I'm generally an opinionated bar steward... expect these pages to grow and change regularly.  So, please come back and see what I'm mouthing on about on your next visit here.

STOP PRESS 16th December 2002

Recent changes at spell the end of an era. To hear what I think about it all, read my:
Lament for a Lost Revolution

Here is a recent sound off... entitled "All you need is.... empathy"

Now, what do I think about....

September 11th 2001 and its aftermath


The Roots of English Hooliganism

The Legacy of the Hippy Movement

Third World Debt

The relationship between the Record Industry and the Internet?

The incomprehensible (to me) habit of wearing brand name clothing

"There is nothing so stale as yesterday's news..."  or so they say.  I suppose the same goes for the hot air I have spouted here in the past... but just in case you are interested..... here is what I thought about certain issues which are no longer making the headlines.

Old Opinions Index

 Back to my HOME PAGE1

Last Updated: 16th December 2002

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