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About reincarnation

question 69

About reincarnation

Cette question m'a été posée en anglais. La réponse est donc en anglais dans un premier temps, et sera traduite ultéreuriement.

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Réponse :
I don't think you ever send me any question related to reincarnation. I receive just a few questions here in english, maybe because people think it's only a french web site. If I would have received it I would have reply even in a few words.

Well, first of all, I wish to tell you that I am not a good specialist of reincarnation and not very good to explain why this life should become this or that or anything oft his kind. Also, I am not a great beliver of reincarnation espacialy in the case of tibetan buddhism wich has developped this theroy far beyond the original buddhist opinions about that point.

The conception of reincarnation is the extension of the concept of karma wich just explain that the karma does not vanish when death arrive.

Normanly, we are not supposed to remember our previous lives, because normaly we are not suppposed to have that strong link between two lives that would make the memory remember events we have been living in another life. We don't realy know what is passing from a life to another. And it is not said that 100% of a personality is able to pass to another life. We realy have no idea of that. Some theories say that one personality can reach more than one life, maybe two or three. Some theories say that it can have happen a large length of time between two lives (that's what have been told about myself, it has been said that my previous life was in early 14th century in the North of China …Honestly, i don't know.).

I think that reincarnation is the best explaination of what a life can become and I like this idea and I take it as good perspective. But, as buddhists, we are not supposed to concentrate ourself on previous lives, as well as on next life. The most important is the actual life and only the life we live now.

I understand that you are living a very painfull situation. If I would be a teacher I would tell you that you still have your breath in and your breath out and that you could simply concentrate on breathing in and breathing out. I would tell you that you have exeperienced the impermanancy of life. All the things that we have, social situation, wealth, physical abilties, youth, strengh, all we have is suppose to decay, to weaken, to die and to disappear. Unfortunetatly, you have experienced this too early, too violently in your life and you feel the heavy missing of faculties wich were just part of your natural physical constitution.

I don't know, if it is the same or different, but something happen to me while meditating. I can feel that my body is just left apart. It is a feeling, not a lack of feelings of something wich would not be connected. The concentration of mind just let the body apart and I can just stay there in peace with my mind which would also not move. I tell you that because maybe you could have some benefit, practising meditation. But as I am not a specialist in the field that are concerned by the problem you have, I should be carefull of what I tell you.

For the buddhists, it is only the will of being, the will of doing things or realizing things, the will of having things that bring a so strong energy that your personality will be able to reach a new life, just because, although you passed away, you still wish to achieve your ego. It not not said that you will have to carry this problem from life to life. You born with the " full package ", you will reborn with the full package. I think there is no explaination to give to all that events. I think that reincarnation is not involved into the fact that when borning, the body has such faculties or not, have such cractéristics or not. It is just like there is no ecplaination and no interference into the fact, you may born caucasian or asian, you may born with brown or blue eyes, tall or small, etc ….

I hope I have replied to your question.

Texte complet de la question

I had a brief question on your view on reincarnation.Went to buddhist pages for feedback.I might have emailed you before and not remember and if you emailed me back please disregard this.Was born normal but had accident then brain damage. The brain went flat and lost all expression personality and intelligence just blank. Its like one minute I was all there and the next I was all gone and there was just blankness left.Very cruel to takeaway someones faculties and just leave them like this.this does not feel human. so wonder if there is rebirth and how I can be born normal human with normal human faculties and normal human intelligence like everyone else and no brain damage.Do we get, new "model" each life that includes all the normal human qualities that everyone else has even if have had dementia in previous life.I thought everyone got to keep their natural human intelligence until mine was gone.its hard to believe.its like the person is gone and only left a blankness behind and something else is there now its not even me its just foreign energy that now lives in my body.this can happen in brain damage.So just wonder if next life I can be born with the full "package" that will make up for the deficits I have now. How does this work. Also if die with dementia what can happen.thanks for any feedback. Wanted to get buddhist perspective. In other words what are the causes for a normal basic everyday human rebirth to be like every other human and not have dementia which not natural human condition !

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