Journey Into the Soul

Around me torrential rains of acid burn
Earth is tearing, ripping, bending beneath my feet
Scarlets and oranges explode in the sky
Silence erupts and lays heavy about me
Defening is the breath of the wind
Expanses of wasteland surround me
I am lost within the nothingness of all
Freedom wraps around me and I am caged
Lightening bolts flash the air
Singley a great fire burns, spits, hisses
Twisting, turning, crystalline panals dance as one
Massive rocks fall destroying, hurting, marring
Evaporation occurs fast and soothing waters seldem last
Bones long dead arise and dance around me
All whirls and spins death marrying life
I opem my eyes and imagined realizations are mine
A path which crushes, flies, is necessary and irrelevent

Poetry Paths

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