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-Left Behind-(Part 10)

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"Left Behind"
"crying out"
"missing you"
"reminds me"
"losing control"

"Left Behind"

"We were together once, and things had been going so well,
then we started to fall apart, and lose that tight knitted bond;
You would push me away, and tell me to go to hell,
then you just walked out, and our love was forever left behind."


I miss you so much, I feel so alone,
I really did care, let it be known;
The love was strong, between you and me,
now I'm by myself, and feeling empty.

"Crying Out"

As the train hugged the tracks, the smoke rose,
drifting up, melting into the smooth night air,
while the whispering of the stars quieted and froze,
and the passing dear stopped and turned to stare.

The cold sharp wind tore at me, ripping through my clothes,
so I held myself a little tighter, while I sat there,
looking out the back of the train, at the sky who knows,
at the moon, who reads my face and knows I care.

I think of the times when we rode this together,
watching the trees pass by, reflecting off each puddle,
holding ourselves so tight, thinking of each other,
stopping only to kiss, and occasionally cuddle.

I imagine the way we watched the smoke, sift into the sky,
and how it wrapped, around the stars, holding them so tight,
I pictured us up there, with the stars, learning how to fly,
and how they danced, shining so bright, crying out, with all their might.

As the train hugged the tracks, the smoke rose,
drifting up, melting into the smooth night air,
while the whistling of the train scattered the screeching crows,
and woke me up, only to see that you weren't there.

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"Missing you"

The day came, when you decided to leave me,
and I could only dream, of kissing you;
The day ended, when you decided to be free,
and I could only think, of missing you.

"Reminds Me"

Everywhere I look, and everything I do,
does nothing except, remind me of how much I miss you.
Everywhere I go, and everything I see,
does nothing except, remind me of how things used to be.

We used to love each other, oh so much,
and you used to shake, at even the slightest touch,
you used to cry out, "I love you,"
and I'd always reply, "I love you too,"
then things happened, that I can't explain,
and both our hearts, became burdened by the pain,
we both know, that we'll both always care,
and if you ever call for me, you know I'll be there,
but for now, while you are gone, and I am alone,
I will cry freely, and let my love for you, be shown,
and deep in our hearts, we will both never find another,
because we both know that we still love eachother.

Everywhere I look, and everything I do,
does nothing except, remind me of how much I miss you.
Everywhere I go, and everything I see,
does nothing except, remind me of how things used to be.

"Losing Control"

As I lay here losing my soul,
I think back to all my friends;
As I'm starting to lose control,
I pray this aint the end.

I know you've said you care,
but you've already said good-bye;
I know that life aint fair,
but you've already said you'd try.

I know that you've moved on,
even though we were ment to be;
I know your love is gone,
even though it was once for me.

As I lay here losing my soul,
I think back to all my friends;
As I'm starting to lose control,
I pray this aint the end.

I know that's where you stood,
and I sat there and watched you pack;
I know your gone for good,
and I will never get you back.

I know your love was true,
but we would only fight and shout;
I know that we are through,
but we just couldn't work things out.

As I lay here losing my soul,
I think back to all my friends;
As I'm starting to lose control,
I pray this aint the end.

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(c)Copyright 1998 Daniel Carriger. All Rights Reserved. The contents of this page are the original works of
Daniel Paul Carriger, and cannot be reproduced without the permission of the author. Any unlawful
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