Colton, California

May, 1964

Photos Copyright 1998 by James E. Lancaster

In April, 1964 the SP consolidated the Sunset and the Golden State both ways between El Paso, Texas and Los Angeles, California, thereby reducing the number of passenger trains on this line from six to four (the Imperials - trains 39 & 40 - were also still running). However, the California PUC required the railroad to continue to provide servce on the discontinued schedules - the WB Sunset and the EB Golden State - for several weeks after the trains were consolidated. The SP reluctantly responded with service between LA and Niland, the easternmost stop in California.

I was in Colton, California one afternoon in May, 1964 when the westbound stub train came through with an E-unit, a coffee shop-lounge and a chair car. I took one photo of the train. As it turned out the camera malfunctioned leaving me with a greatly overexposed image.

1. This is the original image.

2. This is the result of my efforts to bring out the train using Adobe PhotoDeluxe (a low-end version of PhotoShop that came with my Epson printer). I had hoped I could do better. I'd appreciate any advice on how to make an overexposed image more presentable - if that's possible.

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