Sunnybank Guestbook

Stop a moment and read some of the heartfelt comments that our visitors have had to say about Sunnybank, Terhune and this site. Then take the time and leave your comments here for others to enjoy!

Tom Potenza - 12/18/00 22:49:42
My Email:[email protected]
Location: New York City

It is remarkable to me that - more than 80 years after the publication of LAD: A DOG - so many folks, young and old, are still entranced by the Terhune spell. My life has been varied and entertaining, and at 50 I consider myself a mature and professional grownup(whatever that means!) Nonetheless, the mere mention of Sunnybank, the collies and - most especially - Lad, can throw me immediately back to the golden time of my youth when, late into the nights from 1959 through 1967, the big dog was my favorite companion through Bert's stories. I read and re-read those tales, as my parents warned of eyestrain and sleep deprivation! What else would I have named my first collie but Lad? As a writer and a teacher of literature, I can attest that Bert Terhune was no Shakespeare or Dickens; his stances on social issues, his descriptions, his plot devices were - in his own word -"maudlin" to say the least. I occasionally shutter when I re-read some of the worst passages. But for a young boy there was a magic in them...or was it the collies themselves that wove such enchanting spells? In any event, I was no literary critic when I read Bert; I was a disciple! I guess even a Manhattanite like me needs a "country house" and that house will always be, at least in my mind, The Place and Sunnybank. It's been a real thrill every time I have driven down that driveway. Can the long-decayed bones of a sixteen year old collie really carry such an impact? Embarrassing but true: Thoroughbred in body and soul, Lad can still get to me! Thanks for the site and the opportunity to "spout Sunnybank" on a cold winter afternoon! Tom

Jan - 12/12/00 01:25:20
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Michigan

I was so excited to find these web sites on my favorite author ever! I read all his books when I was a little girl and will never forget them. I have always loved dogs, but have a special fondness for collies due to his special books.

April - 12/11/00 19:10:45
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Prince Edward Island, Canada

I love the Lad books and I love my collie, but -where- is Sunnybank? I can't find anywhere where it actually is!

- 11/27/00 02:03:43
My Email:[email protected]

Thank you for your work --I don't know what to say without parroting what all the other posters have said. I grew up with Terhune's stories of the Sunnybank collies, and they were important to me. I always wondered how true the stories were, in part becau e Terhune wrote so much in the third person -- "The Master" and "The Mistress", for example, rather than "my wife and I". Now, thirty years later, I am looking at pictures of Sunnybank, even of the dog's graves. I'm touched that "The Place" was important enough to other people to have been preserved. And like Irving Litvag, I feel a nostalgic sadness in looking at the graves of the dogs. I urge everyone to look at the site which is listed in the Links as "Paul Bradicant's site". It has pictures of Terhune, his wife, and the dogs. It also has two complete magazine stories Terhune wrote. If you look hard enough, you can even find a New York Times story from 1928 that authenticates an incident I suspected was fictional as a kid, because it seemed too dramatic to be true. (No, I won't give it away -- I'll let you find it for yourself.) Thanks again!

Cindy - 11/11/00 01:02:58
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Washington

I have loved reading about the Sunnybank collies for as long as I can remember. Mr. Terhune's understanding of the unique characteristics of collies is wonderful. My "Brandy" was with me for 15 years and although she's been gone for 5 years now, not a d y goes by that I don't miss her. Once a collie has touched your heart, it remains there forever.

kay McIntyre - 10/02/00 03:09:38
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Granger, Ind. 46530

This is lovely. I was a collie breeder for 25 years inspired by Albert Payson Terhune. I have been collecting his books for 50 some years. I hope someday to visit Sunnybank but it has been in my minds eye forever.

glen timian - 09/19/00 15:59:59
My Email:[email protected]
Location: macomb il

hello hello fellow terhune fans! I love bert and nearly everything his has written (i say nearly because right now i'm reading syria from the saddle and its a little boring...just a little though) and want to either train dogs as my carrer or become a professor and teach people the impor ance of bert works! i am a freshman in college and can gain access to a lot of terhune books so far i've read to the best of my memory and letter from marque...really good stuff...i also like to write script and I am working on "Sunnybank Lad" (which is b sed from the lad stories and also about bert's life when he owned the famous collie) and "Wolf" (i would like this to be an animated film looking like "prince of egypt", "balto", and "watership down"). do you have any ideas or comments? i'd love to hear f om you all so PLEASE e-mail me!

Peggy Schulz - 09/19/00 14:57:31
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Lancaster, PA

As child, I read all of Albert Payson Terhune books about Lad and the other Sunnybank collies. They are the only books I have saved and treasured from my childhood. My first dog was a collie.I was so happy to find information about Mr.Terhune, Sunnybank, and people who share my wonderful childhood memories. If there is anyone who knows of a breeder who is carrying on the Sunnybank line of Collies, I would be grateful to know how to contact him/her. Thankyou for this wonderful website!

Arlyne McMullin - 09/15/00 00:14:40
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Long Island,NY

This is my first visit to this wonderful site. My husband just came in to find me sniffling at the computer. I have been reading Mr. Terhune's books for almost 50 years. I loved reading them as a child, and I still love to curl up with one of the many ooks I have collected over the years and spend a few hours tramping through the woods of The Place or laying in front of the fireplace with Lad, Bruce, Gray Dawn and Wolf stretched out around me. Now that I know of the park we will be visiting it this fa l. Thank you again.

Marilyn Phillips - 08/24/00 03:45:17
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Illinois

Thank you so much for posting these pictures. Mr. Terhune's books were an important part of my life while I was growing up. My collie was a tri-color named Lady. I realize now that the books are not just "dog stories," but are about honor and loyalty a d friendship and virtue. Every once in a while I meet someone else who read and loved the books and understands. My 13 year old daughter is starting to read Gray Dawn, the first Terhune book I ever read. I enjoyed reading your guestbook. It is good to know there still are others who remember Mr. Terhune and appreciate his gift. Thanks again.

Joan L. Keating - 08/21/00 02:08:09
My Email:[email protected]
Location: New Hampton, NY

I have always been a fan of the Sunnybank collies and Albert Payson Terhune. I've read all of his books and always had collies because of him and have raised them. My first collie was of Sunnybank origin bought from a doctor across the street. This was ab ut 50 years ago. I have done animal work all my life and am now the president of Closter Animal Welfare Society [CLAWS] We help any animal that needs help [mostly dogs & cats] I would like to visit Sunnybank if that is possible. Please let me know the details. Joan Keating

Lori Monk - 08/10/00 20:48:33
My Email:[email protected]
Location: TN

Hi, enjoyed your site. Got a qustion though,by any chance do you know anything about the Sunnybank Collie's pedigree? Lori

Marty Obenski - 07/09/00 00:21:34
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Latrobe, PA

I knew Sunnybank long ago as a magical beautiful place. It's hard to say why. As I read some of the books again decades later, I think it is because a child can identify with the dog heros - trying to win the love of those in charge without being able t communicate on their level. Dogs and children are often misunderstood, but at Sunnybank, the heros were always triumphant in the end. When I visited Sunnybank this weekend with the sun streaming down through the trees, I actually found myself thinking that maybe, when my film was developed, the pictures would show all the collies running down the lawn toward the lake and jumping in -- like those end papers on all the books I have. Maybe with them would be my collie Buff, gone for 25 years.

Donna Giordano - 06/30/00 14:46:43
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Newburgh,NY

Thank you for this website. I did not know I had so much company in loving the Sunnybank collies and their Master and Mistress. I have loved them since my childhood, beginning with Lad:a Dog. I took a trip to Sunnybank, and could identify with the visito in the narrative. Thanks again. Donna

Cathy Ashanky - 06/30/00 04:21:29
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Luray, VA

My husband and I raise collies here in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia and are very interested in attending The Gathering in August. It would be very helpful to know more about the days' and details - when, what. I guess we know where. We have been to unnybank and enjoyed it so very much. We look forward to returning in August. Please let us know further details.

Diana - 06/18/00 01:12:14
My Email:[email protected]
Location: New York

Anice Terhune was my great aunt and I was able to visit her at Sunnybank when I was a young child (Uncle Bert had died before I was born). The home looked like a museum through a child's eyes; luncheon with Aunt Anice was quite formal. (I see my brother isited this site a year ago!) I have only recently heard via family of the reunion scheduled in August, and would like more information about it...i.e., schedule of events, etc. I have not found anything yet on this website re/ this. Responses appreciat d. Thanks!

Rick Blatchley - 06/02/00 17:09:13
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Ham Lake, MN

I've been to Sunnybank! I have read the books! I own 13 of his books (and counting) And I have a collie! The best way to get to know a collie is to read the books, so much of Albert's books describe the true characteristics of the breed and the stories b ing to life the very honorable breed. Like "someone" once said, "the only thing better than owning a collie is owning TWO!" A.P.T.

Edsel Thomson - 05/30/00 00:26:24
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Evergreen, CO

Would love to visit "Sunnybank" someday. We love the elegent collie dog.

Connie Grosky - 05/26/00 04:39:28
My Email:mcmaurs
Location: california

I walked a few miles to the library to get my Terhune books. It is a beautiful thing to revisit the actual place the stories were made. Thank you.

Pat - 05/17/00 01:01:15
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Montreal, Canada

I have a tri-colour collie named Lad (I wonder where I came up with that name)and I have been a fan of Albert Terhune's books since I was a child. Thank you for introducing me to the wonderful world of the collie.

Patsy Patterson Martin - 05/06/00 19:54:36
My Email:[email protected].
Location: California

I loved the books about Lad, and all the other dogs that Terhune wrote about. they were a bright spot in my childhood. It is so wonderful to know that someone remembers.

Barbara Dodd Shoff - 04/24/00 01:33:37
My Email:[email protected]

What a wonderful page to just discover! Read all the books as a girl and had a collie I named Bruce! Not at all like the Terhune collies - a bit dorky and goofy but I loved him all the same. One of the first books I gave my son to read was "LAD OF SUNNY ANK" and just found one of the original issues at an antique store and got it for him for Christmas. It was and remains one of his favorite stories. Hope all keep the memory bright of the Sunnybank collies.

Lisa - 04/13/00 21:45:42
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Southern California

I love to read everyone's comments about Sunnybank, the Terhunes, and the collies. I just discovered Albert Payson Terhune in September of last year. I am 37 years old, and I fell in love with all of the collies! I was so happy to discover that so many ot er people love Sunnybank and The Place like I do. This summer I plan to attend The Gathering, and I hope to meet many of you there!:-) Thank you Donna, Susan, and Jennifer for such a wonderful web site, we all truly appreciate it.

Ellen - 04/11/00 16:51:52
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Waterville, Maine USA

To see all that is Sunnybank and Albert Payson Terhune has been a re-living of my childhood. Mr. Terhune taught me so much about dogs and the bond that is so strong between good people and their loving dogs. I have dreamed of having a Collie from the Sunn bank line; now I believe that may not be possible. I have found no pedigrees to peruse to see if there is any information on this. I think I have read almost all of Mr. Terhune's books. The poignancy and depth of devotion portrayed in his books is heartwa ming. I am a high school English teacher and my love of reading is firmly rooted in the wonderful writing of Mr. Albert Payson Terhune. I would love to attend The Gathering in August of this year. To fellow fans of Mr. Terhune and his dogs, thanks for lis ening.

Elizabeth Ross - 04/11/00 15:04:06
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Houston, Texas

I had no idea the world included so many Albert Payson Terhune readers. I 'discovered' his books at the library (I can still see the stacks where the books were shelved.) and read every one I could find. From the list on another link, I can see that tha was not many. I believe I learned more about doggie behaviour from Mr. Terhune than from any more recent publication. His love for his dogs was all enveloping and, from what I have read of attitudes at that time, not typical. But, if he had no son, wh was 'The Boy'?

Jared Blankenship - 03/19/00 18:20:19
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Overland Park, KS

As a child, my father first introduced me to the world of Sunnybank through Terhune's writings, and it was not, perhaps, until I was much older that I understand why. In those books, through the spirits of the dogs whom I can know only on paper, I came t know nobility, loyalty, and courage. Thank you for making sure that the Terhune's message will resonate well on into the future.

Cathy Ashanky - 03/10/00 16:19:17
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Luray, VA

We are looking forward to attending The Gathering in August. We breed sable and white collies and dearly love the breed and when we find someone who knows of Albert Payson Terhune, it's like a reunion!! Aren't collies so special- part of the family!!!! We have puppies right now and they are beautiful! We have even named our kennel Terhune. Come and see us in Luray and visit the Caverns while you are here.

Ame - 03/06/00 00:55:41
My Email:[email protected]
Location: NYC

it was so great to stumble onto Sunnybank again...As a child, my father would take myself and my dog up to Sunnybank for a picinic on the lake. We explored and met wonderful, interesting people who of which, loved Mr. Terhune as I did. I will always be in ebted and grateful to him throughout the rest of my days as I have now worked with dogs over 20 years and owe so much to Mr. Terhune, his work, his love...Thank you for keeping him always close by, as our dogs, always by our side...

Elizabeth Collins - 03/03/00 16:18:40
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Annandale,VA

I am so happy to have found this site. It is absolutely beautiful! I have felt I was one of few in my love for Albert Payson Terhune, the dogs, The I know better. How selfish of me to think I was the only one he was speaking to!!Anyway, I wou d LOVE to visit Sunnybank in person this summer at the Gathering. I hope to find more info on it soon . My daughter is in first grade and loves to read and has read the books by M. Lundell(I hope the name is right!)based on Terhune's Lad stories-they are wonderful tribute to APT! I read all of the other comments in the guest book and I am still misty-eyed...Keep up the good work...this site will be a regular haunt of mine...see you at Sunnybank...

Bob Schlenker - 03/01/00 03:28:14
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Chicago

What a surprise to find this site! Like so many of the guests here, I discovered the Terhune stories as a child and still have fifteen books, which I cherish for the memories of my childhood that they bring back to me. In the early 1950's, I wrote to Su nybank and received a sweet letter back from Mrs. Terhune telling me that the Sunnybank kennels were no longer operating. That letter is long lost, but not the memory. As a child, I had a tri-color collie, high strung and loyal. His name was Tokalon Pr nce Pontiac. From a champion line but never shown and no regrets. I think he was happier for it. We were constant companions until he died an early death at age 10. Nice to see all the hits on this site and to realize that my memories of the Terhune b oks and the mystique that stemmed from those stories are shared by others.

- 02/29/00 19:20:16


Ned Gladstone - 02/25/00 19:29:28
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Westminster, CO

Thank you very much for this great site. I have been to Sunnybank twice and it is always a bit like coming home. I was saddened to see the previous post speaking of vandalism and abuse, but am hopeful that there are enough Terhune fans left that Sunnyba k will be watched over by those of us who consider it a very important Place. Thank you again for the wonderful photos, the well-chosen quotes, and the ability to revisit my childhood heroes.

Dorothy and Ruth - 02/22/00 17:29:19
My Email:[email protected]
Location: New Jersey

We were saddened by the neglect and vandalism when we took a grandchild to a place we always cherished. We fear that this is the beginning of the end for Sunnybank as our generation knew it. The sundial is broken, trash all about, general vandalism everywhere. Please....give us our wonderful Sunnybank back.....

Lisa Byrne - 01/26/00 02:06:03
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Coeur d'Alene Idaho
I was born and raised in Wayne and was very interested in seeing this site.

Cindy - 01/18/00 03:01:53
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Cincinnati, OH
I recently fell in love with Terhune's stories. As a Sheltie person, I've got two at my feet now, and a dog lover in general- I am really looking foward to finding more Terhune to read. There is something very special about Sunnybank- it's people and anim ls.

Jane Ann Gardner - 01/15/00 04:26:39
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Reno, NV
I adored all of the books and stories by Albert Payson Terhune and love them to this day. Great website. Thank you for honoring such a fine writer of dog stories.

Astra Poyser - 01/10/00 06:55:22
My Email:[email protected]
Thank you for setting up this site. Like so many others here, I grew up reading about Lad and the Sunnybank collies. Perusing the site and seeing pictures of their gravestones is probably the closest I'll come to seeing the place for real, and I got a lit le misty-eyed, reading the dedications. I've got most of the books, and am always on the lookout for more at rare/used bookstores. Mr. Terhune wrote wonderful stories; far more than mere "dog stories."

Patty Duong - 01/10/00 02:11:39
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Ct.
I have one smooth collie left. I don't think I could ever stand to live without one. Iv'e read all of the Sunnybank books while I was growing up and still have some of them that I will keep forever.

Jackie Beaudin - 01/03/00 05:00:38
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Wisconsin
As a collie breeder for many years, I have enjoyed Alberts books, and I am thrilled to be able to visit this site, for I have not been able to find out to much about him, with out a computer. Thanks for this golden opportunity. Sincerely Queens Hill Coll es

David Miller - 01/03/00 03:40:17
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Cincinnati, OH
A wonderful site! As a distant relative (my mother is a Terhune) who grew up near Sunnybank, I never new of it 'till recently! I will definitely visit it on a future trip to NJ!

Mindy Lu Gaffney - 12/24/99 22:18:28
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Kansasville, WI
Thanks for this wonderful page! It was great to learn about Sunnybank and see the pictures. What a wonderful tribute to such wonderful collies and owners!

Kathy Simmons - 12/22/99 22:11:40
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Macon,GA.
I love this site. The photos of Sunnybank are very close to what I had imagined it to look like. It may be bacause the terrain in Macon is similar. I've loved these books so much ever since I was a child it is as if I knew these collies. Seeing there graves made me cry.

Kathy Rais - 12/22/99 17:07:25
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Phoenixville PA
Awesome! Thank you!

teri caroselli - 12/21/99 15:40:24
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Michigan
Thank you...I loved reading those stories as a child and later as an adult I owned a beautiful tri-color collie named Keba...I have down sized now to Shelties but I only want those with Collie temperament...I enjoyed the visit to Sunnybank park and the g ave sites were very touching...I was grateful as a child to find in those wonderful stories, someone who shared my great love of dogs...

Pat Garity - 12/12/99 01:31:35
My Email:[email protected]
Location: San Diego, California
I grew up reading Terhune's books and have recently reread a few. Thanks for the site, the graves tugged at my heart.

Jill Cheatham - 11/26/99 23:47:52
Location: Georgia
I really enjoyed the pictures and information. Terhune is one of my favorite authors.

julie will - 11/26/99 02:28:31
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Weedsport, NY
When I was a child of 9 or so, my father gave me the copy of "Lad, A Dog" that he had as a child, copywrite 1919. I collected most of the other Terhune books in the youthful years that followed. I am 55 now, and just dusted off those treasured books aga n, for reading matter as I recover from a recent surgery. How touching! And how wonderful to find this site on the web and know that Terhune's works meant as much to others as to me!

bernadette - 11/25/99 15:04:00
My Email:[email protected]
Location: waretown nj
im speechless, that on this thanksgiving day ive finally found sunnybank, as an only child iwas lonely and lad was my best friend;i saved all my babysitting money to buy my 1st collieand what a great dog he was,long gone now,there is another collie in my ife and always will be ,teary eyed i say thank you and will try to make trip up there soon. bernadette

v crickman - 11/19/99 18:40:53
Location: sullivan, IL
I grew up reading about all these wonderful collies and I still have the books. This started me on a collection of collie statues. Of which my collection probably has about 50 and I still look and buy them whenever I run across any. I had a collie of my wn which I named Gamble and though he has been gone for years I think of him often. I only hope Mr. Terhune knew of the joy that he gave so many of us by writing about his beloved collies. Some day I would like to visit Sunnybank.

Georgiana Peterson - 11/17/99 04:57:40
My Email:[email protected]
Location: oklahoma
I loved these books when I was a child and still haunt second hand bookstores finding them. Like everyone else, I came to respect collies and do want to see Sunnybank.

Aerin - 11/12/99 21:16:38
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Charlotte, NC
While we were living in Italy, as my father had been stationed there, we had no TV. I therefore devoured the post library's collection of Nancy Drew, Greek mythology books, and then started to look around for something new to interest me. I found Lad: A D g. My mother raises dogs, though not collies (Belgian Sheepdogs, if you wanted to know). So at the age of, oh, probably eight years old, I started reading Lad: A Dog. Then anything else Mr. Terhune had written. I loved Laddie. I loved him so much that whe we kept a dog my mother had bred, I wanted him named Lad. My Laddie was the best dog ever, to me. I think he was a credit to his namesake. And now that my little girl is starting to read, I hope she someday will enjoy the Lad books I've started getting f r her.

Thorlief3 - 11/04/99 21:57:13
My Email:[email protected]
Location: USA
This page is still as cool as when I visited it for the first time about two years ago. By the way, it's on the Links on my page and for anyone who wants to see my page, the address is with my name and my e-mail. Thanks, Thorlief3

Susie Leonard - 10/31/99 09:48:32
My Email:[email protected]
Location: MD
I have loved collies since I was a little girl. The love affair began with Lassie. Then in elemetry school I dicovered LAD. What a wonderful day that was. The love affair still continues; I have four collies to date (2 blue merle males and 2 sable fem les), thanks to the Sunnybank stories. I currently show my collies in odedience and have a CD on one girl. I can not even imagin my home without a collie in it. Thanks Mr. Terhune. Susie

Barbara - 10/12/99 19:22:41
My Email:[email protected]
Location: mt
Thank you so much for a tour of the place and the dogs that meant so much to me as a child. I am still teary eyed, remembering.

david rasner - 10/07/99 20:32:10
Location: Indiana
Thank you for providing this site. The names of the dogs and the scenes of the place have been the stuff of my imagination since the long hours spent with them in childhood. I hope there will be a generation following that will have the same gift.

Quentin E. Terhune - 09/24/99 03:49:48
Location: Appomattox, VA
relative of Albert Payson Terhune - visited Sunnybank as a child.

Tawanna Shepard - 09/05/99 04:16:28
My Email:[email protected]
Have loved all of Mr. Terhune's books but espcially the books about Lad. I was priviledged to have my very own "lad" for about eight years before he succumbed to cancer. I've known many collies but he truly exemplified the collie spirit that Mr. Terhune wrote so much about.

jay wilkerson - 09/04/99 13:21:18
My Email:[email protected]
Location: toms river , nj
just a wonderfull site to visit full of information so valuable to Terhune and collie fans all over. If you haven't visited Sunnybank you are missing an experience you soon will not forget

- 08/27/99 17:19:10

Barb Naughton - 08/25/99 15:57:59
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Wellston, Michigan
My husband and I, just returned from our two day visit at "The Gathering", at Sunnybank! What a glorious experience! On entering the "Place", down the winding drive, it was exactly as I had envisioned it in reading all the Terhune books. I became very cho ked up, on finding at the bottom of the drive, a parking lot, where once the house had stood. I knew it would not be there, but the realization on not finding it standing there, was very emotional. Spent most of the visit, walking the grounds, stopping at the gravesites of Lad, Bruce, Treve, and all the other Collies there will leave an everlasting feeling of Joy and excitement, that will stay with me as long as I live. I brought two of my Collies along, to be able to say, my "Chums" also ran all over the Place". I hope Bert, and Anice were on the other side, looking down at all us Collie lovers with a satisfied feeling of knowing the legacy they have left behind.

Linda Ekback - 08/23/99 05:42:04
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Ventura, CA
I am a volunteer with Southland Collie Rescue in California. I have been involved with collies ever since reading Lad, A Dog in 1964. I was thrilled to find this site. I hope to visit Sunnybank next year.

Barb Naughton - 08/18/99 16:16:33
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Wellston, Michigan
As a child of the depression, my one enjoyment, was being able to go to the public library every Saturday, and spend the day reading. It cost nothing, but I recieved a wealth of knowledge in reading all about the Magnificent Collie, so well told about in ll APT's books! I have my collie kennel, due to his influence, and I have all his books on the Collie. These wonderful creatures have helped me through all my joys, and sorrows. I live on twenty acres of knarled oaks, a creek, and many pine trees, and a b g house, that my husband and I call "Our Sunnybank", and under one of the giant Pines, lay the beloved dogs that I have lost over the years. I visit the site often and find myself visualizing the real Sunnybank, and am excited beyond words, knowing that m husband and myself, will be leaving here Friday morning to go to "The Gathering" at Sunnybank this week!! My husband found this web-page just this morning, and I have been here for over an hour reading all the guest's comments, and am overwhelmed at how any people feel as I do about our "chums". Can hardly contain myself waiting to get going to "The Place". See you all there!

Ken Artis - 08/14/99 01:51:31
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Madison, Wisconsin
On May 18, 1958, I visited Sunnybank and spent several hours with Mrs. Terhune. It was a formative experience and led to my becoming a writer (although, later, I became a lawyer). APT is one of the most underestimated writers I can think of. I still en oy reading his books. I'd like to find out if anyone knows of any motion pictures of him or any sound recordings. Please let me knwo at [email protected] Thanks.

Cathie Dewey - 08/07/99 11:41:18
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Dunkirk, Maryland
I had the opportunity to visit Sunnybank in person approximately 25 years ago and I can still remember to feelngs I had standing on the very ground Lad, Lady, Wolf and the others had so gaily trod. Their very essence surrounded me and called to me! Today, I found this site and once more bask in their delight. I am equally delighted to find a site filled with information that may lead me to find others who have grown up with these wonderful memories. I have recently begun reacquiring all those wonderful books I had collected as a child and so foollishly gave away.....although I do believe that they gave extreme pleasure to the young lady who received them. Many thanks for this wonderful web site. Perhaps I shall get the opportunity to meet some other fans and to share memories of books and childhood with them.

William J. Sweet - 07/05/99 23:26:16
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Lakeview, Arkansas
I read all those wonderful collie stories when a small boy. Eventually had a Collie of my own when a young man. I named him TREVE. He died in my arms many years later, having run like the wind on our "Sand Creek" farm. As an old man now, I am reading all hose wonderful books once more. God bless you, Mr. Terhune. You have enriched my life beyond measure. Your collies still grace my dreams and my thoughts in quiet moments. Bill...

Joyce Wright - 06/29/99 23:27:21
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Galashiels, Scotland
If I hadn't always loved dogs If I hadn't bought "Lad, A Dog" when I was twelve If I hadn't read and loved "Lad" over the years If I hadn't always wondered if "The Place" might still be there, If I hadn't NEEDED to know If I hadn't written to the AKC If I hadn't lost my own beloved dog recently at the age of fifteen and a half years, then I probably would not have made this pilgrimage to Sunnybank. It has taken me all of fifty years, but to finally enter the driveway on May 29th was an unforgettable xperience. The essence of Sunnybank (if not the acreage) has some how survived the years despite the desecration that time, neglect and feet have wrought. Perhaps it is the love that surrounded it in the days of its youth which one feels if the visitor elieves in it. It has turned out to be all I could ever dream - and more - and I can go home, contented with the surety that the local community now realizes it has a very special place worth preserving. I am very happy I came. 6/29/99

The Kelsos - 06/28/99 01:35:22
My Email:Kelso@
Location: Middletown
Hope to be at "The Gathering" somtime soon. We would like to learn what we can about "APT". All of us like Terhune's books. We are working our way through the collection. We are sorry to hear that The Place has been torn down.

- 06/24/99 21:36:55

Joanne Cole - 06/10/99 23:54:44
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Boulder CO
I will be visiting Sunnybank on Aug 25 & 26th, but will miss the 'gathering'! If anyone is inclined to tape the lectures given by the biographers & historians and share them with others who cannot make it...I would be most greatful (and happy to share any costs...)Please let me know. Also, I am looking for a nice place to stay while visiting Pompton Lakes. Anyone have any ideas? Sincerely, Joanne Cole

Sonya Wiley - 06/09/99 13:21:05
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Marianna, Florida
Thanks so much for this site, found it via the Terhune site as I was surfing. I'm saddened that that the Place is torn down but glad there is a park and preservation of the graves.

Jamie Clingan - 06/01/99 17:26:58
My Email:[email protected]

Jamie Clingan - 06/01/99 17:26:47
My Email:[email protected]

Jamie Clingan - 06/01/99 17:26:35
My Email:[email protected]

Jamie Clingan - 06/01/99 17:26:17
My Email:[email protected]

Jamie Clingan - 06/01/99 17:25:40
My Email:[email protected]

Martin Gill - 05/22/99 03:58:53
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Martin Gill
The tour of Sunnybank is great but I'd respectfully suggest that you add a few photos of the late, lamented house. When I was about 14 in the late '60s, my parents took me to Sunnybank a short time before the house was torn down. Despite being a very proper schoolteacher of the old sort, my mother insisted that we get into the abandoned, boarded-up house. So in we w nt, climbing in through a window on the beautiful old verandah, and amidst the crumbling plaster and the collapsing ceilings we both felt absolutely awed at being in the presence of the spirits of Lad, Bruce, Wolf, and, of course, the Mistress and Master I'd love to see a picture of the house again to relive that experience, which I'll remember all my life, and to feel the presence once again of those extraordinary canine and human spirits.

Deb Cecotti - 05/18/99 17:19:24
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Pittsbugh PA
I was hoping to visit Sunnybank this year for the gathering. Now that I have seen this web site, I can't wait. Deb Storm, Wind and Frosty (Collies) Princess (Shiba Inu)

Phillip T. Eldredge - 04/18/99 21:17:38
My Email:[email protected]
I remember the enjoyable times I had when first reading the many books about the SunnyBank Collies 45-50 years ago.

Paula Schultz - 04/18/99 20:37:57
My Email:[email protected]
Location: New Jersey
Ok have the 1999 information for Sunnybank in the Summer 3 "The Gathering" Saturday and Sunday August 21st and 22nd, 1999 Saturdays events : Claire Leishman will have the following guests Irving Litvag author of The Master of Sunnybank Bill Mastbrook and Dale Hooper personal friends of "The Mistress", Tour Sunnybank and visit the Terhune Museum with Mrs. Lieshman as the tour guide. Silent Auction and CCA foundation membership drive. Sunday Events Virtures Match coordinated by Tom Coen Outline,Muzzle,Skull,Front,Rear,Side Gait,Expression Custom Created Sunnybank Box lunch Dessert contest - Bring your favorite dessert enough to share with eight people. Desserts will be judged by mystery judges for Sunnybank prizes during lunch. Lad of Sunnybank Memorial Match. Regular match with the Lad of Sunnybank Trophy offered for Best in Match. Silent Auctions and CCA foundation membership drive For more information please feel free to contact me at my email address [email protected]

Janet Owens - 04/08/99 03:11:18
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Indianapolis, IN
I'm another collie lover who discovered Terhune's books as a child and said I'd someday have a collie (I do). My husband found me all of Terhune's dog books for Christmas the first year we were married. I hope to someday visit Sunnybank; thanks for the to r in the meantime!

Frank Taylor - 03/31/99 04:02:29
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Spokane, Wa.
Hi! I found your site and related sites about Sunnybank etc., a couple of days ago and have been relishing everything over the last couple of days. Just got through reading through all the comments from 1997 to now. So much of what I read reflects my own feel ngs about Terhune, Sunnybank, Lad etc.. Like many, I read, Lad: A Dog, Wolf, and Bruce from the library, when I was about 12 (I'm 40 now). Naturally I was perminantly 'infected' by Collie-Terhune fever! Over the last couple of years, I've collected 14 og story books. Alas, I don't have a collie yet...just a bird. And no, I didn't name him Lad: a bird! Ha, Haa! Best wishes, Frank Taylor

ELISE M. FARRAR - 03/30/99 17:33:39
My Email:[email protected]

Mrs Bobbie Hoernig - 03/19/99 02:32:57
My Email:[email protected]
Location: West Central Missouri
Hello: Just surfed in by sheer accident and found the Sunnnybank Collies. I was horrified to think someone today was using the Sunnybank name, till I browsed further on. What a thrill. I grew up with the Sunnybank Collies and Billy and Blaze books. Now I can see the places I have read about. I repeat, what a thrill! My first Collie in the 1950's was named Arvonwood Gallant Lad in his honor. Had some points and a CD on him before an accident curtailed my showing. Now I'm downsized to a Sheltie and I think of Collies all the time. What a joy to see Sunnybank and we will certainly stop in on our next trip to the East Coast to see our 'kids'. Thank you for a lovely tourj!! Bobbie Hoernig

peter hopper - 03/14/99 20:37:02
Location: newburgh n.y.

Jessie Oldham - 02/19/99 15:56:29
My Email:[email protected]
Great to see so many still have an interest in APT.

Ted Meads - 02/18/99 16:38:07
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Tonka Bay, MN
At age 11, I corresponded briefly with Mrs. Terhune -- she kindly responded to my love of her husband's stories with several letters. Can't put into words the impact that those wonderful collie stories had on me. The Place is just the way I pictured it n my imagination.

Arnold E. Steele - 02/18/99 01:19:15
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Salinas, California
Some of the best times I remember of my cildhood were reading Albert Payson Terhune's books, particularly, "Lad,A Dog". Yor site is indeed a treasure commemoratng Mr. Tehune's writings which were always testimonies of the unbreakable bonds formed between man and his dogs. Thank you for your gift of remeberance.

laura cayce - 02/06/99 23:38:05
My Email:tazzi@mindspring
Location: atlanta, ga
I have enjoyed the stories. Wish I could have seen the house with all its great descriptions.

beth cayce - 02/06/99 23:33:47

Barb Howey - 02/06/99 12:09:24
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Watertown, SD
Hi, I was looking for a page on rottwielers. But I will logon to your page. bahowey.

pat Larkin - 01/28/99 19:35:00
My Email:[email protected]
Location: West Spfld. Ma
As a child I devoured The Sunnybank books and vowed some day to have a Collie. My thanks to those who founded this site and in memory of Megan, Meghan, Kerry who didn't get to live her lifespan, and in honor of Bridget and Conor, who are just beginning th irs.

Megan Gelson and John Gelson - 01/24/99 02:08:08
My Email:[email protected]

Ruth Wallo - 01/22/99 14:01:15
Location: Wayne, NJ
I live in Wayne only minutes from Sunnybank! And just found the website. Imagine my surprise in'58 to find that my husband to be, lived seconds from Sunnybank/I had read all of his books and now 40 yrs later am a collector. For the vistor of this site who ? the demollishing of the house and outer buildings. The house was not cared for after his death in '41 and the only thing holding it up where the wisteria vines. A family member was lucky enough to photoghraph some of the buildings just before they where razed. Although it has been nearly 30 yrs/we are hoping to create a blk/white collection. Although this may take some time it is my desire to arrange some availibilty thru the Wayne Museum. At this time I do not wish to enter my e-mail address because I know I would be beseiged.

meredith - 01/13/99 00:21:10
the books on the Sunnybank Lad and the other collies are inspiring

DerekBlankenship - 01/07/99 18:55:08
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Kansas City, MO
Just a quick thank you to Mr. Terhune and Wolf for their contribution to who I am.

Steve Hunter - 01/07/99 03:13:17
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Toronto, Ontario Canada
Great to see there other fans out there. Childhood is a wonderful thing that only happens once, and it is understandable that we revisit that feeling that we got when we read the collie books APT wrote. I read most of them when I was young, and now have wonderful collie that my 2 daughters and I adore. The collies APT wrote about were impossibly brave and intelligent (and collies are not as fast as greyhounds, as Mr Terhune wrote), but they do have eyes that reflect a soul, and they are incrediblly sens tive dogs - mine reacts instantly to any kind of a raised voice, and I would never dream of hitting my dog - I wouldn't be able to take the guilt of those downcast eyes. Terhune was the son of a minister, as was my other favorite author, John Buchan, and it is interesting that their story heroes always have high moral codes - it is one of the things I think resounds in Terhune's stories that we in the present time long for - when life moved at a slower pace, and a collie could bring out the better part of a person's character. May Sunnybank long live on in all our hearts.

Julie Teague - 01/01/99 21:37:13
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Cedar Hill, TX
Was amazed to find other Terhune fans. I found one while browsing on ebay. His link led me here. I love it! I am a teacher with a sheltie, 3 other dogs, 4 cats, an Arabian gelding, and a pet rat (daughters). Have read the dog books since childhood (l ng yrs. ago). Thanks for the trip to Sunnybank.

Suzanne Buckler - 01/01/99 00:21:03
My Email:[email protected]
What a beautiful web site! I read all the Terhune books when I was in grade school and reread them in junior high. I loved each and every one! This web site has brought back some wonderful memories of my childhood and memories of my early dogs. I had always wanted a collie but my parents said no because we lived in the city and had no room. I now live in the country and have several dogs. I actually cried when I reviewed your web site. What a wonderful time I had in looking at it. Thank you so much.

lisa cotton - 12/28/98 03:40:41
My Email:LisaCotton@webtv
Location: clarksville,Tn

Diana Waser - 12/23/98 06:35:45
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Wilmington, NC
Thank you for setting up this site. I was thrilled to find it tonight as I was researching Terhune and Sunnybank. I was anxious to find out more about the man whose stories have come to mean so much to me and I would dearly love to visit Sunnybank. I o ly discovered Terhune about this time last year while visiting my inlaws. I was looking for something to read and came across a volume of dog stories -what I really found was a treasure. I have always loved collies and had two of my own, so I was so happy to see their traits expressed so exactingly and grateful that someone el e loved them too. Needless to say, I have begun collecting Terhune's works. We lost our own beloved Lad just before Thanksgiving and are devastated. He was so brave and good and we miss him so. He was our communicator - he loved to "talk" and we loved to listen to him. There will never be another like him.

Susan - 12/19/98 05:33:39
My Email:[email protected]
Location: WV
For those who would like to visit Sunnybank a good time would be in the summer when the Collie Club of America Foundation has the Gathering of the Great and the Great To Be. Proceeds from fund raisers go to research and health.For a fun filled time and an opportunity to interact with fellow collie lovers Sunnybank in the summer is a peacful and lovely way to spend the day with your collie or meet new friends.The past two years the historian has been there and is also an excellent educational opportunity to learn more about Sunnybank.

Susan - 12/19/98 05:23:18
My Email:[email protected]
Location: WV
Sunnybank is a beautiful place. And is worth a visit for anyone who wants to feel the peace and beauty that only Sunnybank can offer.

- 12/17/98 16:14:21

Pat Scott Casey - 12/07/98 02:27:56
My Email:Pat-Koa
Location: Mundelein, IL
Was so surprised and excited to find your site! I have been collecting APT books for most of my life - handed down from my mother. My daughter has read and re-read them also. My mother had written to APT and received a nice reply from him, and this le ter is kept in the book, Grey Dawn. I have always wanted to raise and show a Collie but I have been doing Shelties for albout 15 years now, but still find myself at the Collie ring side at shows checking the entries against the standard and wondering ho much they have changed since the time of Lad and the rest of the Sunnybank collies. I thought my collection of 9 APT book was pretty good until I read some of the other comments from other lovers of Sunnybank. I will keep searching and everytime I find another one, it just seems to make me want a Sunnybank collie even more. I will be back to visit again and hope some day to visit such a special place.

Nikki Tomasovic - 12/04/98 18:57:36
Location: Villa Ridge MO
i have read all about sunnybank in the collie books. I am planning my first litter soon and i am very excited. I show all but one of my collies, she's the family pet.

Mary Beth - 11/22/98 00:49:34
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Wichita, KS
It's great to see a site dedicated to one of my favorite authors! I hope to make it to Sunnybank someday. I am looking for a copy of "Gray Dawn" for my collection. Does anyone have any advise?

Kimberly Klaus - 11/17/98 17:42:53
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Pennsylvania
How nice to see photographs of the Place! But it was stated that the original house was "razed"... what happened to the original buildings?

Jessica Harper - 11/04/98 03:25:29
Location: Smithers, BC, Canada
When I was little, I read all the Sunnybank collie stories and loved them. Now, I am thinking of getting a dog, and a collie is first on my list! What a wonderful way to learn about a great dog! If I ever have kids, I will lean them on our collie in th yard and read all the Sunnybank stories to them.

10/26/98 10:15:27
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

Ethel Z. Kratz - 10/19/98 23:38:34
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Wayne, NJ
A wonderful park and setting. On October 18, 1998, the Friends of the Wayne Public Library dedicated a Literary Landmark Plaque on the stone wall at the entrance. This is the first New Jersey Literary Landmark designation through Friends of Libraries, U A.

Robert - 10/09/98 04:39:33
My Email:[email protected]
Location: New Mexico
I have most of Terhune's books which I re-read time to time. I also have Collies, (or did have, I am now down to one). May Terhune and Sunnybank give me the strength to continue.

Jean Kroll - 10/07/98 18:33:59
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
It is great to see a site dedicated to this wonderful author. I always dreamed I would one day have a dog as valiant and faithful as Lad. I do, but he is not a Collie, but a Belgian Tervuren. I will always carry a soft and special place for Collies. Visit my site when you have the opportunity.

stephen thompson - 09/18/98 18:03:43
My URL:http://www.
My Email:[email protected]
how wonderful to find Sunnybank transported into cyberspace!!!

Patricia Lawson - 09/17/98 02:20:01
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Wayne, NJ
Collie people and fans of APT are invited to the dedication of a plaque registering Sunnybank as a Literary Landmark. The plaque honors Albert Payson Terhune and Anice Stockton Terhune as authors. The dedication will be at 1 PM Sunday October 18 at Sunnybank Memorial Park in Wayne, NJ. Following a stroll around the grounds (visit the graves of Lad, Bruce, Treve and other collies), there will be a reception at the Van Riper Hopper House Museum, where Claire Leishman's collection of Terhune memorabilia is on display. Park in the large lot down the drive at Sunnybank. The dedication will be near the large sign at the top of the drive, where the Terhunes' gatehouse once stood. Hope to see you there. Pat

Dorothy - 09/07/98 01:32:06
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Oakland, NJ
After reading your guestbook, I apparently am a latecomer to this site, but I couldn't be more thrilled to have finally found it. I had no idea I was among such a great number of Terhune/Sunnybank fans. I am fortunate to live just about 3 miles from Sun ybank and can picture exactly the locations ATP wrote about in and around Pompton Lakes. My daughter is getting married next year and will have her wedding pictures taken at Sunnybank. It truly is a beautiful and peaceful "Place." I only wish the house had not been demolished. My father (who grew up here in the 1920s) remembers the wonderful house and seeing ATP in Pompton Lakes on several occasions. I also have been collecting Albert and Anice Terhune books for a number of years and am always looking for a title I do not yet own. This is a wonderful site and it is heartening to learn (by the comments in your guestbook) that ATP books are still being discovered and enjoyed by new generations

Kelly Ketcham - 09/01/98 19:36:29
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Bowling Green State University, OH
Sunnybank has always been one of the most enduring and endearing places that I've read about since childhood.

Megan Ausen - 08/30/98 17:58:51
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Alexandria, MN
I love the books about Lad,Wolf,Bruce,Gray Dawn,& Lochivar Luck.I'm 11 years old. I dream about having lots of Collies,and living at The Place.That's why I was sad to hear it had been razed in 1969.I hope that someday I can see the graves of those wonderful dogs. Sincerely, Megan Ausen

Cathy Ashanky - 08/21/98 04:00:54
My Email:[email protected] OR [email protected]
Location: LURAY, VA
We are so very glad to have found you website. We were at Sunnybank two years ago in August and were very moved by the very PLACE. We breed collies and we even had a puppy with us to enjoy the pilgrimage, as it were, to a place that is very special to us. Our kennels are named TERHUNE. It is so wond rful when we meet anyone who knows about Albert Payson Terhune. Please send us anything and everything about the PLACE and Sunnybank. Thank you very much.

Joanne Cole - 08/09/98 15:45:04
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Boulder Colo
Wow! Thanks!

Charles Gibbs - 08/03/98 14:55:51
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Mechanicsville,VA
I never knew how interesting & realistic sites like this could be. You really made me think I was there. I'll be back!

Beatrice VanLuyn - 08/03/98 14:45:39
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Mechanicsville, Va.
Sunnybank has always been one of my favorite places to visit--through the wonderful books that Mr. Terhune wrote. It was great to visit Sunnybank through this website. Someday, I hope to visit in person. You did a marvelous job bringing Sunnybank alive in pictures. Thank you.

Carol Bartel - 07/25/98 22:18:28
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Pennsylvania
I was amazed at how many "Terhune" fans there are. I thought I was one of a select few that enjoyed (when I was young) and even now those wonderful collie stories. I found your site by accident when I was searching for information on one of the books I h ve and it is great! Loved seeing actual pictures of the "place", the dogs, and of course Mr. Terhune. I have most all of his books and even some duplicates that I hoard like gold. I have one signed by him that I just acquired recently. One of the most valuable things I feel I own. My beloved collie passed on a few years ago and I miss him still.

Nancy La Shure - 07/22/98 22:01:24
My Email:[email protected]
My first trip to Sunnybank was so exciting that I could hardly stand it. I was so disappointed not to see Robert Friend's house at the top of the driveway and even more disappointed to not see The Place at the bottom of the "furlong." I have brought man friends with me to The Place, but only ones that I know will appreciate the beauty and understand how 9 acres can move anyone who had read and dreamed of being able to meet the Terhunes. I would like to visit the church where they are buried but I can n ver find it - I know it is near Sunnybank, but if anyone can help me I will be greatful. I also wan t to attend the Gathering - please, please let me know when it is! Nancy

Chauncey Johnston - 07/20/98 00:27:23
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Pennsylvania
I love you website!I am 12 years old and two years ago I discovered APT books in my school library and loved them.The librarian thought I was nuts because once I finished one of his books I would check it out again. I have three collies who I show and lov to bits.They also love APT books.(I read the books out loud to them.)Thank you for making such a great web site, I really enjoyed it:)

Becky - 07/19/98 01:50:44
My Email:[email protected]
Location: california
I have got to tell you: this is the coolest site! I love it. I didn't know this thing existed. Terhune is da bomb. K' Bye!

michelle rigby - 07/03/98 18:29:18
Location: American Fork, Utah
I enjoyed this site because I have read the book about Lad and it was neat to see where he was buried

Nancy Williams Vining - 07/02/98 03:32:00
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Lake City, FL
Thanks for the memories! I followed my big sister in reading stories of Lad and Lady, The Master, The Mistress, The Place...piano caves... what wonderful thing come back after visiting SunnyBank on this website. I remember from Treve...the sound of "E" arries far when calling - maybe that is why most of our pets have the long-e sound...Mist-eee. Yep, it still rings true as Tre-e-ve. Will return to see what's been added

Lynda Williams Sweeting - 07/01/98 21:04:03
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Miami, FL
"Lad: a Dog" was the first book I ever asked to have for my own and I still have it. I have had two sable friends, Robbie and (of course there had to be one) Lad. These books came from the time when my parents were alive and I was a child. This is one hildish thing I have yet to put behind me. Thank you for preserving, at least, this sad remnant of what was once a proud estate. Tears and gratitude. . . Lynda

LEW KOCH - 06/18/98 18:06:57
My Email:[email protected]
Hello Susan, the entire Terhune sites are just great. Congratulations! I still own all of my Terhune books given to me in the '40s. My boyhood dream was to raise collies. As it turned out I did own a Lodestone collie I purchased in Virginia, took him out to Calif. and there found my dog of the High Sierra, a gorgeous sable of Parader breeding. I wrote a number of articles about collie history for COLLIE CUES and because of a response from Mike Kennedy correcting me on one statement, we became "pen pals." Over the years he volunteered fascinating information about Bellhaven, Tauskey, and yes, Terhune, himself. Kennedy once rode a railroad baggage car taking Sunnybank collies to Westminster. I've since donated the Mike Kennedy letters to the CCA, but kept some copies. I wanted to reach Gayle Kaye who wrote about Laund Loyalty, but don't know how to contact her. Mike Kennedy told me that the reason Loyalty was never shown again after Westminster is because there were no more worlds to conquer. He said all the hoopla about threats on the dog's life was false. Also have a collection of letters from Oren Kem and his Lodestone experiences. He was a wonderful writer and very open-minded. Back to Sunnybank. The photo's are just great. Have seen photo's of Thane, but not Sigurdson. I knew that APT use Knocklayde King Hector as a foundation sire, but, event- uallyl grew tired of the showring. Well, better get back to work. Up on a moun- tain here in Alabama. Monte Sano. Where the Von Broun and other German rocket scientists lived when they came here to develop the Saturn rocket. Big state park up here as well as TV station, elementary school, museum, and residences with spectacular views of the Tennesse Valley below. Wow. Thanks again for the Sunnybank news. Looking forward to spending more time with the entire collection, yours, and renewing acquaintances. Steve Field, Mrs. Long, Trudy, Honeybrook, etc. One more thing. I attend the '68 CCA Specialty in California and saw many of the greats. Stoneykirk Reflection, Daily Double, The Clown Prince, Improptu Repartee, and others. Well, I've been going on too long. Best regards. lew koch 6/18/98

FELINEBABE - 06/13/98 14:23:12
Location: Brooklyn,N.Y.
It was a very thrilling and emotional experience to find Sunnybank on the internet. As a child, I was totally engrossed in Mr. Terhune's books. My mother bought me sveral which I still might have hidden. I remember so well "Lad a Dog." When I saw his rave, I was very touched. I am visiting Sunnybank this summer. I previously was unaware that it existed.

Doug Knight - 06/11/98 23:53:33
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Ottawa, Canada
Another of those who read about Lad, and others, a long time ago - and who are now kept young by a collie. Well done - keep it up - I'll be back...

paula Schultz - 06/11/98 12:16:46
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Tuckerton, NJ
For all you collie fans, every year there are puppy matches and a "Gathering" at the Sunnybank Park. There are ususally about 3 puppy matches one in June, one I think in September, and one in October although I have to check. The Gathering is usually in August. At the Gathering collie people and there dogs come for a puppy match and there is usually quite a display of Terhune memoribilia for a weekend. Quite an event and wonderful to see all the collies at Sunnybank again. If you would like more inform tion I would be happy to forward it please email me at [email protected]

Angela McGill - 05/31/98 04:27:52
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Alpine, CA
I have always been a fan of Albert Terhune and all of the collies which starred in the 1950's movies with Elizabeth Taylor and etc. I have always wished for a collie of that type which was a favorite of the Lassie show in the 50's, probably not a classic how quality, but desirable to me. I am interested in finding this type of collie. Can anyone assist me in my search??

Joyce Kern - 05/29/98 17:09:42
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Aromas, CA
How peaceful it looks and I am sure, was. I have had Shelties for 50 years and love them more than many people. I started with a Collie that I thought was the most wonderful thing in the world.

Peggy and "Mya" - 05/25/98 07:05:01
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Rincon,Georgia
Thank you for the wonderful tour. I must say i really enjoyed it, although i did tear up here and there. Thank you for this site.

max harwell - 05/23/98 03:12:53
My Email:[email protected]
Location: houston, tx
I've been a fan of Terhune and his work for about two and a half years. I had an opportunity to visit Sunnybank and I enjoyed it, although it is rather sad that the house and other buildings are gone.

Marilynne Shifflett - 05/20/98 15:03:39
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Maryland
I am very surprised that the park exists, since Terhune died so many years ago. I have loved his stories since I was a child. I will keep a watch on this page for upcoming events.

Thorleif3 - 05/11/98 23:02:59
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Virginia
I think this is a great website. I don't understand why more people do not visit this website more often. I hope someday people will make new copies of the Albert Payson Terhune books to go into the bookstores. There are only a few problems about this website. The STORIES AND SUCH page needs more poems and stories. I hope people enter more things into it. It is my favorite page on the sight. I have one question: How do the poems and stories get on the page? I have sent two poems and they have not gone on the page. They were called TROUBLE'S POEM and ILSA: A DOG. I am pretty sure that they didn't have any problems in them. The other problem about the site is a very small problem. It is about the thing that counts how many people go on the site. I was on the internet on Saturday and it said I was the 994th visitor. Today, it said I was the 972nd visitor. The rest o the site is great. I like being able to see more about Lad and the others. Thank you for making a great website.

Mike Baldwin - 05/08/98 20:30:04
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Michigan
What is it about Albert Payson Terhune and his life that is so intriguing? Thanks so much for the pictures....I have never (physically) been to Sunnybank, and perhaps will never get being able to glimpse The Place, at least in part, was very gratifying....

- 05/02/98 23:59:29
My Email:[email protected]
Great site! I have been a fan of Terhune since I was a little girl reading old books that were my father's. Those books provided a special magic for someone who really loved to read. Terhune has the power to make one laugh and cry with every reading and r reading of his stories. I think I have made it a mission to collect as many of his stories as I can find. So far I have a decent collection of about 20 books. I do have some duplicates if any of you are interested. I'm not looking to make money just share with a fellow fan. Email me if you're interested!

Sara Jackson - 05/01/98 21:26:10
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Sterling, Va.
I read the Lad books in junior high. They seemed to me then, as they do now, a rare testament to the nobility of animals -- and the inability of most humans to recognize or understand it. I have read no other animal stories in my life that have so affecte me and delivered stories so real and vivid that I can almost call them my own memories. I recently began a search for used copies of Terhune's stories to share with my children one day. I'm not looking for perfect, or even remotely "collectible" editions -- just hardbacks that I can read myself and pass along. Sadly, few used book stores have them. I've only stumbled upon one copy of Lad of Sunnybank. But I remain hopeful -- besides, it would be fitting, wouldn't it, I managed to have a few adventures along the way? Wish me luck!

Honor� H. Foster - 04/27/98 18:13:56
My Email:[email protected]
Location: up the hill from the Salinas River, CA
As with so many others of Mr Terhune's fans, I am indeed delighted to have encountered this site. It is such a pleasure to know that his work can be all but immortalized by such access. I read his books, collected them (still do, when I find them!) and ould (can still) think of no finer place on earth than "Sunnybank". Though I have not yet managed a purebred Collie, we do have a Collie mix that we rescued from the SPCA a couple of years ago. He is a delight, and has been the perfect "first dog" for m husband and daughter. I will vist this site again...and someday "Sunnybank". (By the way, there were a number of questions as to a photo of the house. If you can find a copy of "The Terhune Omnibus" (published by Harpers in 1937) you will find a photo of the house on page 264. There are also three other photos in the book: the master with one of the Collies, Robert Friend, and one of the Master and Mistress by the Lily Pool.)

Brenda Shreve - 04/23/98 03:06:16
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Decatur, Alabama
The very first dog I had any recollection of was a beautiful sable Collie named Laddie who belonged to our neighbors. I was only four years old (50 yrs ago) & Laddie would come to visit me every morning. When he left me to go home I would cry because he didn't stay with me. In a few years I discovered the Terhune books & like the rest of you, read all I could find. My husband and I own most of them now. I can't think of many things in my life that have made such a lasting impact as Terhune's writings. Thanks for this wonderful site. I will visit here often. I might even bring one of my Collies with me.

Sue Myles - 04/19/98 17:30:48
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Anaheim, CA
Am so glad to find this site!

Mark Blankenship - 04/18/98 16:14:57
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Roswell, GA
Now that I'm (over) 50, I think back on the Terhune stories with profound, abiding affection. They sustained me through a monstrous childhood, when my only hope was but to dream of a better life. Sunnybank was, for me, a more palpable Heaven. In December of 1992, I finally made it to the Sunnybank site ... and paid my tribute ... and gave my love.

Rhonda - 04/15/98 04:32:14
My Email:Varmint9@Premier1,net
Location: Gold Bar, Washington State
I found Terhune when I was a tiny one; a musty blue copy of Lad of Sunnybank in my grandparent's home. I read and reread that book, then for years the magic of The Place fell into a back alley of my mind. When I found a soulmate in a dog named Magic, I re embered the magic that Terhune had conjured for me as a child. For all of us on this page there is magic at Sunnybank. The Master, the Mistress, Lad, Bruce, Wolf, none of these will never die. I wish thanks to The Master for creating a special peaceful spot in my soul and spirit; no one has since captured the beauty f the relationship between human and canine and the natural world. I'd love to hear from anyone who wants to chat about APT or his books. Thanks to you guys for creating The Place in cyberspace!

Anne Havey - 04/05/98 22:25:13
My Email:EHavey4367
A group of friends and I are interested in visiting your location and touring. We need more accurate directions and information. Thanks

Paul Bradican - 03/30/98 18:55:17
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Dunmore, PA
Very nice web site. I have been a Terhune fan ever since I was a Kid. I have visited Sunnybank twice in the last five years. What I would really like to see are some pictures of the house itself. I understand there is a poster available. If you know where I can find some Terhune memorabilia, please e-mail me.

Mary Jo Sminkey - 03/30/98 17:11:21
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Alexandria, VA
Just a quick note to let your visitors know that I do occasionally acquire copies of Terhune's books to sell to other fans of his work. I don't try to make any big profit off this, just enough to cover what I had to pay for the book and shipping to get it to you. Visit the link to see a listing of what I currently have.

Leslie Brown - 03/29/98 23:46:37
My Email:[email protected]
I couldn't believe it when I punched up 'Albert Payson Terhune' in the Geocities search area that there was such a wonderful site with everything I needed! I am planning a trip from Grand Rapids MI to see Sunnybank and have been looking for any Terhune re ources to help. Seeing your site has definitely reinforced my goal! I learned about Terhune and Sunnybank when I was 7 when we were lucky enough to be given a wonderful Australian Shepherd, Trouble, who according to lore had descended from the Sunnybank collies. The breeder recommended I read Lad: A Dog and I then discove ed the world of Sunnybank. Even at age 21 Terhune has been an influence on my life and the writing I (attempt) to do. I also am reading 'Across The Line' which is a beautiful account of Albert and Anice's partnership, even if one may be skeptical of the w iting-from-beyond stuff. I was saddened to learn that the house is gone, and that the area is so different. Eighty years or so can certainly change things! But Sunnybank is immortal as it resides within our hearts and imaginations, regardless of what happens to its physical self. I am very interested in the Litag book. If anyone knows how to obtain that or "The Book of Sunnybank", please email me! Thank you for making such a wonderful site. I can't describe the happiness it has given me. Anyone email me with discussion of Terhune and his works! No one I know even knows what I'm talking about when I say I'm going to Sunnybank!

joris gutowski - 03/26/98 14:03:31
My Email:[email protected]
Location: lebanon tn
have always wondered what sunnybank looked like as have read all the sunnybank books as a child and am still a collie lover (having a smooth and rough collie at this time--and many others in the past). i am so glad to find this web site and would like to visit the park in person in the future

Melissa Smith - 03/20/98 23:41:04
My Email:[email protected]
I've loved Terhune's stories since I was small. I'm making an effort to collect copies of all his old, out of print stories. I have raised two collies; Raamo (Melissa's Golden Haze) a sable merle, a victim of old age, and Kellan, a healthy 4yr old blue merle.

Anita nee Terhune - 03/17/98 04:28:32
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Ajax, Ont. Canada
I was always interested about that author that had the same name as my uncle Bob. (Robert Payson Terhune) Wow ! There's really a park? I wish there was more info on how to get there from say Canada, through Niagra Falls N.Y.

jedford collie - 03/06/98 09:22:43
My Email:[email protected]
Location: australia

Linda - 02/27/98 18:32:35
My Email:[email protected]
Location: New York State
I grew up dreaming of living at Sunnybank with my own collies romping. One day when I was a teen a newspaper clipping said they had torn down the house - I was heartbroken! Part of my dream came true however, at age 39 when I acquired my own collie - sh is a dream - noisy but loyal and loving. I have visited Sunnybank Park several times - my daughter and her friend loved it. I had nagging thoughts however that Mr. Terhune wouldn't have approved of people walking all over the grounds, picnicking, etc. For those of us who were totally enchanted by his stories, his collies his "place" it has been such a gift such to stand on the land where so much magic took place. I too would love any information or pictures of the Terhunes, their collies, or Sunnybank - please post any events that take place at the Sunnybank web site. Thanks so much

Terre - 02/09/98 19:48:20
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Maryland
I have loved and adored and dreamt about Sunnybank and all of its wonderful people and creatures since I was in the fourth grade. I am now 38 and have finally found this site, dedicated to my heroe Albert Payson Terhune. After attending a dog show several years ago I spotted a book seller hawking old books of Terhunes. She had the book I coveted for so long "Treve" which has pictures of the Mistress, Master, and the collies. Alas, I couldn't pay the price she was asking Ever since then, my mother-in-law has made it her mission to get me copies of his books. I have over 13 books of his now, but am still searching for "Treve". If anyone knows where I could find this book, please Email me. I love this site, but agree with one visitor who wished there were pictures of the Master Mistress and dogs. Thanks for this site, don't let anything happen to it.

Barbara Fitzgerald - 02/09/98 01:55:48
My Email:[email protected]
Location: San Antonio, Tx.
This is a place I have dreamed about and imagined since I was a child. This was great!!

Kristina Goff - 02/08/98 02:55:42
My Email:[email protected]
Location: North Carolina
After reading Lad a Dog as a young girl I swore I would someday own a collie. Since then I have had 7 full size and 4 shelties. He made a difference and an impact on me with the words he wrote...and hopefully I gave some wonderful animals something spec al too. I always wondered about "the place" truely is what I imagined all those years ago. Thank you ever so much for sharing such a wonderful place with those of us that would have other wise never have known.

Janie Tink - 02/07/98 23:07:38
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Kennett Square, PA
I lived in Pompton Lakes, right around the corner from Sunnybank. Our phones had Terhune 5 and Terhune 9 exchanges before the all-numeric phone conversions. Sunnybank is a lovely "pocket park"! My ex-husband's father was the pharmacist who made the worming formulas for the Terhune collies. My ex-husband used to ride his bike to deliver the medicine to the Terhunes when he was a young boy.

R.W.GREYDOG - 01/25/98 01:45:09
My URL:http://na
My Email:[email protected]
Location: beaufort,s.c.
Read every book in grade school growing up along the MISSISSIPPI in ILLINOIS. They meant alot to me then--and still do. The pictures and captions made me quite sad---thinking of what once was -Isuppose. Grateful for the site. RWB

Barbara Owen - 01/24/98 05:08:40
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Detroit, Mich.
As I view your lovely website, three Collies lie at my feet. What a sense of peace, beauty,and com fort they provide. Mr Terhune helped teach me the beauty of words and the emotional magic of having your heart touched.To all of us that love Collies Sunnybanks will lve forever......

Richard R. Hulten - 01/19/98 04:19:34
My Email:[email protected]
As a young boy, when my reading skills were poor, my uncle Gary introduced me to Mr. Terhunes' writings. That was in 1960. I've grown and moved from Chicago to Denver. I have a son that has read a book by A. P. Terhune and has a wonderful Sheltie and I a rand Collie named Winston. I feel that my life has gone full circle. And thanks for the wonderful stories, it gives me a sense of completeness. I my never be able to visit Sunnybank but the webpage has helped more than you can imagine. Thank you. Rich

Katie L'Heureux - 01/19/98 03:15:35
My Email:[email protected]
Albert Terhune is such a wonderful author, I am glad to finally see a web page totally dedicated to this deity from the world of literature. Congratulations.

Shelley Janashek - 01/04/98 14:40:19
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Maryland
I can't put into words what the Terhune books meant to me when I was growing up, nor how I felt when my husband and I visited Sunnybank two years ago. The photos on this page are evocative of the beauty there, and we had Mr. Litvag's superb biography as ur guide; still, I would recommend a visit there - it is WELL worth the trip. It's a place of great beauty and some sadness as well, in that the house is gone; yet when you read in Mr. Litvag's book about how we nearly lost the entire estate to developer , we are blessed to be able to visit the estate, and that there is so much still to see there. It is VERY easy to see how life was for the Terhunes: the view down to the lake, the house site, the rose walk... THANK YOU for this Website!!! I will visit o ten, would LOVE to attend future events, and will gladly help coordinate such things if I can be of help.

Donna Cassista - 01/03/98 22:10:42
My Email:[email protected]
Location: winthrop,me
I will never be able to thank Mr. Terhune personally for all he did for me, I fully believe that the sunnybank books are a major part of who I am today, hopefully the person my dog thinks i am. So since i can do it no other way, Thank You Mr. Terhune and all the Sunnybank Collies donna

Jesse Geneson - 01/03/98 21:26:49
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Virginia
I like this site alot. I have visited it three times already and I first visited it on the 31st of December! I think the part of the site about dog stories and poems is a very good idea. I hope many people submit stories and poems into the site. I think hat the little bits of information that you can see as you search the site are very interesting. I had thought that Albert P. Terhune had lived on a part of Sunnybank, not owned it, until I looked at this sight. I also like the pictures in this site alot. I really like the pictures of collies in the collie ring. I think this site has a very interesting map of Sunnybank. I think it is very interesting how the map is so detailed. With all of the interesting things in this site, I think it should get three t umbs up!

Andrew Williams - 12/29/97 20:32:52
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Montreal
Good site, but makes me feel a little sad.

Jill - 12/23/97 02:14:55
My Email:[email protected]
Location: USA
I couldn't believe it when I found this site. I love Albert and was glad other people do too.

LAURA READ - 12/21/97 01:17:49
My Email:[email protected]
Location: New York
What a lovely web page. I love the design. It is good to know that there are other fans for whom Terhune's books are still important. They have been a tradition in our family pasted down from my mother (age69) to me (age42) to my son (age5) along with l ve and ownership of collies

Keith Hood - 12/13/97 22:43:11
Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan
I'm visitor 3,515,199 since July 1997 and I can hardly believe that there have been that many vistitors. (from Webmaster: Uhm, Keith there weren't...Geocities blooper!) I'm a writer who's been considering how the books that I read as a child aff ct the type of reading I do now and the type of writing I prefer. All of erhune's books that I read as a child came to mind. I read in in the '60s. I'm now 44 and amazed that he die 11 years before I was born. Wow.

Janis Jarecki-Liu - 12/01/97 03:12:53
My URL:http://allegheny
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Clarion, Pa.
Glad to see so many APT fans. Hope to see Sunnybank in person. Would like to see some pictures of Terhunes and dogs on website. Starting to collect his collie books - does anyone have a complete list?

Donna Mckoy - 11/30/97 18:42:18
My URL:http://www.csionline
My Email:[email protected]
Nice web site! I believe I might be able to add to it. ~Donna Mckoy

Gaylord K. (Ken) Wood - 11/30/97 17:19:18
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Round Rock Tx 78664
I was born 5 months after APT died. I discovered his books whin I was 13. For about 6 years I raised and showed collies, and except for brief periods, I have always had one. in 1959, I wrote Anice Morris Stockton Terhune a letter which she answered. I prized her letter, then it vanished when I was in the military. Thank you for letting me see the pictures on whis website. I felt a sense of loss when they demolished the house.

Lesli M. Deichman - 11/23/97 15:22:23
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Kansas
And I thought I was the only person who had ever heard of Albert Payson Terhune! What a pleasant surprise your site was to find! My father, Dr. C. H. Deichman was a great friend of the Terhune's and spent many pleasant evenings with the family. Although I grew up in New Vernon, NJ, outside Morristown, I, unfortunately, was too young to meet the Terhunes, but remember fondly my father's recollections of his time spent with them. I now collect the collie stories and have quite a few, but would like to kn w if anyone has a complete listing of the books of Albert Payson Terhune. If so, please email at the address shown. Again, thank you for a great site!

Amy Berry - 11/09/97 18:46:44
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Norfolk, Virginia
Thank you for the tribute to ALbert Payson Terhune, whose work led me to the company of collies--the perfect dogs.

Valerie Garretson - 11/07/97 17:55:42
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Shelley, Idaho
As a fellow Collie addict, I thoroughly loved this homepage.

Carolyn Barnett - 11/06/97 23:05:40
My Email:[email protected]
Location: San Jose, CA
Special animals and people in our American Heritage.

James R. Brown - 11/05/97 18:16:55
My Email:[email protected]
My name is James, and I am almost thirteen. At first I was skeptical about reading a dog book but when a read LAD A DOG, I fell in love with it and I wish I could thank Mr. Terhune for the delightful hours of reading, and for opening up a new reading avenue.

Robbie Terhune - 11/01/97 19:12:56
My Email:[email protected]
I never knew who this man was, but now I want to.

Teresa - 10/31/97 02:55:26
My Email:[email protected]
Location: King, NC
What a wonderful site! I had no idea there were so many Terhune fans out there! I got hooked on the books when I was about 9 or 10 and now have a small collection of them. My all time favorite is Gray Dawn. It's a shame they tore the house down. It would have been great to have been able to tour the house and see things such as Lad's "cave" under the piano!

Sarah Wells - 10/28/97 15:24:18
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Richmond, VA
I am just delighted to find a site devoted to Sunnybank; when I was dreamy ten year old girl, this was the place where my heart resided.

John & Kathy - 10/25/97 02:39:02
Location: West Palm Beach, FL
We independently "discovered" Sunnybank (Terhune Memorial Park) on DeLormes' Street Atlas, and planned a stop there on our vacation to NH in October, completely unaware of what we might find there. We parked the van and stepped out, and there at our feet was Lad's granite marker. It was a very special moment..... We and our two Shelties enjoyed a romp on the beautiful grounds of Sunnybank, a memorable experience. On returning home, we found this wonderful Web site. Thank you!

Katrina - 10/14/97 21:30:48
My Email:[email protected]
Location: N. California
Actually seeing pictures of Sunnybank is absolutely wonderful! I began reading Terhune when I was 8. The book, Sunnybank Lad, became one of my all-time favorites, and I even tried to write a mini-story based upon the book (this was before I knew of copy ight infringements!) I then read everything of Terhune's I could find. At fifteen, I persuaded my mom to get me a Collie. A year and a half later, we are competing in obedience, and he has already saved me from being mugged, as well as guarded the hous from intruders. I love him SO much! If I hadn't read Terhune's wonderful books, I might never have known this lovely boy!

Cindy Judkins - 10/09/97 19:38:47
Location: Ogden, UT
Although I have owned collies for 11 years now, I only recently read Buff this summer when a friend who had had it since childhood gave it to me. The stories were so good I read them all -- and I'm not usually a book reader at all. What a wonderful life Mr. Terhune must have had with all of his wonderful collies. Thanks for sharing the pictures of a place I could only dream of. Looking at the grave sites of the dogs brought tears to my eyes!

Terry Lynn Sullivan - 10/07/97 17:50:00
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Staunton, VA
The tour was interesting, but I was disappointed that the house had not been torn down & that there were not at least pictures of what it had looked like. I also missed seeing pictures of the Terhunes & the collies.

Paul and Suzy Gidden - 10/02/97 17:15:13
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Spring, TX
Why would anyone not own a collie?

paula - 10/01/97 19:41:29
Location: costa rica
Great website- I sure do miss Collies. Living down here in Central America for two years, I have seen only one Collie. i'm moving back to the US in 10 days, and I can't wait to start showing in conformation again!

Tami Rose - 09/30/97 05:49:58
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Panama City, FL
What a wonderful site! I happened across a Lad book in my teens, at a church library sale. I got the book for about a quarter and never imagined it would give me such a love for a breed. My own collie passed away several years ago, and I still miss her. S on we hope to add another to the family. Thanks especially for the tour - I hope to make my own pilgrimage one day.

Pat Marshall - 09/23/97 05:54:21
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Plano, TX

Louella Ericksen - 09/21/97 04:17:43
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Succasunna, N.J.
What a pleasant surprise to find your site! I have been to Sunnybank many times to either judge Collies and/or Shelties at the CCofNNJ match shows, or to exhibit my Shelties.I,too, got my start in dogs by devouring all the Terhune books I could find. My first dog was a Collie, I named Dawn, after Gray Dawn of the book fame. I loved him dearly, and he taught me so much. I later became an AKC Judge for Collies and Shelties. As the Secretary of CCNNJ in the '50's, I had the pleasure of writing to Mrs. Terhune about a trophy the Club was interested in offering at the Specialty in memory of her husband. She replyed he would have wanted it to be offered to a Novice Dog. Which was done, I believe it is still offered, but I'm not sure. Yes, Albert Payson Terhune made an impact on my life. I have devoted my life to the love of Collies and my now breed, Shelties. Thanks for the memories!

Edward Conklin - 09/14/97 20:03:42
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Flagler Beach,FL
I was at "The Gathering", as it was simply called, in august/97. It was the first time I had been back to N.J. in many years. It was my second trip to "sunnybank". The first time was as a child when I went with my mother to meet Mrs. Terhune. It was a vis t that I have fond memories of. When I returned last month all those memories came back. The house, of course, with all its treasures is gone. But, the big trees, the sloping lawns and the"fire-blue" lake are still there for all to enjoy. Anyone who has r ad Terhune's books cannot help but be touched as they walk past the graves of Lad, Bruce, Wolf and so many of the other collies made famous in his stories. I never realized, until recently how many others, like myself, carry this warm spot in our heart f r a big, gruff man who wrote dog stories. I know we will never forget him and we will always be greatful for what he has given us.

Jennie Duhon - 09/12/97 17:44:08
My Email:[email protected]
What a wonderful website! I feel as if I went on a tour of Sunnybank. Now I really want to go!

Nola Zanni - 09/10/97 23:32:26
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Coquille, Oregon
In my small town I am about the only one who has heard of Terhune, which does come as an advantage at times (when I go to book stores and find some of his works for around $3.00) but it is great to hear that others out there still hold his memory so dear s I do. Thank You!

Karen Goodman - 09/07/97 23:08:39
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Winnipeg MB Canada
What a terrifioc surprise to find this site! What beautifuil and heart touching pictures (especially Lad's grave)! I have loved the Lad stories ever since I was a little girl, and have always wanted to see what Sunnybank looked like. I was sorry to re d that I missed the summer event in August. I hope to travel to Pompton Lakes one day so I can walk around the grounds that the "Master and Mistress" traveled, along with their wonderful dogs, many years ago. Please email me about any upcoming events.

Stephanie - 09/04/97 02:35:11
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Bronx, NY
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR TERRIFIC SITE!!!!!! I thought I was the only person left on earth who knows about Albert Payson Terhune. I have copies of almost all his books as well as his biography by Irving Litvag. I am so sorry I missed your summer event, and I hope it was a success. I have also heard something about a festival held at Sunnybank every fall. If you have any information on this, PLEASE e-mail me. Thanks, Stephanie

Brian - 08/28/97 02:43:06
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Louisville,KY
Great site! Sorry that they torn down the house. NIce to see that the memory lives on. Pictures were terrific. I hope to visit some day.

Priscilla Gardner - 08/20/97 20:40:05
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Lansing, MI
It was so nice to find you Sunnybank page. Like some many others that have signed your guest book I also started with his books. I must be one of the fortunate ones as I still have most of his books. I am missing one that was really great as it describ d "The Place" in detail, I think it was just called Sunnybank or The Place. Anyway thank you so much for this tribute to Mr. and Mrs. Terhune and their wonderful collies. By the way I now have Shelties.

Chris Erskine - 08/20/97 14:24:18
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Oakhurst, California
I wrote to Wayne Lewis: "As a child, I read all the Terhune dog books. Over thirty years later, I'm trying to locate copies of them again. I've got a few now: My Friend the Dog, Wolf, the Lad of Sunnybank and Further Adventures collections in paper, and a non-dog book Secret of Sea-Dream House. I just saw the picture book of dogs in a local store, but all but one of the pictures had been cut out! Anyway, I remember writing to Mrs. Terhune at "the Place" when I was about ten (1961). She sent me the nicest reply, although she must have been in her eighties. I wonder whether the Terhune estate is still intact up there in northern Jersey. Was it Pompton Lakes?" Your site was the perfect answer. Many thanks and have lots of fun this weekend (Aug. 23, 1997). I'm afraid I'm too far away at the moment to attend.

Mary Jo Sminkey - 08/14/97 22:19:13
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Alexandria, VA
Thanks so much for the wonderful site. I still remember reading Terhune's books as a child, and I wanted a dog of my own ever since. The terrier my mom had just never quite was what I hoped for! When I finally was able to get my own dog, I choose a shelti , mainly because of its size and its resemblance to collies. I've never been sorry for my choice, and still today when I read Terhune's books, I can see my own dogs' soul in them. I've added a link to this site at the bottom of my sheltie page, and I hope it brings you many visitors!

Linda - 08/09/97 08:39:33
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Texas
I guess all of us were affected in some way by the wonderful writings of Mr.Terhune, and the Lassie show. I wanted collies all my life and FINALLY acquired my first show collie, Charm (a sable) when I was 22. Since then, Boogie(blue merle), Laddie(trico or-my first male), and Belle(sable merle) have come into my life. I have looked for the Terhune books for a long time - but copies are sure hard to find! Any help would be appreciated.

Peggy Madsen - 07/27/97 21:46:25
My Email:[email protected]
Location: San Jose CA
Thanks for the memories Susan!! I received the book from an older cousin when I was 8 - 9 yrs old and I still have it. I remember the Gorgeous Pink Puppy, Parcifal, The dog show and the bea sting story, and the bitch that used to race to the door barking o she could sneak into the coveted seat by the fire, among others. I haven't thought about them for many years but just the mention and it came back like yesterday; I can't even remember the title of the last book I read just a month ago and this one I remembered for years. I am glad you were able to go and enjoy.

Kathleen Faulconer - 07/27/97 21:41:33
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Thousand Oaks, Ca.
I loved and still love those books! I was in love with Mr. Terhune when I was a child. My best memories were of reading these beautiful novels. And yes, I am sure those books shaped my future in many ways. Shelties, Collies and the love of home and hearth Anyway, I looked for my books but my husband packed them all up one day in an attempt to organize our family room. Now I have to make him dig them out! I have most of the books, some from my childhood and a few first editions. I really cherish those for the full color plates! I have found quite a few at yard sales! [That] made me remember the short story called (I think) "The Gorgous Pink Puppy" what color was she? Does anyone remember that one? I also loved the "ghost dog" remember him? I think he was a big mastiff mix with a scar on his face. He was looking through the window into the house and a house guest said "who is that dog?" and described him. I also remember that the dogs always walked ay around the spot that one of the dogs used to sleep. I am getting shivers thinking about it. I sure wish I had my books!

Bette White - 07/27/97 21:40:07
My Email:[email protected]
Location: Nashville, TN
Many thanks for your beautiful thoughts on Sunnybank. Happen to be one of the older listers who adored the Terhune stories. You have such a treasured memory and, again, you were so kind to share.

Nicole - 07/27/97 21:38:18
My Email:[email protected]
I also am a Terhune lover and have dreamed of visiting Sunnybank myself. Hopefully I can talk my husband into it. I first fell in love with Lassie, then I found Terhune's book on Buff, and was I hooked! My first collie I named Buff, of course! I now c llect Terhune books and hope my children enjoy them as much as I did. Nicole

- 07/27/97 21:33:58
Location: La Grange, Tennessee
Albert Payson Terhune's books were what got me interested in Collies, and my first dog as an adult was a Collie. I had already added two Shelties by the time "Claude" passed away at the age of 12. I have had Shelties ever since. I enjoyed those books so much when I was growing up; they are directly responsible for my preference in dogs AND were the books which spawned my lifelong voracious reading habits. In the latter 60's, I had the fortune to see the house at "Sunnybank" before it was demolished. I had relatives living in New Jersey whom I visited every summer as a young teenager. We took a field trip up to find the place, which was not marked at the ime. I remember that we had to ask a number of locals and got a lot of conflicting directions to the house, which we did finally locate. Of course, I was not able to see the markers and such, since the grounds were not open, but I remember comparing the house to the one I imagined from the books. By the way, I read those books in the 60's. I don't know if they are still in print or not (Unfortunately, all of my books were check out of the library), but they are wonderful reading for any young person (or a person of any age) who loves dogs. I wou d love to be able to locate some of them for my own neices and nephews. Cynthia Emerson (and Chelsea, Sherman, Belle, and Casey)

Beverly Miller - 07/27/97 21:30:37
My Email:[email protected]
Thanks for sharing this. I grew up in the suburbs of NYC and one of my great regrets was that I never visited Sunnybank. I got my first Collie as a result of Terhune's books, and my first Sheltie because of that Collie. He had a tremendous influence on a lot of people. Beverly
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