Lone Pine, California

March, 1974

Photos Copyright 1998 by James E. Lancaster

We were returning from a ski trip to Mammoth Mountain when I took the following two photos. Although I've been through Lone Pine many times, this was the only time I went over to the station while the Jawbone Branch from Mojave was still in operation.

1. Lone Pine station with the Sierra Nevada mountains in the
background. This is the east side of the station. Note the
corner of a box car next to the loading dock.

2. Two nearby sheds. These would make a nice modeling project.


On April 14, 1998, on another trip to Mammoth Mountain for a little skiing, we drove over to Lone Pine Station. The following four pictures were taken on that day. I did not try to match the views of Photos 1 and 2 since there we several "No Trespassing" signs posted arouund the station.

There were no rails visible anywhere around the station. The furthest north I saw any rails still in place was along the northwest shore of Owens Lake about 15 miles south of Lone Pine.

The digital images were done by Seattle FilmWorks and the resolution is somewhat poor. In time I hope to replace these with higher resolution versions.

3. The west side of the Lone Pine station.

4. The east side of the Lone Pine station.

5. Another view of the east side of the station. One of the sheds in
Photo 2 is visible at the far right of this photo.

6. A view across the loading dock at the south end of the station.

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