Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together.
All things connect.

--Chief Seattle

We are all apart of the same Earth. The following organizations have already begun to do this. If you have any other conservational petitions for animals that you wish to add e-mail me. I have placed sites with petitions for worthy causes first! I would be much appreciated if you visited those first. Then after the birch seperater you will find good conservation sites.

Help Stop the Buffalo Slaughter

Stop the Slaughter of Our Bears!

My Wolf Link Page

Page With Links To Conservation Projects

Cochrane Ecological Society

Rainforest action Network (includes great rainforest fact sheets and action alerts!

World Wildlife Fund

North American Wolf Association

The Ark!

We support

US Fish and Wildlife Service WWW Site

National Wildlife Federation's Page

International Wildlife Coalition

The circle of life, I believe is a delicate balance. Each person is a part of it and it, therefore, is a part of them. To walk in harmony with it is to place yourself hand in hand with the most complicated circle of cycles that could ever exist. Man could not create anything with similiar beauty, peace, harmony, and complexity then the circle of life.


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