Who are you really?
Have have you ever wondered who you really are? Does this keep you awake at night? Are you hungry right now? This is sort of a take off of the glending test you can find at rumandmonkey.com. Are you like one of the creators of this sight, or are you someone they�d like to kill?

Good, glad to help you� no, no, thank you� what?� oh�. You weren�t talking to me? Oh� behind me� that guy� oh�

So... who are you?

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What color makes you jump with glee like an invader assigned to Vort?
What�s Vort?

What is Vort?
The place where we sent that guy� with that couch
Yeah.. That Larb guy�
Um� like um� um� like I like orange?
What in Kate Spade�s name is wrong with you people?

What in Kate Spade�s name is wrong with you people?
OH!! WRONG THOUGHT!!! RIGHT THEN!!! Who�s Kate spade?
*asks Kenshin who kate spade is in japanese*
Nothing, I just like orange� No, I�m not a UT fan� I just like it
I resent that statement since I�m the only normal one here!!! *flips hair* And why do you keep repeating everything I say?!?!?

Why do you keep repeating everything I say?
Haha! The Earth monkey is getting annoyed!
I�m gonna go kill a cheerleader!
�I have 14 orange shirts
God! Y�all are so mean!

What makes you laugh?
The mangled bodies of my foes...

The fact that "grey goose" is the name of a vodka... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA - IT'S A FUKCING GOOSE!!!! HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! Um like Really bad um jokes that I don�t even like really like um understand like?
I laugh whenever I think it will make my boobs jump up into the face of the guy I�m talking to, like DUH!

What makes you all warm inside?
Drawing violent fan art involving the fortunate and intentional death of a certain blue entity and that cat
Kenshin *lapses into a coma of joy*
My boyfriend *hideous squeal of joy*

You come across a straggler on the edge of society � what do you do?
Replace his brain with that of a squid
Brainwash and then enslave him
Nothing�. I just um� well� I would like go over and
Denounce his filthy state with the rest of my giggling friends, but in the depths of my shallow soul, feel sorry for him. Then I�d write a book about it, make lots of money, and in the end, generations of English teachers would torture millions of school children with my deeply boring story of redemption.

Well, that was a long answer� What do you think we should do with answer number four?
Eat her soul�
Definitely kill her � but stylistically
Stalk her� what she um said like made my like orange soul like move I think
Give her an all expenses paid shopping spree!!

Who is you favorite cartoon character and why?
He's blue!!! BLUUUUEEEE!!!!!
*still in coma of joy*
OMG! I just love all the female Disney characters! I want to be annorexic just like them!!!

What�s the nerdyest thing you�ve ever done?
Try to understand the matrix
(in denial)
Me? Nerdy? NEVER!!!!!!!!! (in denial also, we think, but we�re too afraid to find out)

What was the most pivotal moment of your life?
Obliterating my first village...
The first like time I um saw the color orange� but I um like don�t like really remember like when like �
Definitely like a tie between my first blowjob and the pushup bra!!

What are your two favorite animals?
Moose or homicidal kitty catCow
Squid or a ... moose
My pet rock and my orange shirt
OGM I just love little puppies with huge brown watering eyes!!! OMG!!!!!! AND PONIES!!!!!!!!

Universal Obliteration

Pick a number 1-10
5� I um guess um
Gimme a �T�, gimme an �E�, gimme an �N�, gimme an �N�� what�s that spell?... no really, what does that spell?

What was the most annoying thing that ever happened to you?
Waiting 26 hours for a certain SOMETHING to download to have it be �Invalid or Corrupted!�
Well.... there was that time when I was forced to take this online quiz...
Um� like� um�
Taking this quiz!!! I hate you all!!! WHAAAAA!!!

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