRY with her. More than likely she had something to do with you losing a boyfriend a while back (or may be the thief herself). Yet, somehow you can't hate her, since that loss actually brought something BETTER into your life. The fact she stood by you in a recent crisis may be the reason you HAVE to buy her a present. Sure, you don't want to buy anything NOW, but you WILL be wishing you DID about 2 days before Christmas. So, why wait until the last minute? In most cases, an Aries is happy to receive anything that assists her in expressing herself. This may be anything from make- up, to art brushes for her paintings, or strings for her guitar. So, choice a gift that relates to her particular 'activity'. Forget the dolls, housewares, or clothes, for she chooses these things herself (unless of course, a hint was given, directing you). If she doesn't have a computer, get 30 friends to chip in and get her one. If she already has one, get her some more memory, or drivers so it will work faster. Colors Aries like are red, white, and black, some of the crazy ones like orange.


Your Taurus friend probably has her mind fixed on one thing now, and that is CLOTHES! Normally by now, EVERYONE has received a hint as to what item Taurus wants, for this sign is NOT AT ALL shy about letting others know THAT piece of information. The danger from this (and especially this year) is that some Taurus may get several copies of the SAME gift. Uh oh. Better play it safe by picking something not 'hinted' at, yet something that you know for sure they will like, such as.........clothes! Only NATURAL fibers, please! Many Taurus now will really like something cashmere, (or if you are low on funds, 100% cotton will do). Blue is usually a good color for Taurus, plus pastels, and some earth tones. (Many however, are super sexy in black, but don't know it). If you know your Taurus REALLY well, and you both are the closest of friends, then you can give them the gift they really want - money. You see, when you give a Taurus money, you give them two presents in one. The first is money, the second is allowing them to buy more clothes.


Gemini is certainly one of the easiest signs to shop for, and especially THIS year. Anything that makes them move will be a hit, so move their minds with books, and their bodies with the music they love, but don't have on tape yet. It seems of ALL the signs that want skates this year, Gemini will want them the most. Do all you can to make sure they get it. If they already have skates, then give them accessories, or a some new wheels - so they can at least 'feel' they can now go faster. Any bright colors will make them happy, many will like patterns and prints, especially when in green, blues and yellows. Gemini will also be one ready for more computer stuff. If you can't give them a computer, then try one of those 237 games-in-one gadgets for them to play around on (you know, something they can 'practice' on, until the REAL computer gets in). If your Gemini is studying another language, then the PERFECT gift is a tiny dictionary - one they can have around them at all times. This is also one of the few signs that like getting concert tickets, free passes to cultural events and such...


Something for their room will make most Cancers happy, especially if it makes them more comfortable, or warm. Probably this year something new and fluffy for the bed is what they will need the most, yet not be aware of yet. That actually is the nicest present you can give a Cancer, something they didn't realize they needed until YOU put it in front of them. Do this, and you reach the special 'inner family' that every Cancer has in their network of friends. Cancer also cherishes the card that is supposed to come along WITH a present, so spend some time on it. A lot of time. If you artistically make your own, chances are your card will remain in their possession longer than many of her boyfriends. Colors for Cancer are found in sea shells, dairy products, and silver mines. Nearly all Cancers need help with their hair, so rare shampoos and conditioners are loved. If you have a friend who is a hairdresser, arrange a special deal, so your Cancer gets a 'new look' as a present. If they fall in love with their new hair style, you have a dedicated friend for LIFE...!


Usually Leo is difficult to shop for, but this year it should be fairly easy. This is because many Leo's are going through a personal transformation, so are not clear exactly WHAT they want, or even WHO they are. (Some are even suffering low self esteem, so just the fact that you even GOT them something will be enough). Things for their hair are usually good presents for Leo, since you know they are vain about their manes. This sign will also enjoy a horoscope, not necessarily due to an interest in metaphysical stuff, but because it is a present about THEM. Their favorite colors are bright gold, yellow gold, REAL gold, and sometimes red and black. Make sure WHATEVER you give them is larger than normal. A Leo can get a pencil and be happy with it, as long as it is super sized, and noticeably LARGER than everyone else's. To appeal to the natural actress within every Leo, giving them films on video, or taking them to movie will satisfy them much more than any tiny trinket. Unless of course, that little trinket is made of gold....


Of all the signs this year, Virgo may be the most difficult. Many may have the business and artistic sides of their personality COMPETING against each for power now. So, this may not be the year getting things they claim they want - better start looking for things that helps them solve things they are WORRIED about. Stand in a long bureaucratic line for them, to get that form, or whatever, that they 'don't seem to have time for'. Or by them a ticket to a town only 50 kilometers away, JUST so they can get OUT of the 'worry filled' local environment for a day. No clue to the emotional trauma they've been going through? Then how-to-do-it kind of books over the subject they have been spending their free time are always a safe bet. Colors are what you'd find in nature: sky blues, fields of wheat, and all the different shades found in any variety of brown rice. If you see business tendencies winning the struggle, then a tiny calculator or needed business supplies (paper, notebooks, print cartridges) will do. Give the artists needed tools, or a find a place to show their work.


As always, Libra is a difficult sign to get a present for - how can you give a thing when everyone knows they want a person to love for Christmas? The trick then, is to find something that will help them attract romance, Or, if they are already have a relationship, something that will make their relationship more romantic. Make them feel desirable with some sexy clothes, makeup and perfume. (If you choice a fragrance, make sure it is 'top-of-the-line' stuff, a Libra can get ill sniffing cheap perfume). Their colors are pastels, blue, pink, and purple. Some of the more aggressive ones like red. If they don't have a computer, set up an arrangement so they can USE one, or learn how to. If they have a computer, then some art, drawing, or animation programs for their collection will be a big hit, especially if it is one they were NOT aware of. Little known about Libra is their fascination with CRYSTAL. So, if you have a friend in Czech, have them pick up a crystal perfume bottle, or decanter, and send it to you. Whatever you give them, make sure it is surrounded by flowers....


What to give a Scorpio really depends on what kind of mood they are in. Don't worry about their mood changing every 3 minutes like Gemini, for a Scorpio mood can go on all month. If they are a happy Scorpio, then you probably already received a hint, but don't know it. Think back on all past conversations to 'decode' the message. If they are bored, depressed, or angry (and most will be the latter, since a lot of signs are angry with THEM now), great care must be taken. When a Scorpio is surrounded by gloom, the best present is one that helps them escape - both physically and mentally. Books about aliens, witchcraft, or metaphysical phenomena are always, as with 'how-to-do' books on hypnotism and dream interpretation. ANYTHING having to do with magic is good, no matter what mood they are in, since this is what all Scorpio live for (and why they are always disappointed with 'regular life'). Tarot cards, horoscopes, magical stones all work. Forget the fancy dresses, the only clothes you can give a Scorpio, and feel safe, are black jeans - unless it's a magical outfit from some ancient culture.


Easy....very easy to please. Many would rather go to a wild party or concert than get a present. This is sign enjoys magazine subscriptions, lottery, and any train tickets. Give year's worth of "DZIEWCZYNA", or a month's worth of comic books. Buying clothes are difficult, however. That cute top you got them will probably sit on the shelf, since they will wear their favorite things until it is lost or stolen. The exception to this is sweaters and T- shirts. Sagittarius live in both, and are the only item of clothing they like to choose from. Many like foreign things, yet hate others. Depends on the country, so find out WHERE is 'in' for them now. A Sagittarius is not usually absent minded, but they do seem to lose often the articles related to the sport they are involved in. Swimmers will always need eye goggles, towels, and swim suits. Give the tennis players balls, or have their racket tighten. Some are secretly into music, so those cheap tiny keyboards would put them in heaven. Colors are all shades of blue, purple...some of the quiet ones like black and white.


I know. Nothing in the past you've given them seemed to be liked. Or used. And Capricorn knows how to 'use' EVERYTHING. Including you. This is because Capricorn really don't care all that much for 'things', they want POWER. Power to be in charge of whatever group they are involved in, power to tell everyone ELSE what to do. You can't give THAT.... or can you? If you are REALLY good friends, write on a piece of paper they can be the boss for 2 entire days. Make it look like a legal document. Will they LIKE it? You haven't spend a gros, and they can't remember when they've been happier. Whatever they have you doing, it is understood ALL of Poland will be a better place. If your pride couldn't take that, or if your Capricorn is the type that would make an unnecessary slave of you, then give something to compliment their business suits. This sign always seems to need office/business supplies, even the artists. They seem to know everything, so forget books - unless it's about one they admire. See Virgo colors, and add gray and black. Every Capricorn needs a professional massage. Check if those with computers need a new mouse.....


It used to be Aquarius didn't care much about getting presents. Now that technology has grown in quantum leaps however, their attitude is starting to change. Finally, there are things around that they LIKE. The world has finally caught up with THEM for a change. So, presents mean technology for these whiz-kids. Anything relating to, describing, representing, or even from the future will be cherished. You think something 'from' the future is a joke? How about a communicator pin from the new Star Trek TV series? If they already have every electronic gadget, then batteries are a good bet - those are ALWAYS badly needed. Aquarius colors are any shade that will shock you....the type that are so new, they don't have a name yet. Some of the down to earth types (the rare ones), usually feel good with blues and greens, white and purple. Those into cooking or gardens usually need new tools, or a book on how to do it in an exotic land. Like Sagittarius, a tiny keyboard may be good, or something for the instrument they already have. Which is probably a repair job, and which probably is needed on their computer game, video, or keyboard as well.


Like Scorpio, this sign needs things of magic, but probably more so. Magic, music, or something for their big beautiful eyes, which are sensitive. So sensitive, that lights in the school, or place of work, is probably causing that certain 'stress' they can't explain. If so, candles are a perfect choice. Or incense. Many Pisces are highly affected by smell, and not just from perfume. Body soaps, lotions, and conditioners are much loved, or the smell of freshly baked cookies. All Pisces are natural actresses, so clothes must assist in changing their personalities, besides looking good. Look at a peacock feather to see what colors make them attractive. If your Pisces is the kind that shys away from attention, then get some sunglasses, or a floppy hat they can hide in. Some will act like they only listen to, or play, classical music. However, sneak in their room and you'll see them dancing to Scooter, E - Type, or whatever is making your circle of friends dance. Many feel something special about glass, so make sure they have one that is special. One that is especially for their favorite drink, of course.

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