True Love Tends to Forget

Refer to the lyrics at

Subject of the Post: What does the Title Mean?

Kees de Graaf wrote:

'Agape' is the real love- not a watery substitution- but pure charity. You can read all of its properties in I Cor. 13. A love that 'hopes all things, believes all things'. It forgives, 'true love that tends to forget', it is always content and long-suffering. It will never end, it will never die. It is not impatient, it is always on time, not a quick sexual flash but an eternal flame quietly burning that will never be wiped out and be remembered into eternity. It is the gift of which the poet in another song on the same album says: 'I'm still carrying the gift you gave, it's a part of me now, it's been charised and saved, it'll be with me unto the grave, and then unto eternity'.

Kees de Graaf

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