If you had the right plug-in, you would be hearing nice music now.

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Warm as an outstretched hand, a verdant place,
Wearing "a sweet disorder of the dress".
Heavy with blossom lovingly allowed
To hang in rich, unbridled fruitfulness.
No close-clipped hedges here, nor shaven lawns
To mutely disapprove of carefree tread,
But drifts of daisy stars, soft clouds of broom
And clustered boughs embracing overhead.
Forgotten blooms that graced the long-ago
Hold court with tremulous first-season flowers.
No growing thing too poor to mingle here
And cast its scent upon the shadow-hours
when leaves and grass and branches gently merge
Into the gauzy veils of summer night,
Where homing birds and small, soft-footed things
Move secretly among the fading light.

Joan Howes

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Susan Stanley

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Larry Jordan

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Denise ODeh

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"There is, I have found, at least one good or lovely thing
in every single day. Everyone has sorrow, endures
difficult times, but loveliness abides if we look for it."


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Gilly Moore

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"The soul takes flight to the world that is invisible and forever dwells in paradise."

Jon Whitney

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Scot Roskelley

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Elie Bump

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"So I went out after breakfast to set up the birds' buffet. For a time
we shall have both the winter birds that companioned us during the long
cold, and the migratory ones coming from strange southern lands. The
air is filled with the excitment of wings. However, much as I welcome
the wanderers, I love most the chickadees, nuthatches and woodpeckers,
for they have shared the bitter season with us, and never a blizzard too
fierce for them to chatter away at the window feeder. I suspect we
always love best those who share the hard things with us. Spring and
Summer friends are delightful, but give me WINTER FRIENDS for my

From Stillmeadow Sampler

Susan Clonts

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Joanne and Bernie Gracy

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"It is good to have leisure, to walk in the September sun slowly,
humming a small hum and picking a few wild dark-purple grapes."

Diana Robb

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"One can face almost any problem
if one looks long enough at the sky."

-Stillmeadow & Sugarbridge

Sandra Urquhart

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As for marigolds, poppies, hollyhocks and valorous sunflowers; we shall
never have a garden without them, both for their own sake, and for the sake
of old-fashioned folks, who used to love them so. 

-Henry Ward Beecher

Diana Craft

Diana's Leafery

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"The May moon is white as foam, and the May night is sweet as first
love. And the heart tis lifted up by the happiness which is Spring."

Valerie Curtiss

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"Half the world is composed of people who have something to say and can't;
..... And the other half who have nothing to say and keep on saying it."
Robert Frost


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"Treasure each other in the recognition that we do not know how
long we shall have each other"

By Liebman

Susan Riggs Bett

If you would like to have your name, e-mail address, and a favorite quotation or short passage quoted here, please send me an e-mail with the words, "Garden of Friends" in the title. -That way I won't get confused!


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Webpage design by Susan Stanley
I made the background and title graphic, painting with a CIC FX tablet and pen.
All were made especially for this site. Please do not take.
Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999. Susan Stanley.


I did not make the animated graphics.

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