Discussion of points of contention

Haribol.  I had the misfortune to read yet another site whose main purpose is to vilify those who have tried to spread Krsna Consciousness.  So I use this opportunity to completely sever anything to do with these flies who love the taste of garbage.  Under pretense that they are somehow the saviors of Srila Prabhupada's legacy by creating a religion based on gossip mongering and true-crime rasa, they are mopst reprehensible.  My past association with these so-called reformers has severely damaged my own threadlike connection to Srila Prabhupada, and all such association ends immediately.  Because of this bad association, I must spend the final years (or days or hours) apologizing to the innocent servants of Sri sri Guru and Gauranga for even considering their bogus points of view.


I will accept theories that are founded in fact.  I have no problem with even creating a church in memory of Srila Prabhupada.  If one is a church freak, then by all means, allow Krsna and Srila Prabhupada a role in such a church.  In fact, I fully support a brother who is acting according to his realization as a delegated priest of Srila Prabhupada.  What I speak of, what I am disgusted by, is those who claim to be rtviks, but are nothing more that right-wing fanatics whose only reason for being loudly rebellious is that those who they rebel against rejected them as the fools they are.  Any real discussion that they may have concerning their eccliastic religion creation is easily defeated by anyone, not accepted by anyone other than others frustrated because of rejection by those they rebel against.


I reject all those who allow their websites to be vehicles for false accusations, blatant attacks on those vaisnavas not of their eccliastic ilk, and propaganda vehicles of cut-and-paste false doctrine.  They love to name me as their enemy, so I will agree with them, I am their enemy.





2007-04-29 14:32:37 GMT
Comments (1 total)
Are you still alive and in good health? Haven't seen any of your writings on the net lately. Hope all is well...

2008-03-09 18:54:05 GMT
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