~/\-Silent Wolf-/\~

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and then there is the Light
That shines and pulses
Surrounding me, and enveloping me
It is life
It catches me by the Spirit
It catches me by the Soul
And I surrender
I spread rainbow wings wide
Stretch them widely and to the sky
And I am lifted and I soar
To the openness above and back again
I stand, my feet firmly on the ground
I raise my arms to the sky
I raise my voice in joyful thanks to God
Then I dance, surrounding myself to the love of life and Spirit
My feet pound the earth, it is my partner
My arms are wings and I soar high
Round and round like the whirlwind of energy around me
It is my dance, and only I know the music
In silence I sing with the moon
I beg the angels to join in the symphony
I am alive and I feel the pulsing around me
The celebration of oneness is all around
I cry may all share in such an exultation!

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