from GIFT by Visoka dasa

from Gift-by Visoka dasa

That was the most insane period of history. Just imagine! How they polluted their lakes and streams! For what? Still nobody knows for sure. They said it was for a better life, but how is life bettered with poison at it's source? Crazy fellows!

We can see that discontentment is the cause of great calamity, for dissatisfaction is the root cause of unending grief in all the three worlds," said Vikar. "I know a small story which illustrates this nicely."

Vikar thus told his tale, which goes as follows:

There was a story of two mendicants who became emaciated, only because of discontentment. At first, they wandered about the town and they became quite plump, because they were satisfied with whatever they could get by begging alms.

Two friends remarked, "How fat these beggars are! They live quite well on their begging."

Then, one friend said: "I will show you how they will become thin, although their begging will continue as before."

That man then invited the two beggars to his house and served them the best possible food, all filled with the six flavors, namely, sweet, salty, acid, astringent, bitter, and pungent.

After the two beggars tasted all those dainties, and eating to their fill, they had a change in consciousness, and from then on, they could only remember the wonderful tastes of that meal. They no longer had any appetite for the ordinary foods which they begged for. In this way they became quite thin.

When the friends saw them in this condition, the one friend said, "You see, before they were jolly and fat with the foods they begged for, and they were satisfied. But now they have become thin and emaciated, because dissatisfaction has gained control of their lives. Therefore, a man who is wise should always fix his mind in contentment, because an unsatisfied heart will always produce unceasing grief.

"And so," Vikar said, "We can see how the men who lived prior to this golden age were never content with the natural simple life, and simply they fouled up the whole world with their artificial technologies, trying to fill the holes in their souls."

"Jayo!" said Raj, "I appreciate your story, and the moral is well taken."

For more excerpts from The Gift by Visoka dasa, a novel of the future, press here Thanks, Dear friend, for your contribution to the Quiz, Haribol, ys, mahaksadasa

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