Department of Gastro-enterology

Dr. A. Sreekumar mans our well-equipped Gastro-enterology department. He took all his degrees from Trivandrum Medical College. He was working in the prestigious Amritha Institute of Medical Sciences, ever since Gastro-enterology department was started there before joining Aswini.

Dr.V.P Madhavan who joined our department recently is managing the Gastro-enterology Surgeries.




Phone: 0487- 2320931


Phone: 9846447635


Phone: 0487-



Facilities Available: -

* Sclero Therapy

* Variceal Ligation

* Treatment for bleeding Ulcers

* Pyloric Balloon Dilatation for Pyloric Stenosis

* Treatment for Achalasia Cardia by Pnuematic Balloon

* Stenting for inoperable Oesophageal Maligencies

* Stricture Dilatation in Oesophagus

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