Date: Mon, 1 Mar 1999 17:59:41 -1000
From: "K. E. Reinhart"
Subject: Singer, etc.

Singer's phone # 1-800-877-7762

Found this Sewing Resource Guide on the net

Keran Roslin
Date: Mon, 1 Mar 1999 19:48:56 -1000
From: Lynne Tolton <[email protected]>
Subject: Singer address

call 1-800-4singer
Date: Mon, 1 Mar 1999 23:52:58 -1000
From: Lisa Brandt
Subject: Re: Singer ref manuals

Most of the Singer (and other brands too) repair manuals are available to us independent fabric/machine stores. Keep in mind, this is like a manual on surgery - a little information can be dangerous. My son has suggested I charge double to fix machines customers or their husbands have tried to repair.

This being said, I am willing to order repair and owners manuals for people who really think they want them. (Owners manuals gladly) I won't charge more than cost + shipping, I'm not trying to make a buck doing this (and no, I'm not interested in taking on any more repair). Email me privately to make arrangements.

Ly Elisee du Lyonnais
Deodar, Calontir
[email protected]
Date: Tue, 2 Mar 1999 08:41:43 -1000
From: Lyn Greaves
Subject: Re: Singer address

I don't have an addy, but I do have an 800 number.

Industrial machines only 1-800-251-2142

Non-Industrial machines 1-800-877-7391

I've only dealt with the industrial end, but they were helpful. It's also
cheaper to get your parts direct from the manufacturer.


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