Citizens As a citizen, you are the backbone of Valikorlia. Nothing can happen without you, in the end. The key is, you all have to work together, and work with us. RPing a citizen may seem boring, but that depends on your standpoint- Start with a job. Any job can be RPed, you don't need NPCs. If you decide on a job, we may be able to help, by creating scripts that allow only you to go through a counter. However, you can also use your actual skills. Maybe you're really good at bodies- you could be a clothing designer. Maybe you make good hats, you could do that. A carpenter could make levels for people. The possibilities are endless. Now, the community.

Community is incredibly important. Citizens should all get to know each other, so we can help each other out and make our city better. Here's an example. I'm a baker, and I want a bakery to work in, but we don't have one. So, I get together with some other townspeople and we decide to build one. We make some trips to the forest getting wood, then go find a spot and RP building the place. You can then inform me or a level-maker who will add the levels when you're done. Of course, if you're without a carpenter, it wont be great. If you can find a carpenter, though, and everyone helps out, the level can be made nicer. Once you're set up, you can possibly make or have made graphics for bread and things. You wont actually sell it. Someone can come in, and using IC money, buys IC bread.

This may seem menial, but not if you look at things realistically. Just think about things like this: If you're taking a long trip, you'll need supplies. If you use IC money, think: Does your character make enough money to pay for this? If not, maybe you can find someone to lend you the money.

We will have systems eventually. But until we do, you can have plenty of fun playing out jobs. But again, its all about community. If there's no community, there's no town. If you guys want an extra festival, you can get together, pool resources and jobs, and get everything necessary IC, then we will take the steps to make the festival actually happen. You guys have a lot of power: Use it.

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