How to Get Each Zodiac Sign out of DEPRESSION

How to get each starsign out of Depression


Is the confidence missing from your Aries voice, or in their actions? Does their response become merely a 'nod of agreement' to a great idea, instead of the explosion of enthusiasm you usually see?? Are they actually AVOIDING trouble??? Then more than likely your Aries is becoming depressed. Several steps are needed to be done at the same time, and you'd better work fast. Once this sign goes under it is EXTREMELY difficult to bring them back up. It's probably easier to raise the Titanic than to lift this sign up, once they've fallen into the depths of depression.

Asking "what's wrong?" is a total waste of time, so don't even bother doing it. This may even irritate an Aries even more, causing them to retreat deeper and deeper into that huge mental concrete bunker they built to shut unwanted people out. You see, answering that question means to admit something IS wrong, and that's what they are desperately trying to avoid. Besides, having a bunch of people circling around, whining about something being wrong is not an Aries idea of help. (Being near such activity is probably what got them depressed in the first place!)

Instead, appeal to their sense of chivalry. Find someone of the opposite sex who 'needs' to be rescued. (The more attractive this one is, the better.) The more dramatic the situation, even better still. Fabricate a situation if you have to. Don't just call your cousin, and have them fake it that they are stranded somewhere. Make it exciting. Make it intense. Make it dangerous. Have a villain involved in the plot somewhere. Hire a prostitute or male stripper to play along with your 'story'. Tell your Aries this person stole 40 million dollars from Colombian drug lords, and needs someone to help them hide. Can they help? Have someone squeal car tires around the corner when you introduce them to your 'person in distress'. Any Aries would forget whatever was bothering them with such an opportunity. Guaranteed.

If you don't have the friends or resources to pull off such elaborate schemes, then there area a few other options. One is to get your Aries into a new environment. A change of scenery is very therapeutic for these signs no matter what their illness. Best is to go into an area they have never been before, for Aries are natural explorers. This will also let their curiosity get activated, which is one of the best 'anti-depressant' behaviors to unleash. Go to another neighborhood, or even to another town - but do it fast. And in style. Borrow a super fast Porsche from a friend, and let your Aries do the driving. Tell them you need to get there fast, it's an emergency.

Another option is simply to make them laugh. Whoever came up with the line 'laughter is the best medicine' had an Aries in mind when they said it. Go to the library and get the book with 1,001 jokes in it. Not a comedian? Then rent several Monty Python videos, or old Marx Brothers films. Have plenty of popcorn and beer on hand. If they are not in the mood to sit still, then come up with a special 'prank' you both can pull on someone else. You don't actually have to carry it out, just planning something outrageous will be enough to raise their spirits.


Aaah! If only EVERY sign could get out of depression as easily as this one. No group therapy, or hour upon hour with a psycho-analyst is needed with this sign. Many don't even need those warm, heart-to-heart talks with family or friends. All they need is food. Good food. Quality food. (Or at least something THEY like). Real depression won't set in unless the refrigerator, or cabinets, are near empty. Just make sure THAT doesn't happen, and you should get them through this problem free.

The only real difficulty is knowing WHEN these types are depressed (or heading in that direction). They certainly won't know, and there is very little in their behavior that will give you a clue something is wrong. Being as easy going as they are, it is logical depression would slowly creep into their life without them being aware of it. Added to the fact they usually eat four or five times a day (their built-in natural anti-depressant), it is no wonder they couldn't see it coming! Now you may ask, and rightfully so; "How can Taurus get depressed when they get the 'cure' naturally several times a day?"

Let me answer that question with a question: Would you become tired of potatoes if you had them three times a day, every day, for a month? For 11 signs of the zodiac, the answer would be a very loud, self-assured, "OF COURSE!". But not Taurus. Their answer would be a meek: "But I like potatoes." Now you can see how their built-in natural anti-depressant doesn't always work. If a Taurus enjoys something, they see nothing wrong with having it over, and over, and over again. After all, they like it, right? Little do many of them realize that a change is needed every once in a while. (This slow realization of change is also what makes this sign so stubborn.) Your task then, is introduce the idea of change to one that is least likely to do so!

First, never tell a Taurus they should change their menu. For that matter, never tell a Taurus they should change anything! This will nearly always put them on the defensive, making them more stubborn than ever - if that's possible. Instead, appeal to their weakness for convenience. Simply say: "Let me cook for you tonight!", and now YOU are in the position to create change that never could have been imposed upon them. What are you going to make? Well, that's a 'surprise', of course! (Just don't let on there will not be any potatoes.) Dazzle them with two desserts, one before the meal, and one after. Heavy on the cream. There, your Taurus is cured.

As with anything, there are exceptions to the rule. If your Taurus is one of these where food won't do the trick, then security is probably the issue. Simply telling them things are OK is not enough - they have to see, and feel proof. Get out the bank statements and policies to show, that even with inflation, you both will manage quite well. Round up a huge wad of $100 bills and let them hold it in their hands. Can't manage any of these? This may be then why your Taurus is getting depressed. If so, it may be time for you to look for a second job....


I know what you are thinking. What can be done to get such a complicated person out of depression? How can you help one who turns into personality # 88976 CJX 27C, just as you found a possible solution for them when they were # 88975 CJX...... well, you know what I mean. Even though the SYMPTOMS are very complicated in diagnosing depression for Gemini, the CAUSES are very simple to find. That's because there are only two things in the world that can get this sign depressed. Your Gemini has either: (1) fallen into ROUTINE, which they can not break out of, (2) been put into a position where they can not express their ideas (or talk, period). Or both.

Usually, their imagination will keep them from falling into any kind of routine. Their mind is one of the best at coming up with ways to do the same thing differently. However, even the most imaginative mind will sputter and stall occasionally, which is probably what happened to your Gemini. Your task is to replenish that remarkable thought machine with new raw material. Bring them videos of those science shows where they can see the intestines of a rare bug, the mating practices of sea horses, or the landscape of the planet Mercury (their real home). Bring them books, or better yet, take them to the library where they can get thoroughly lost. The basic rule to follow is: when you see a decline in the OUTPUT (their spewing out information), it's time for some INPUT (whatever information you can put into them).

It could be the mind of your Gemini has shut down to a point where it is unable to process even incoming information. This is rare, but has been known to happen when their multifaceted personality overloads even itself. If they show signs of physical burn- out as well, then a rest is what is needed. A real rest. Three or four days of no decisions, no worries, no nothing. (Except for TV, of course). If they are not totally exhausted, then the best way to get their mind up and running is to start dishing out what they like best: FLIRTING. Not just from you - they expect that. Have all your friends get into the act. If you are not the jealous type, call up all your Gemini's ex-lovers, and get them in on it too. With all this going on, their mind will kick back into high gear faster than it takes to get a dial tone on the telephone.

Helping them out of a situation where their expression is hindered could prove a bit more difficult. More than likely they've put themselves in that position by being involved in several schemes too many. (They can't talk about scheme 'A', since that will annoy those who are working with them on scheme 'B', and if those who are involved in scheme 'C' find out about 'D', then 'X'', 'Y'', and 'Z'' will all fall apart as well). This will take some preventive measures, one you've probably already learned if you've been around your Gemini any length of time: don't get involved in any of their schemes. By being the only one neutral, you'll be one they can talk to. Which will be therapy for them, and VERY interesting for you...!


Here is a sign that has TWICE the potential to get depressed than other signs, so you may have double the work to do. This is due to Cancer's huge sense of caring for others. You see, not only do you have to worry if THEY are depressed, but any of their loved ones do as well! As with Pisces, your Cancer automatically starts to feel down as soon as any loved one becomes depressed......sometimes even before! (Many of this sign are psychic, you know). So, how do you handle this? You can start by getting your degree in Psychology. You are going to have a LOT of work in this area, so you may as well start learning this field now. Here's a crash course:

The main thing to keep in mind about Cancer is their greatest need. Fulfill this, and their chances of falling into depression will be about as rare as you getting a straight answer from one. Be clear there is a very big difference between a "need" and a "want" with these. They are quick to express their wants, and many have the first thousand or so memorized. Don't waste your time trying to fulfill these - it will take a life time. Maybe several. Just stick to that one basic need every one under this starsign has, and yet few of them know. Their biggest need? Simply to be needed.

Whether male or female, these creatures are the "mothers" of the zodiac. All that caring they give out to family, friends, strangers, orphans on TV, beings from outer space, etc. - all that is real. And they don't need sympathy, money, or being put in the spotlight for it, either. They instinctively need to be needed since that is the ONLY emotion which can 'feed' their caring. To see this, just look at your own relationship with this sign. Are they with you out of love - or because they feel the need to take care of you in some way? Deep down you know the answer, don't you?

First, watch for the two most common early warning signs for Cancer depression. They are (1) detachment and (2) living in the past. (Actually, these are both related, since they usually detach themselves from current reality, so they can then travel to the past.) Make sure you take action during the 'detachment' phase, and FAST. Otherwise you double your trouble, or even triple it. Allowing them to arrive at some past point in their life means solving whatever hurt they collected during that period, PLUS the current one. If allowed to dwell in the past for more than an hour, then you also have to deal with everyone else's problems of that period also.

The magic phrase at the first sign of detachment is: "you are the ONLY one in the whole world that can save, help, communicate with, or understand (whatever the situation). As with Aries, you may have to fabricate an emergency to heighten the sense of urgency....and need. Try to make this event involve someone in a position of power. Get the mayor to call, all worried over some issue your Cancer is concerned about. After all, once your Cancer gets through, their re-election chances should improve significantly. Make sure the mayor's office knows their lines. "Hello? This is the mayor, you are the ONLY one in the whole city that can......" You get the picture.


Thank goodness this is the sign least likely to get depressed! What you may have to face - and do - to get a Leo out of depression is something you wouldn't want to do very often. A Leo on the average will only get really down once or twice in a life time, if even that. Oh, but when they DO....look out! In the same way these characters can lift an entire village with their grand spirit (when they are feeling fine), they can just as easily demolish it (totally) when they are on the skids. A Leo will not cry, mope around, or hide in bed when they get depressed. They get angry. Very angry. So it is VERY important you respond quickly to the early warning signs, before you have World War III starting in your living room.

The first indication a Leo may be getting depressed is when they start competing with everyone around them. This is extremely difficult to see. For there isn't a day that goes by when this sign is not wanting to be better, or do things better, than those around them. But look closely. Normally they want to be better than a specific someone, or only during a certain time. For example, they will upstage one to get back in the spotlight, when this certain person has stolen it temporarily. Did they give this person any thought before? No. Is your Leo concerned about this person after they have regained (their rightful) center of attention? No. (After all, everyone else in the world are only subjects to 'your royal highness", why should there be concern?)

This all changes when they start to get depressed. Everyone around them becomes a source to outdo. EVERYONE. Even you. Your first course of action? Defuse ANY form of competitiveness that exists between you both, real or imagined. This is done by praising them. Wording is everything, so spend a couple of days at the library to develop your vocabulary. Tell them how great they are. How proud you are to be in their presence. It is not enough to say "You are smarter than me" - make it more along the lines of "You were ALWAYS a LOT smarter than me". Humiliating, isn't it? Well, hold on, actually it may get worse! This tends only to work with about 50% of the Leo species. The other half you practically have to get on your knees and worship them! But save THAT only as a last resort.

At first sight of possible depression, the best thing to do is throw a party in their honor. Make sure there are LOTS of people there, with no fewer than 40 or 50 people. (In the hundreds would be better, or course). If you can't get that number, then go to the local theater and hire some actors to attend. Tell this group to their "job" is to act like they have heard about your Leo for months, and are DYING to meet them. Make sure there are some 'ooohs' and 'aaaahs' when your Leo enters the room. There should be at least six people crowded around them at all times, hanging on their every word. There should be applause at least 3 or 4 times every 30 minutes. Make sure ALL of their past triumphs are mentioned, and that ALL of their jokes get a big response. Vain, I know. But it works. Or would you rather risk the alternative...?


Now here is a sign you will find VERY hard to get out of depression. Actually, it is only mildly difficult to get a Virgo out of depression - it is you who will go through the hardships! The reason for this is - when a Virgo starts getting down, they stop nagging. It takes a lot of energy to be critical, didn't you know? So, naturally, with all the peace and quiet you will be experiencing when your Virgo is on the road to depression, YOU may find it VERY hard to help!

Many people make the mistake of thinking when a Virgo stops being so critical (or bitchy), they therefore must be in a good mood. Wrong. Then they further worsen the condition by joking, laughing, and doing things to get their Virgo into more of a good mood. Worse. Being jolly, silly, and outwardly happy while this starsign is depressed will produce the same reaction as if you were to goof off in front of them while they are under a lot of stress from work. You are bound to hear an explosion louder than anything some radical Islamic terrorist group can whip up. When your Virgo is grave and harsh from being depressed, you be just as austere and sober. Your very life will be depending it, and that's no joke.

One reason a Virgo gets depressed is a result of them being a perfectionist. The fact that something doesn't turn out perfect won't put a Virgo into depression, contrary to popular belief. They have learned early in life - with much disappointment - that nothing is perfect (with the exception being them, of course). Even knowing this, they still make everything as close to perfection as possible. Since they do so with EVERYTHING, they naturally get overwhelmed and behind. What happens when a Virgo can't keep up? Look around the house. See? The place is not 100% spotless anymore, and the sight of THAT will make any Virgo depressed.

You are going to have to do a lot more than just "straighten up" the place. And don't think that you are going to score big emotional points just because you took out the trash. The entire house must be dusted, scrubbed, and disinfected. Twice. Taking the easy way out by hiring a maid won't work, unless you happened to get the entire sanitation staff from a local hospital to come over and clean up. But that could get expensive. Besides, real sincerity to a Virgo means doing it yourself. So do it.

Once the environment is spotless, work to inflate their sense of purpose. This feeling suffers the most when a Virgo gets down. It is also the source of all their strength. Even a Virgo with everything feels worthless unless they have a purpose. A noble one. If you are aware of their cause, then show how it could never go on (as perfectly) without them. If you don't know, then state their purpose is simply to make you a better person. That will cheer them up in a snap. Nothing could make a Virgo more happy than to be in charge making ANOTHER person perfect. After all, they have LOTS of experience in this area. Who knows? You just may turn out a bit better.

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