When I grow up...
When I grow up, I want to be an evil cartoon virus.

I went to Chicago the other day, on a class trip. Of all the things I saw, one thing inspired me the most. It was not the statues in the art museum complete with strategically-placed fig leaves. It was not the idea of pointing randomly at Lake Michigan and yelling �WOLF!� (anyone who has read Everworld, raise your hands/paws/hooves). It was not the blue men drumming on glowing pipes to the theme song of �Go Ask Alice,� although that was pretty inspiring too.

It was the movie Osmosis Jones.

Apparently I was the only one in the room who had never heard of this movie, but the moment I saw it I was inspired.

I am going to be an animated virus when I grow up.

I am going to have a long red glowing fingernail of doom.

I am going to formulate evil plans in a nightclub located inside a giant pulsating zit, and when that zit blows up I am going to be the one left hanging from the ceiling vowing revenge.

My hulking green one-eyed minions are going to watch midget wrestling in a place called �the ingrown toenail.�

My chief adversary is going to be the one rejected white blood cell policeman with a beard like my music teacher and a girlfriend who just so happens to be the attractive advisor to the reelection-obsessed mayor.

I am absolutely serious about the beard.

I will kidnap the girlfriend and make my getaway in a common car that has been, with the help of my magical fingernail, instantly turned into an uber-evil red menace to the roadways (er� arteries).

I am going to hold epic life-and-death struggles with the protagonist on fake eyelashes.

And when I am, at last, plunged into a giant vat of virus-killing blue stuff, I will die dramatically.

And there will be much rejoicing.

Farp Taccib Sattagg-Hinkstun is all inspired now.
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