Warning: Graphic Intense, but worth the loading time!

Wisdom of the Elements

I bid thee Elements hear my call!
You are those that hold the power
You are those that I call to bid my will
I tremble at thy power for you are the Masters
Fire with brillant power bright come forth!
Bring thine energies cloe to mine hand
United we destroy so evil is dead and purity can shine in hearts again
Teach me the ways of spontaneousy and endings are beginnings in disguise
Water, Love in fluid form, embrace me!
Surge through my body as a constant reminder
Show me that life is perilous, ever changing, prescious
Teach me to flow through life as easily as you through a riverbed
Warn me to show mercy, both upon myself and others
Wind, one of invisible strength, become my companion
May I study the way of change and know it as you know change
Walk with me and let me see, when I am blind, the directions of life
With your help may I know what I can't see exists and is significant
Earth, Giving Keeper, ground my heart and mind!
With your help may I learn to share without a second thought
Might I be strong and sturdy, as you, when others need me
May I never forget Nature and it's Peace and Love found within it
To kneel before You is to Kneel in front of Myself
For You are apart of all living things and the Circle
Though few may recognize what you, I hope for One Idea
I hope never to forget and to teach others what I know of You!

Poetry Paths

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