Arkham Shadows

Welcome to my new HPL page. My old page got to be a little too large for me to continue. Thus, rather than let it languish, I thought I'd reduce the size & let it stand on it's own without the need for updating.

Those who've seen the old version know that it was loaded with links to other sites - cyberzines, personal HPL websites, artwork sites, et al. I also had several pages listing the contents of my personal Lovecraftian Horror library. I decided that most of it was unecessary.

Lovecraft fans undoubtedly have their own collections. And the websites? The list keeps growing - much too rapid for me to stay on top of. All one need do is conduct a websearch. Lovecraft is there, alive & well.

So, here we are. Just this intro, a shortened example of my own material, my guestbook, counter, & email. That's good enough. Hell, I've got other writing projects that needs my attention! So on to that...

Here�s a few stories to read�

Azathoth Awakening (recommended for HWA Bram Stoker Award in 2000)

De Marigny�s Clock (recommended for HWA Bram Stoker Award in 2000)

Innsmouth Harvest

The Scuttler in the Dark

There�s a few others not posted�and a couple novels of continuing stories.



Any questions or comments, email me:

Arkham Shadows


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