The Passing of Summer's Warmth

As the warm days filled my soul with warmth
The sun brought laughter and happiness to my heart.
As summer breezes touched my skin
I felt strong and independent.

Summer fades to fall
Colors change, donning the fall shades.
To many this brings beauty and joy.

As summer fades and fall enters
With it comes a darker and cool state.
Within my heart and soul the coolness creeps
Bringing sadness and depression.

No longer does the warmth touch my skin
Nor the smile cross my face.
In the winter I feel sadness
welling up and over taking.

As I try to fight the darkness,
I fall further down in to it's grasp.
My soul screams for help
The sounds deafen my ears.

As I begin the hibernation time
I yearn to feel the warmth of love and warmth.
A simple warm touch, that would caress my soul.
Non comes, moments of relieve or not enough
They are unable to drive out the demons within that hold me tight.

So unto the cold side I return to await the coming of a new period of growth
A time of renewal and change.
Each time it is harder to face and with each passing time I pray
That soon they will release their hold upon my soul.

To the Great Spirit of the Sun I pray to find the warmth and brightness he brings.
--Morning Dove

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