This essay is written in service to the Bhaktivedantas without discrimination, without regard to affiliations or aloofness to organizations who attempt to keep the teachings of His Divine Grace A. C, Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada alive through this age of horrible philosophies of slaughterhouse academia, false doctrine, pseudo-religiosity, economic and ecologic atheism, and hedonistic lifestyles. The mere desire to somehow be pleasing to such a stalwart lover of the Supreme Lord, regardless of the success or failure to fulfill such desire, speaks volumes of the character of such disciples, and my indebtedness to such cannot be adequately described.

Deference is given to those who do not particularly care to hear philosophy based on Biblical reference, and humbly submit that proposals presented will be used historically, not as absolute authority of spiritual evidence. The purpose of this essay is to briefly show history repeating itself in the confusion of post-samadhi eras of Lord Jesus Christ and Srila Prabhupada. The reason the author gives to utilize Biblical reference and analogy is quite simple. The events of the last quarter of the twentieth century that have occurred within the society of occidental devotees are unprecedented in Vedic terminology. Because we in the West have been subjected to an upbringing termed Judeo-Christian, interpreted and taught by nirvisesavada adherents, we somehow cannot conceive of religion devoid of sectarianism and party spirit. The author has no intention of engaging in comparative religion study, and sincerely believes that such mental speculation is not only a waste of valuable time, but borders on apostacy.

Comparative religion study is only valid in academic circles of athiests, because the whole idea behind Theism is to at least rise to the platform of santa-rasa, the peacefulness one attains knowing of full protection by a Loving Supreme Being. If one is still searching for the absolute truth, (s)he has not attained such a satisfying platform. So what value is there in presenting Bible study conclusions and purports to the assembly of Bhaktivedantas? (Note: "Bhaktivedantas" not only denotes followers and disciples of Srila Prabhupada, it also indicates identification with those who properly understand that to render loving service to The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Bhakti, is the ultimate conclusion of the Vedic scriptures, verified by the Supreme Bhaktivedanta, Srila Vyasadeva.) The value can be seen in context of understanding of sanatana-dharma, the eternal constitutional position of all living beings as part and parcel servants of the Lord.

Any teacher, regardless of tribal or cultural background, furthers the cause of understanding sanatana-dharma by first, reminding the student that the body is different than the self, and then explaining the higher purpose of the self is to perform loving service to the Lord. Such teachings are always appreciated by aspirants to sanatana-dharma, regardless of whether or not such teachers are dynamically linked by disciplic lines.

Conclusions will be properly left to be drawn by the reader, and the author in no way wishes to demean or vilify the many threads of thought held by fellow disciples and followers of Srila Prabhupada. Purposely left out of the equation in providing this study are the activities of the so- called acarya takeover and GBC wars (ca. 1972-1988), as these activities are not linked to sanatana-dharma in any way. Without listing the litany of criminal activity we all know too well, suffice it to say it can be better covered in True Crime Literature, such as Monkey on a Stick and other investigative reporting projects.

The questions this essay poses are contained in the title. St Paul, the founder of Christianity, regarded by many as the absolute authoritative link to Lord Jesus Christ, has composed many letters, called epistles, in explaining his viewpoints and realizations. St, Thomas, who many Christians disrespect as one having little faith, on the other hand, is an equally pleasing disciple of Lord Jesus Christ, yet held little interest in creation of an ecclesiastic system of eternal "Jesus is God" religion. The author will attempt to analyze philosophy of these two figures, and will also try to give purport to the final order given by Lord Jesus Christ to all who wish to bathe in the nectar of His true teachings.

There is no possible way that I could ever know anything at all about the teachings of Lord Jesus Christ without having the undeserved fortune of being a bothersome insect at the feet of my guru-maharaja, Srila Prabhupada, and His sincere followers. Although raised as Catholic in a devout home with introspective and intelligent teachers and parental relatives describing their religion, all was lost, nothing was retained, because bhakti was never described. However, as Srila Prabhupada shows the true application of sanatana-dharma, the teachings of Lord Jesus Christ that verify unalloyed loving service to the Supreme Father can be greatly appreciated.

If this endeavor turns out to be a waste of time, without much value, and ultimately a total failure, so be it, as I say, what else is there to do? All failures belong to me alone, soon to be rectified in the house of Yama. But if there is any gain of a spiritual nature to be had, it is due only to the grace of my guru-maharaja, who moves me, keeps me, and sings: "Jaya Radha Madhava Kunja Bihari".



The book called Acts, written by Luke, a physician and associate of Paul, who also wrote a biographical account of the Life and teachings of Lord Jesus Christ, describes the immediate post-samadhi activities of His disciples. There apparently was a brief period after the unsuccessful Roman assassination attempt and His eventual departure. During this period, He explained to His followers how He wanted His teachings spread throughout the world. He told them all to stay put and not preach His message until they were empowered by the Holy Spirit, an indication that until that time, they were not qualified to act on His behalf. He further directly states that their program was NEVER to be independent of the specific empowerment of His Father and their own ideas lacked authority as such. (Acts 1:7-8)

After thus reminding them of their duties in regard to His mission, He left them. A certain realization hit them that His mission and His actual physical presence were the same. (Acts 1:11) However, at the very outset of their mission on behalf of Lord Jesus Christ, in separation from Him, they perhaps failed to follow His first instruction to wait for empowerment before action. What mwas this first disobedience to His instructions? It was the application of the mundane democratic process to seek answers to their organizational problems.

Originally, there were twelve apostles, and Judas Iscariot resigned his post by treachery. Simon Peter and some of the other ten decided that the post must be filled. In the name of apostolic ministry, they elected Mathias over Joseph to sit as apostle. The qualifications of the two were equal, yet Mathias was chosen by dint of drawn lots. (Acts 1:26) A very important point in this connection is that the activity of election took place prior to what the book describes as Pentecost, the occasion of the promised empowerment He told them to wait for. Thus, because they were not yet empowered to act as representative of Lord Jesus Christ, Mathias' position as actual apostle must be rightly questioned.

The election process has never been a valid indicator of who is representative of the Will of the Supreme Lord. Such empowerment comes from Him ALONE, and is never left to the decisions of men, especially those who fail to carry out His order. When Pentecost finally arrived, the empowerment was in the form of the ability to speak in terms understood by the masses. Some nonsense interpreters of this phenomenon imitate false empowerment by a pretense called "speaking in tongues", uttering gibberish in an attempt to mislead the foolish. Actual Pentecostal empowerment means one is empowered by the Supreme Lord to speak with such authority that understanding of the message and change of heart naturally takes place, yet many give credence to the pretender christian sahajiya because the make undecipherable noises.

The empowerment of His disciples was effectual, and the post-samadhi era of Lord Jesus Christ was begun. The potency of such preaching work by His disciples is well established in the histories, yet the precedent of democratization was also inserted into the legacy of christianity, which, as described above, was not a bonafide activity of the actual mission of Lord Jesus Christ. So, instead of having, as a basis, the simple commandment of Loving the Supreme Father with whole mind, heart body and soul, and loving His children as one's self, christianity has come to require one to pass muster and be similarly elected, to supercede His instructions and place one's confidence in the congregation (especially the leaders), over and above the Will of the Supreme Lord.

With the growth of christianity, many of the teachings of Lord Jesus Christ became minimized. Some followers banded together, and their first order of business was to support the organization. A sort of communism ensued, and though a workable system if agreeable to participants, if enforced by coersion, the system is symptomatic of fanaticism.

In the story of Ananias (Acts 5:1), such coersion is evident. Though Lord Jesus Christ gave clear instructions concerning giving in LOVING service, Simon Peter contradicts by demanding giving without love, forced servitude. He also places leaders of the organization on the same level of Lord Jesus Christ and His Supreme Father, elected, appointed, without tolerance to some who may have actual empowerment (i.e. Mary of Magdalia). Thus, the roots of christianity are stained by such fanaticism, opposed to the loving service to the Supreme Father as espoused by the founder, Lord Jesus Christ.

Are these points indicative of apostasy in the hearts of these direct disciples of Lord Jesus Christ? Not necessarily, yet they show that apostles that supercede the levels of their empowerment by the Lord to be His representative can be not only contradictory, but actually misrepresentative, and very dangerous to spiritual life. When one falsely perceives oneself to represent the Lord without actual empowerment by the Lord Himself, one only usurps, arrogantly, the position of the Lord and acts as false god. This is a common symptom of one who sees the spiritual master as an ordinary person to emulate. The initial election of Mathias, prior to Pentecostal event, shows zealous overstepping of their devotional status.

The remnants of this religion founded on the shaky ground of disobediance to the order of the spiritual master is wreaked with elections and appointments, some as absurd as requiring diplomas from secular universities. Lord Jesus Christ, however, gives courage by instructing the faithful disciple about the nature of those pretenders baptizing and healing in His Name, they are not remembered by Him. Democratization, putting transcendental science in the hands of men, sets the stage for the apparent loss of disciplic succession from Lord Jesus Christ, even the compilation of scripture has been subject to such nonsense elections. The authoritative list of books accepted by the editors of the "bible" (known as canonical list), was voted on by the Council of Trent (1546), ratifying the list of popular use since the fourth century C.E. However, Lord Jesus Christ, as favored Son of the Supreme Father, reserves the right to specifically empower His representative outside the restraints of eccliastic systems based on such artificiality.



St. Paul was not an associate of Lord Jesus Christ. He was a civil servant engaged by the Roman government to harass and deter the early followers of Lord Jesus Christ. However, by such engagement, he gradually became attracted, and one day, was struck down en route to his policeman duties. Lord Jesus Christ appeared to him from within, and instructed him to be a vehicle of the Holy Names of the Supreme Father. (Acts 9:15) St. Paul was thus the founder of a system of continuing the Teachings of Lord Jesus Christ. This system established Christ as the eternal spiritual link to the Supreme Lord that can never be replaced. Although a much better system than the neophyte blunders of many of His direct disciples, mainly due to the direct empowerment of St. Paul by Lord Jesus Christ, much of His teachings had to be altered somewhat to show Jesus as master rather that the service attitude He directly displayed, as verified by His direct biographers, Saints Mark, Matthew, and Thomas, as well as Mary of Magdalia.

The electoral process, invented, not by Lord Jesus Christ, but by a few early leaders who may have not understood the actual position of Lord Jesus Christ, shows how man-made plans for the purpose of establishing an organization attempting to house the Absolute Truth, can set a dangerous and confusing precedent. St. Paul is known as Apostle, not by election or appointment, rather evidence of direct empowerment exists in the story of his change of heart. There is no evidence that he was converted by disciples of Jesus, thus there is no disciplic succession. As mentioned in a previous analogy, Lord Jesus Christ is not restricted by material time and place considerations, He may empower anyone He chooses to carry out His mission. His appearance to St. Paul on the road to Damascus demonstrates His desire to please His Supreme Father despite the immaturity of His direct followers.

St. Paul's conversion was basically a decision to quit acting as executor of the will of Rome to persecute those attempting to please Lord Jesus, and to begin a new life to introduce His teachings to every town and village. Everywhere he traveled, he convinced those who cared to hear of the glories of his Master, the Messenger of the Supreme Lord, and also organized the people of the areas of his travels to continue the process in his absence. The various areas of his mission, on behalf of and in execution of the desire of Lord Jesus Christ, successfully managed to continue a disciplic succession, not by election or appointment, but by faithfully adhering to the recommendations of St. Paul. The criteria of faith, stimulated by Paul's epistles showing that Lord Jesus' mission included, without abandonment, all humanity, regardless of birth, social status, or pre-qualifications, managed to enable the teachings of Lord Jesus Christ to survive 300 years of brutal persecution, minister assassination, etc.

In the modern era, ritvik is a word used to demonstrate how the teachings of a bonafide spiritual master can be handed down, by word of mouth, by the faithful followers of such a great servant of the Lord. Had it not been for the acceptance of christianity by what became known as the Holy Roman Empire, an unfortunate era of political tampering with the message of Lord Jesus Christ by the state, who used christianity as a tool of conquest and exploitation, (which continues to this day ), the ritvik-Christ succession would be much more prevalent in today's society. However, vestiges of this early ritvik movement survive to this day, and many can praise the effect of direct empowerment by faith alone in the true teachings of Lord Jesus Christ, delivered by ministers who can convince others by the strength of their own convictions. The purification of such surrendered souls cannot be minimized, the examples are there to be studied in the lives of the likes of Sts. Ambrose, Jerome, Therese Avila, Francis Assisi, Mata Theresa, Albert Sweitzer, Padre Pio, etc. These great personalities not only were the avowed enemies of demoniac seculars, but were even greatly disrespected and persecuted by miscreant elected church officials, even to the point of martyrdom.

There is no end to the 2000 years of accounts of how the politically accepted christianity engaged in atrocious maha-aparadha offences against the true followers of Lord Jesus Christ. As in the modern cases, there is again no value in describing the offences and horrible crimes done by external pretender followers of a bonafide spiritual master, suffice it to say that what is easy to see may not be the TRUE, in fact, over-advertized representation of gurudeva is often symptomatic of demoniac misrepresentation by motivated persons not at all connected with sanatana-dharma.



Didymos Judas Thomas, the initiated disciple of Lord Jesus Christ, was often seen as rebellious by his peers, always asking Jesus the hard questions. He was not inclined to democratic organization, thus, just because Simon Peter usurped a position of leadership, Thomas felt no need to blindly accept his words alone. The christians have since tagged the adjective, "doubting", to his name, yet there is no evidence that his decision to touch the wounds of Lord Jesus Christ is at all displeasing to Him. On the contrary, there is much evidence that such a scientific display by the architect Thomas is most pleasing to Him, so much so that he became a very intimate student of His direct instruction between the time of the torture by Rome and His departure, (listed by different historians as between 40 days and 60 years, but generally accepted as 550 days, verified by the writings of the Apostle, James.).

As Thomas touched the wounds, his heart was touched by the actual position of Lord Jesus Christ. Proclaiming, "My Lord and my God!", he was convinced of His mission beyond any doubt, therefore the adjective description by envious christians is truly a misnomer. There is adequate evidence of personal final instruction given to St. Thomas, from the Nag Hamadi Library, the Coptic and Gnostic treasures discovered in 1945, to the discarded Infancy Gospels disapproved by the previously mentioned ecclesiastic Council of Trent. Some of these instructions included statements attributed to Lord Jesus Christ that if one executes His order, especially the command to love the Supreme Lord with one's full being and loving others as one's self, one can not only be as He is, but may even surpass Him in pleasing His Father.

Commanded to preach the Gospel, without fear, knowing that the mission of Lord Jesus Christ is the ordination and empowerment of man as servant of the servant of the Supreme Lord, St. Thomas began his mission after the eventual departure of Lord Jesus. His mission was, in no way, dependent on the opinions of peers, he easily transcended such egoism of fear of disrepute by engaging in the service to the final order of his Guru Maharaja.

The Acts of Thomas, historical data about the lone travels of St. Thomas to teach the Gospel, describes his powerful missionary works in areas not undertaken by other disciples of Lord Jesus Christ. He founded the Coptic and Gnostic orders in North Africa, Persia, Syria, and Asia all the way to India. His teachings include sanatana dharma, the description of our constitutional position, describing our real home not of temporary status, the eating of flesh as opposed to Mosaic Law, that the biological body does not indicate true identity, and especially, taught that the relationship between the Son and the Father is the spiritual goal, rather than the obsession of attaining the Son (or the Father), an impersonal concept, taught by his peers.

St. Thomas' mission, too, was cut short by assassination, but not before he established a center on the Malibar Coast of India, (Goa). He remained fixed as servant of the servant of the Supreme Lord, yet was a powerful master in his own right. As an interesting peripheral to the glory of Didymos Thomas Apostle, the Portugese imperialists using christianity to dominate and control the heathen indigenous folks they conquered, were quite amazed to find, upon their arrival on the Malibar Coast, (15th Century, C.E.), a surprisingly healthy religious community based on the teachings of Lord Jesus Christ already in existence there, the legacy of the pleasing service performed by St. Thomas. The customs of India were quite intact, yet the form of Lord Jesus Christ and the science of yoking with He Who sent Him was the basis of their religious practice. Also, the Gnostic and Coptic traditions of Egypt, Iraq, Iran, and Asia Minor can trace their heritage from Lord Jesus Christ through the successor-acarya, Didymos Judas Thomas.


While tracking the historical data of Lord Jesus Christ, the empiricist must ask, "What, precisely, are the true teachings of Lord Jesus Christ?" I do not intend to present the whole truth of His version, such an undertaking is the life-work of His empowered representatives. For the purposes of this analogy essay presentation to the Bhaktivedantas, I would like to draw a drop from the Ocean of His Truth for analysis.

As repeated often within this project, Lord Jesus Christ was asked by His followers to summarize the order from His Supreme Father. Motives for asking Him what the greatest commandment was, probably ranged from testing His knowledge of Mosaic Law to wanting a simplified conclusion to the complex religions of that day. Rather than just quoting Mosaic scripture, He describes His mission to encourage all beings, without regard to Judaic or Gentile social status, all genders and races of humanity to love the Supreme Lord with entire heart, body, mind and soul, and thus love all fellow beings as one's self.

He uses many examples of how the Supreme Father is quite deserving of such complete love, and how His Love is dispensed unconditionally to all beings. His personality is described in the Holy Names Lord Jesus sings, including ABAH (father), ELOY (friend), JAHOVIA (master), etc. His Father is never described as an energy devoid of energetic source, therefore He is accepted as adherent to Vaisnavism by stalwart authorities as Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur and Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.

The system of religious practice he recommends is contained in the Lord's Prayer. Those who approach Him submissively, to be His disciple, without discrimination, are taught to pray in this specific manner. All glories to the Holy Names of the Supreme Lord, Whose Will moves both the temporal and spiritual worlds. He also provides avenue to achieve human status, to renounce animal behavior, by accepting only consecrated bread from the hand of the Father, by becoming selflessly humble and forgiving to those who make personal offense, promising the Lord that we forgive others as we wish to be forgiven for our own shortcomings. Finally, Lord Jesus Christ shows us how to petition the Supreme Lord as dependent on His Loving Protection.

As mentioned, the extent of the teachings of Lord Jesus Christ cannot be covered adequately on the Vulture King's website, however, if one is inclined toward study of histories of this powerful spiritual authority, servant of the Supreme Lord, one will find that Lord Jesus is not a mystery at all. He describes the form of Maha-Visnu, the facts concerning transmigration of the self to various temporary forms, describes the quality of life in His Father's Kingdom. Again, the author recommends study of His teachings under the guidance of a bonafide spiritual master, one free from materialistic vision and knowing his position as servant of the servant of the Supreme Being.

To conclude this essay, the author sings, "The Way", a tribute to the mission of the great Vaisnava Acarya, Lord Jesus Christ.

the way -c-1990-mahaksadasa

his mother was like a homeless wandering refugee
no one gave her shelter and he was born to poverty
the soldiers were instructed to find and kill this child
so they fled to northern africa, this holy family
when the turmoil subsided they returned to their home
and he grew into a scholar, most were pleased to hear him tell
of a simpler life and an honest way, to be pleasing to jahovia
while others plotted against him even though he wished them well
his brother came before him, lived in the wilderness
as predicted by the prophets, he annointed him one day
the mission of salvation of the world thus begun
and the voice from the heavens said, "he'll show you all the way"

many things he taught to all who stopped to listen
he was selflessly humble while spreading jahovia's holy names
he sent his followers to all corners of the world
to glorify and honor his glory and his fame
the leaders of the day became angry at his deeds
they were very fearful of the public's fascination
with the miraculous knowledge and the love for jahovia
so they conspired to commit his assassination

he entered the city like the king of the world
driving out the enemies from the house of the most high
then a trusted friend betrayed his sweetest love
sold him for silver before he went off to die
gathering his friends for the final feast
he gave them the message, the final instruction
later in the grotto, he fell to sweet jahovia
in triumph he was ready to face the destruction
the foolish cried "barabas" at the urging of the king
the torture began and blood began to flow
the world turned to darkness and started to quake
the hearts of the holy became desparate and low

the heathen mocked him and gambled for his clothes
as he bore the burden of the world on that day
he died like a criminal though his purity was well known
for the crimes of all creation his death would repay
as the prophets foretold he arose in his glory
the proof that defeat would never touch god's own
he returned to his beloved, blessed jahovia
to rule all the righteous, he sits upon his throne

he was called the son of man, he was called the son of god
there is not much mention of any other name
in the two thousnad years since this simple man's departure
no one has approached the extent of his fame
and even while there are still those who deny him
and still those who in ignorance wallow in their shame
for those who fall down at his feet and beg for his shelter
their lives will have great meaning and never be the same


The world of TIME is governed by RELIGION. Tribal gods in charge of seculars are subserviant to the illusioned, are placed on banners of war to kill the infidels, over and over, until TIME gobbles the people and their gods up in one fell swoop.

What brings this issue up, I was engaged in conversation of spiritual nature, casually at work as usual, and the other end of the conversation was denying life outside our realm of existance. As he was of Cristian bent, I reminded him of Genesis verification of extraterrestrials in chapter six, the ET's after earth women chapter. This kind of worked on him, and he accepted that beings with wills of their own exist outside of the earth plain, and also verified that God is not impotent and has abilities to have many, many sons, not just the popular belief that He only has one.

Under normal circumstances, such a coup in preaching exercise would be a source of pleasure to the philosophy victor, yet I was quite disturbed at what transpired. I grabbed the book called the bible, and read the story up to and following the above citation, and came away with the bitter taste of a philosophy systematically wracked with Mayavada garbage by the acts of man's interpretation. The book called the bible is filled with tribal religious nonsense, a religion of demigods not at all transcendental to Samsara (birth, old age, disease, and death) cycle. The story of Noah is not a story of sweet pastimes of my Lord, it is a story of an angry demigod prone to mistakes, regretting his own actions of creation. By definition, the gods spoken of are NOT all-attractive, not to the point of Narayana, not even to the point of Mahajana demigods like Lord Brahma and Sri Nataraja. The old testament is rather a story of UFO captains', Pharaohs' and shamans' manipulation of the people, in other words, agents of the forgetfulness necessary to continue the temporary creation. The religions that have accepted these tribal gods as their worshipable entities have no value whatsoever to serve humanity's best interests.

Yet these false doctrines rule the world. Regardless of their lofty proposals of eternal bliss, the goals are to latch onto the hierarchial system, pledge allegiance, and wage war on infidels. We do not need further example to verify this fact, we drown daily in the result of such materialism, and death is not moving away from any of us. Srila Prabhupada is the maintainer of the torchlight of reality, and the darkness of illusion is unable to keep grip in the presence of His teachings. Nirvisesa sunyavadi, he drives away all false ideas proposed by those giving raksasa godheads.

What is this, mahaksadasa, the bible-bangin' exile dissin' the bible? Has he finally given up all his Jesus ideas? Quite the contrary, for Lord Jesus Christ is just as strong in His service to His Supreme Father, he dissed the Sanhedran, he shows the flaws in Pharasee ideas of psuedo-religiosity, shows us all that his Father resides in the heart and is accessable by unalloyed service attitude. He was assassinated by the religions of man of his time. His teachings, however, have been adopted in a perverted and external way by those wishing the exploitable neophyte ill, needing to steal the power of religious fervor to maintain control, to engage their congregations in satisfaction of the desires, not of the Lord, but the mundane desires of the hierarchial leadership of the tribal system. Any breaks away are called schisms, true teachers are known as heretics, and escapees from the clutches of the group are known as infidels, worthy of scorn and ridicule, up to the point of active warfare.

I, myself, do not care for any of these religions, because my guru-maharaja warns of the impotency and waste of time in dancing with such danger. The bible can be a good read, but not without direction of a bonafide spiritual master, a paramahansa, who can show the shaff from the grain. If one who dabbles in bible stuff, which, as described above, may be somewhat helpful in preaching work geared toward adherants, does not allow paramahansa to show the shaff, such dabbling could amount to spiritual suicide. I have seen it, I have read it on the internet, those who fall prey to "comparative religious study". This elephant Vaisnava aparadha, considering tribal god worship to be anywhere near the Sanatana dharma of Bhakti yoga, is so easy to commit, so one should be very careful in his(her) studies. This aparadha is also committed in the act of watering down Srila Prabhupada's gifts to be acceptable to the masses wanting religion. He did not do it, his FOLLOWERS do not do it either. Despite their pledges of loyalty to keep the acronym (ISKCON) alive, some desparately attempt artificial concocted solutions to their own misunderstandings.

Srila Prabhupada clearly states that he is ISKCON, but he is not a material acronym, rather the embodiment of sanatana-dharma, the eternal function of loving service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The Vaisnava Acarya approves of disciples' guru puja, but such puja(worship) is as dearmost servant, not Visnu-tattva, not artificially exhalted to the position of a tribal god, not as commander-in-chief to a band of cannibals ready to live their raksasa lives as agents of the killing fields of party spirit sectarianism. The biblical compilations, (by the way, for the bangers out there who think that it is summum bonum, is only 15% intact, many books thrown away for political reasons through the centuries of misrepresentation), should be seen as an example of how the pure message of Lord Jesus Christ turns poisonous by touching lips of serpants.

explanation of offenses and author's notes

In the Vedic tradition, there are two schools of thought, Vaisnavism and Mayavada. Vaisnavas consider the absolute truth to be the Supreme Personality of Godhead as summum bonum, whereas the Mayavadis considers the all encompassing void (or clear white light) is the goal. My teacher, who was stalwart Vaisnava and defeated the Mayavada as sport, proving over and over that their goal was quite short of TRUTH, encompassing only partial truth. The clear light is only the effulgence emanating from the Form of the Supreme Lord, and this is verified even by the father/scholar of the Mayavada school, Sri Shankaracarya (ca.500AD).

Once, way back when, my teacher, Srila Prabhupada, told one of his ministers to go into the L.A. center and give lectures supporting the Mayavada theory. The minister was literally exiled from the movement, even though he was perfectly following the order of his teacher. Srila Prabhupada's point was to see if those who attended were REALLY hearing or just pretending understanding.

The Sri Jatayu Website is humbly constructed to see if someone is HEARING, some articles are specifically geared toward controversy, for one purpose, to stimulate dialogue. (Note: There are also poems and stories not meant for this, rather to just give sweet KATHA-discussions of His Glory.)

I am openly criticizing some of the followers of Lord Jesus Christ, Simon Peter, Andrew,, not because I find fault with their service to the Lord, but for the precedant it sets for those who consider them as faultless as Lord Jesus Christ. Traditions have been handed down through history following in their footsteps that may be seriously flawed. There are presently 300,000,000 people in the world claiming to be like Christ, christians, yet the world is in the toilet. My point is that if there were only 10,000 REAL Christians, this world would be quite different, indeed. Lord Jesus Christ Himself condemns the christians (Note the lower case "c", the way I differentiate Psuedo from REAL), saying, "In the final days, there will be many who say, "Have we not healed the sick and raised the dead, baptizing in Your Name?" and I will say to them, "Get away from Me, you workers of iniquity, for you have failed to do the will of My Father."

Yet I have no problem with St. Peter or the rest, and I will further elaborate in the context of the story of Sri Jatayu. Sri Jatayu, for all intents and purposes, failed in his attempt to serve Srimati Sitadevi and Lord Ramachandra, yet his reward did not measure the failure in the least, it was the service that was considered by the Most Merciful Supreme Lord.

The Scriptures contained in the Bible are authoritative, and can deliver one to his constitutional position of servant of the Supreme Lord, yet the saying goes, Satan uses scripture to deliver his message. So what is needed, scripture may be as dangerous as common stories of hedonism? Scripture is understood through the medium of a bonafide spiritual master, regardless of how he is addressed, be it guru, master, imam, priest, minister, lama, etc. If one wants to understand quantum hyper-dimentional physics, a book from Barnes & Noble will not be sufficient. A physician is not one who has just read the medical journals, he has undergone training. These are just mundane knowledges, like counting numbers, yet they require the aspirant to undergo the process of study under the guidance of the professor, who has also undergone the same apprenticeship. The advanced Knowledge of spiritual life and goals must be understood in the same way, there is the knowledge from the Books left by the Great Saints and Scholars of the past, yet they must be understood under the guidance of the professor.

Lord Jesus Christ again sets the proper example. He did not require a teacher, He is the Self-Sufficient, Self-Effulgent Son of the Supreme Father (Who He is and Who He says He is), yet he approached John the Baptist, and when He accepted initiation, His Father announced, "This is My Son, with Whom I am well pleased."

In closing, I apologize to the followers of Lord Jesus Christ who detect a tone of bitterness in the "Archetect and the Policeman". The bitterness is not really there, as the author is more concerned with the timber in his own eye and cannot, at this time, remove the dust from another's. Please sing the Holy Names of the Supreme Lord.

Haribol, your servant, mahaksadasa


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