Lesson Two
The Perfections of God: Self-Existence, Immutability and Infinitude

When we speak of the perfections (or attributes) of God, it is customary to divide them between those which are communicable from those which are incommunicable. The first group is of those attributes of God, like holiness, love, wisdom, etc., that all Christians should have in their own lives, however imperfectly. “Be holy, for I am holy”. (1st Peter 1:16) We love because “God is love”. (1st John 4:7- 8) But it is those even more awesome other perfections of God that we need to examine now, those incommunicable ones, that forever set God apart from all else.

Two things should be kept in mind as we study these other attributes:

1. Humans, even Christians, constantly try to remake God in their own image, or at least try to describe Him in more familiar terms, instead of going to the Word for instruction on how to think of Him. For instance, instead of leaving alone the mystery of the Trinity, we attempt to break It down to the analogy of father/husband/employee or yoke/eggwhite/shell. In describing God, we need always to wait on Him to instruct us in His Word and by His Spirit. Otherwise we are in danger of cheapening His glory with unworthy - and possibly idolatrous - analogies.

2. God is - in Himself - incomprehensible and invisible, but Christ is our Guide and means of knowing Him and seeing Him. (John 14:9; 1:18; Heb. 1:3) Walking obediently in the light that we have enables us to perceive Him more clearly.

I. Self-Existence of God: Aseity (“self-originated”) John 5:26, Rom. 11:36.
A. Defined: God is the only one that has within Himself the power of being. Everything else is caused by something else previously. God alone is the only unmoved Prime Mover.

B. Application: What does this mean for us?
1. He needs nothing from us and owes nothing to us.
[Not - “God has no hands but our hands...” or “I’m lonely” (Langston Hughes)]

2. He is complete in Himself (“I AM that I AM”; “Before Abraham was, I AM” - John 8:58)

3. His will will always be done, sooner or ultimately. Rom. 9:19 - “Who has resisted His will?”; Isa.46:10 - “My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure”.

C. Other applications for God’s self-existence. (Or other comments on the above)





II. Immutability of God:
Unchangeableness. [Vs. immobility], [vs. Pinnock’s “Openness of God”]
A. Everything changes but God. Psalm 102: 26- 27.
No change is possible for Him, because all change from perfection is downward deterioration.

B. Things that God cannot/need not change:
1. His Nature:
Mal. 3:6, He cannot be more holy, righteous, etc. Certainly not less.

2. His Word: 2nd Tim. 2:13, Psa. 119:160; Matt. 5:18; John 10:35.

3. His Purpose: Isaiah 14:26- 27 “The LORD of Hosts has purposed and who will disanull it?”

C. Other applications for God’s immutability. (Or other comments on the above)





III. Infinitude of God:
A negative word meaning “cannot be limited”. Points to the truth that God is perfect and has no bounds outside of Himself.
A. “Infinity” an underestimated word. [Set theory example of infinite infinities: We play with the concept of ? but this exercise shows we know little of the word.]

B. God’s Perfections all Infinite: All that He is, He is to the ? degree
God is...

1. Infinite in Time: Eternality:
Moses said of Him (Psalm 90:2) “From everlasting to everlasting You are God.” [“everlasting to everlasting”= Eternal. Only God is truly eternal. Though Christians have eternal life, it is only so from this time forward, not backward.]
Tozer: “From vanishing point to vanishing point”.
See also Deut. 32:40; 1st Tim. 6:16.

2. Infinite in Knowledge: Omniscient:
(“all-knowing”). Psalm 139 describes this and the following two aspects of God (omnipotent and omnipresence). Verses 1- 6 refer to omniscience. Also Psa. 147:4- 5.

Everything God planned, He did from eternity past? Why is this true?



He knows the future because His will is done in it and His wisdom and omnipotence brings it about.

3. Infinite in Power: Omnipotent:
(“All-powerful”) “El Shaddai”;
a. Defined: God’s total ability to achieve His perfect will. “Is anything too hard for God?” (Jer. 32:17, 27)

b. His power seen:
(1) in and over all Creation:
Everything God wills He does - or will do. Everything he does - or will do - is according to His will. (Isa. 46:10)
(2) over Nature
(3) in Providence
(4) over Nations, Mankind,
1. Assyria - Isaiah 10:5- 19. Assyria thinks he is overcoming others, but is just a tool in God’s hand.
2. Joseph to brothers, “You meant it for evil. God meant it for good.”
3. Romans 8:28.

(5) over Satan and Sin:
Heb. 2:14- 15; Col. 2:14- 15; Luke 10:17:24; Matt. 12:29.
(6) in Redemption:
Heb. 7:24- 25; Acts 9:3- 6; 16:30- 34.

c. But His power is “Limited”: Some things that God cannot do:
(1) He cannot lie - Heb. 6:18.
(2) He cannot die ___________
(3) He cannot act against His nature. All that God is is in perfect balance with all else that God is.

Using the above information, you should be able to answer the conundrum of the Roman Catholic scholars: “Can God create a rock too heavy for Him to lift?” The question is silly, but the answer touches an important truth.




4. Infinite in Space (Immensity): Omnipresent: He is everywhere. Psalm 139:7- 12.
God fills every part of space with His whole Being! “Do I not fill heaven and Earth?”: I Kings 8:27. See also Isa. 66:1, Jer. 23:23- 24.
A. This is not pantheism. God is everywhere, but He is not everything.
B.Immensity” means not just that God is everywhere, but that He is fully present in every place. All of God is in this room, as well as everywhere else. This is not a comforting doctrine for unbelievers (see this Psalm 139).

IV. Application (So What?):

How do these truths of God’s character affect you? How can it help your growth in Him?





Due Next Week:
chapter 3: The Holiness, Righteousness and Justice of God.
Study Psalm 139. Describe the three “omni” perfections of God found here. Which verses describe which perfection? What comfort or application did David get from these truths? Ask God to make these truths real in your life.

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