What's New headline If you had the right plug-in, you would be hearing nice music now.

A bevy of cockers!

Tuesday 4/13/99

I have made a page to celebrate Gladys' one hundredth birthday. Hope you like it :)


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Tuesday 4/6/99

I am pleased to announce another addition to this site. Free backgrounds for those of you with web pages.  I've made all of them at one time or another and I thought it would be neighborly to share :-)  So if you see any you like, just help yourself and although there's no need, a link back to this site would be really nice.


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Wednesday 3/31/99

The poetry of Lois C. Laforce is now online:   THE POETRY OF LOIS LAFORCE

I know you will enjoy it very much.

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Friday 3/5/99

The kitchen pages are now uploaded - Finally!!

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Tuesday, 2/8/99

Everything has been restored. The computer has been stripped and rebuilt and after everything going amiss, I just got my editor, graphics program and sound working again and it's off we go! Today's my birthday as well so what can be better than this!!
I'm working on and have almost completed the graphics for a brand new area of the site: "Stillmeadow Kitchen"
This will be a place for all our favorite recipes - (our own as well as Gladys' because she was always open to more recipes!)
I own only one of her recipe books, "Stillmeadow Cook Book," so if you have a recipe/recipes you would like to send please type it/them in the new message area to be provided on the page and don't forget to add any of the additional notes or anecdotes she so often included.
I will also be completing and updating the monthly pages.
The last time I wrote it was a false alarm...Apparently, it was far from right and the computer completely forgot what it was right afterward. Things are good now so keep your fingers crossed ���

"One morning you poke your nose out and you know all of a sudden
that there is another spring. You smell it in the air;
and no matter how deep the snow is, you think nothing of it."

The Book of Stillmeadow -February.

Check out Annette's site: Blackberry Creek Journal It's a firm favorite of mine.

Take care everyone, Susan

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Wednesday, 12/3/98

Two more names have been added two the "Garden of Friends."
I'm working on more graphics too - getting a bit rusty after so much time away!!
I've got some of Gladys' blueberry muffins baking, so I'll email you some when they come out of the oven :)

Take care everyone.

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Monday, 11/30/98

I found this poem in a magazine and wanted to share it with you.
I'm sure Gladys would have loved it too - She knew he was immortal!

Reflections on Keats'
"Ode to Autumn"

The hand that wrote those words has gone,
Yet I see, standing here by leafy banks,
Those same small mayflies, waltzing
One brief hurried spree,
And blackberries, jeweled amethysts,
In a shaft of light that fills this evening
With pools of molten gold,
And, as if his ink had not yet dried,
The russet hues of autumn bring his words to life
And take my breath away.

Joan Lambert

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I've uploaded new music to the two main pages.  It's "Vissi D'arte" from Tosca.
Hope you like Puccini!

  A major fiasco happened today (like I needed one for a change!) -I lost all my email addresses when my profile bit the dust as we re-installed a new version of Netscape. I've sent out a message in the updating service, "ListBot," but for those of you who are not on this list and would like to send me their email address, please do so.

I've updated the "Garden of Friends" page, and for those of you who have sent favorite quotes already and do not see them, I'm sorry but I've lost them!! - If it's not too much trouble, please re-send them. I really have had a lot of problems lately :)
As always, if you would like to have your name and favorite quotation added, please send them to me.

I've only just recently been able to access my page again and I HATE the "watermark" that Geocities has inserted into each page. They have NO right to do this with a GeoPlus page. It's not free for me, I pay them a fee every month. However, I DO have an alternate URL that you should bookmark from now on. This will ensure that you will be free of that pesky distracting image.


I'll continue to make changes and update this site. If anyone has any news or info they wish to be added here, please email me, or write it on the message board.

I've been considering adding a non-Java chat room to this site. The existing Java-chat can be rather limiting for some browsers. Maybe it would be nice to have scheduled "reunions" here? Please let me know!

Take care and have a wonderful day, Susan

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