The Water Kingdom is the home of Shiyume. An unfathomable depths below the ocean's surface lies the magnificant city of Mystic Coral. Laid out in a million colors and shapes, it is quite the sight to behold. However, the nature of it's habitat makes it one of the most dangerous to be in. The dark waters hide many secrets, and the Water Kingdom is full of demons. They do, for the most part, live away from the city, but are still a problem. Because of this, hunting parties are sent out to keep them in check.

Mystic Coral

Mystic Coral comes in pretty much every shape, size and color. It is used mostly for building, though it is also used for armor for the army and hunting party. It is extremely strong, and can slowly repair itself if it is damaged.


The Water Kingdom is known for its getting along with the other Kingdoms. Though its ideals differ from the Thunder and Fire Kingdoms, they still work together. Being such an important part of the Earth, it cannot afford to have squabbles with the other kingdoms.


Of course, the Water Kingdom has power over all bodies of water. Most important to it are the oceans, though by no means is it the only area of interest. Water does cover most of Earth's surface though, making it impossible to moniter everything. 1

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