From: Irene leNoir
Subject: Looking for Pouch Sources
Date: Mon, 22 Feb 1999 13:37:11 -1000

I'm looking for photographs of 14th to 15th century paintings or illuminatins (preferably French) that show women wearing pouches.

I've looked through my book, photocopy, and slide collections, and I've
only been able to find 3 examples:

1995 Medieval Woman Calendar - November
Attending a Birth (detail
Birth of Mary - Weingartner Altar
Hans Holbein the Elder
German 1493
Augsburg Cathedral
- The woman on the left wears a small pale pink pouch suspended from her belt (next to a chatelaine that holds several keys). The pouch appears to be decorated with points of fabric, but I can't really tell because the image is so small.

1998 Medieval Woman Calendar - August
Peasants Hunting Rabbits With Ferrets (detail)
Tapestry, Franco-Burgundian, c. 1450-75
Glasgow Museums: The Burrell Collection
- The woman on the top right wears a pouch over her underdress but under her overdress. It is beige and is decorated with tan or golden toned beads. It has separate hanging and gathering strings.

French Painting: From Fouquet to Poussin
page 48
Les Heures d'Etienne Chevalier, c 1450
the Visitation
Musee Conde, Chantilly, France
- The woman on the right wears a rose pink pouch over her underdress but under her overdress. I can't see much about the construction of the pouch other than that a seam appears to be decorated with either beads or a cord.

If you know of any other examples, please send me the publication information for the book that contains them. Please also include a page or plate number and/or description so that I know where to look

Thanks in advance.
Date: Tue, 23 Feb 1999 03:18:13 -1000
From: Margo Lynn Hablutzel
Subject: Re: HNW - SCA type pouches

Irene, if you do early period, I have seen documentation (including grave
finds) of early pouches that have an iron ring in the mouth, and are woven
or leather underneath, The ring lies against the pouch to keep the top
closed, but also holds it open when you rummage inside.

I can see if the person from whom I took a class two Costume Seminars ago
has the sites; she ran out of handouts and I never got one.

The problem with having too many records from early is that in the finds
any fiber-stuff has deteriorated, and so they go by guesswork. But the
iron-ring pounches are really neat. Some of my Viking friends instantly
decided that they would get a smith to make rings for them.
Date: Tue, 23 Feb 1999 13:05:16 -1000
From: Carol Thomas
Subject: Re: HNW - SCA type pouches

There are 2 purses, and 2 purse and pincushion sets, circa 1620, in Embroidery in Britain by King & Levey, ISBN 1-55859-652-6. Linen with silk & silver thread, gobelin,& plaited braid stitches.


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