My Pokemon Center


=( My poor little Ditto looks so sad.  Why don't you help me get it to smile. It really is a spectacular pokemon though it looks sort of like jello. It can transform itself into anything, plus it can take on other pokemon's attack in this manner.   In one pokemon show, this pokemon learned how to transform its face as well as it was having problems with that.

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This powerful pokemon might not be the cutest, but Broc used it to beat Ash's Pikachu when they first met.  It is a rather large pokemon that I'd definetly want on my side!



This beautiful pokemon is one evolved form of an Eevee.  Personally if I were battling I would have the evolved form called Jolteon, but this one is very intersting and besides it can melt into water.  In the show this pokemon appeared in, the Eevees were evolved by using different stones.  There is also one called a Flareon.

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Yes, I am part of a pokemon Webring, go here

My Trail Map

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