read.......send e-mail to the Saru too! ^_^

Fri, 07 Mar 2003
YA-hooooo goku-saaaaaaaaaaaan~!
name's fullmoon yuki and i'm a friend of gojyo. did he say anything about me to u? anwayz, he thinks u can't answer hard qns...well, here's a qn, y do u think Minekura-sama (that's how u spell his last name deshou?) drew a LOT more pix of u than any other character of the manga OR anime? also, y do u look sooooo much cooler as a yokai than a half-yokai? i shud give u a harder qn....i know! who's ur favorite of the gang (a.k.a, hakkai, sanzo, and gojyo) and why? there, email me back k?! and i'll prove to gojyo-san dat u R smarter than u act/look.
Ja! mata ne~
Fullmoon Yuki (o^-^o)

Hi, Yuki-chan!
Nope, the Ero-Kappa didn't say a thing about you, or I might've just not been listening... that ero-kappa is wrong! I *can* answer hard questions!, maybe Minekura-sama drew alot of me because I think the manga was more centered on me than Sanzo... not like the anime. Why do I look cooler as a youkai? I dunnoo.. but I prefer my human form. The last question is easy! Sanzo of course, because he let me loose from that mountain... and he gives me food and stuff! And he let me come with him on the journey!...But I wish he'd THROW that paper fan away...

Sat, 08 Mar 2003
Hello Goku!!!
I didn't know there was an Ask the Saru site! i only knew the ask the kappa thing,..don't you think it's like you copied their idea? Isn't that a bit rude...? Concerning the copyright thing... and i've never got around to mailing Gojyo, and now i e-mailed you first, coz i like you much more! you're so cool, especially you're youkai form! my oppinion, you're alot cooler than gojyo, he should stop calling you a saru....

Nah... I don't know if it's rude, but Sandra told me that the creator of Ask the Kappa is one of her friends, so I guess we had permission..besides, they're our affiliates. Mayee and Gojyo. And right, Gojyo SHOULD stop calling me a saru.... that Ero-kappa. I still say I prefer my human form...

Sat, 08 Mar 2003
heyyyyyyyy SARU!!!! wow, im surprised.. YOU?! a site? congatulations! i have a brain after all! i wonder how you persuaded Sandra-chan here to make a site about you.. you little rascal! *messes goku's hair* good luck with this site thing.. hope your ready for the tough questions the fans are going to be asking you.. like "how was life before you met Sanzo? how was life with nataku? what emotions did you feel when you were locked up all those years? " or... "do you have a relationship with sanzo? do you like hiM?? YAOI!! " hehe.. some stuff like that.. hey, im not scaring you, saru.. just making you ready.. If you get to answer those sorta questions, maybe i'll stop calling you baka saru! *pounds goku* PSYCHE!! no way! i'll never stop calling you that! so there! good luck to you and Teddy-- errr.. Sandra-chan! hehehe.. ^_^=[Mayee told me that!! nyahaha]
-Sha Gojyo []

Gojyo!! Don't call me SARU!!! You Ero-kappa!!! Besides, I'm just replying to the letters... Sandra's the one making the site, and I didn't persuade me... she persuaded me. With food, of course... I didn't want to answer letters!! *hits Gojyo back* DON'T POUND ME!!! Stop! Calling! Me! Saru!!! Yeah? Well good luck to you and Mayee then. Call us for the wedding.

Sandra: DONT CALL ME TEDDY!! -_-....da ero-kappa and mrs. ero-kappa..heh, just kidding. Fangirls would kill me..

Mon, 10 Mar 2003
Yo Goku san!! I didnt know that there's a site about yourself too. That's cool! Hey...ya know what? I think you're the cutest among the four of you. ^_^ That Gojyo should stop calling you a 'saru' because you dont look like one to me. Oh yeah! and....I think you should stay in your demon form because Gojyo(sorry Gojyo's fan) is more afraid of you if you're in that form..... Why do you still prefer to be in a human form? You look much more handsome and smarter in your true form....btw....plz tell Sanzo that I like him....hehe....and.....say 'hi' to Hakkai for me and a pat on Hakuryuu's head....and....just a wave to Gojyo....hehe....
~ Hikari ~

Hi Hikari! Everyone keeps saying I my demon side is better... but I don't like it, because then I wouldn't be in my right mind. And Sanzo gets very angry when I'm in my youkai form... and he's very scary when angry. He probably won't give me food... YEAH! And Gojyo REALLY should stop calling me Saru, hear that, GOJYO?!.. I'll go tell Sanzo you like him, okay... I bet he'd just tell me to get lost and hit me with a paper fan. I'll tell that to Hakkai too... and a wave to Gojyo? Sure... maybe, if he doesn't call me a saru.

Mon, 17 Mar 2003
Dear Goku-Chan,
Hi! You know they're right you do look hotter when you're in your demon form.Anyway please answer the following questions:
1.What's better for you...continue this journey or go back to the east?
2.How would you react if you read on of those Sanzo x Goku fics?
3.Could you ask Mayee and Sandra if there is going to be 'Ask Hakkai' or 'Ask Sanzo' site?
That's all! Bye!
Andrew JuanTong ask Sanzo! Where he wants to go, I'd go...
2.fics? What are fics? Are they food? Are they yummy?
3. I dunno... but Sandra's not going to make any. Ask Mayee if you want...

Fri, 4 Apr 2003
Ohayo Goku!
Hello, how are you? Okey, the date today is April 4, that means, your birthday is tomorrow! Advanced Happy Birthday Goku! Hope all you guys in the Sanzo-ikkou will be fine. I also hope you have a long life! Anyway, for my question..... did you ever have a girlfriend other than Toufa? hehehehehe..... *evil face* I know she was your girlfriend!!!!!!!! hehehehe...... do you have any plans of courting Lilin? hehehe.... I know you have a crush on her!!!! hehehehehe... just kidding! Anyway, please tell Gojyo that I really like him. Tell Hakkai also that I like him, and also Sanzo!!!!!!!!! Gojyo, Hakkai and Sanzo are so handsome!!! *sigh* *dreamy _expression on my face* Anyway, that's all................ Sore ja!
p.s. here's another, question, do you know the meaning of my nickname? if you do, then you are not a BAKA SARU after all.... no offense meant there okey? Tell Sanzo, Gojyo and Hakkai that I love them..... thanks!!!!! ^_^

Thank you!! ^_^...I've been alive for more than five hundred years now!... (cept I'm not looking any older... and Gojyo insists I'm not getting any smarter..) O_O... Lilin?... um, dunno! I'll tell them, then... so many people are using me as a messenger!
Eh... I'm not a Baka saru! And no, I don't know what it means... but that doesn't make me a baka saru! I heard it's the name of a monkey god or something... but I'm not so sure...

Mon, 7 Apr 2003
Hey Goku-chan!!!
How�s life with the group??? Enjoyin� it very much??? Anyway, I think you�re really good-looking and cool in your human form!!! You�re cooler when you fight in your youkai form!!! I love the way you fight in either form� You totally rock!!! Hey, how do you keep your cool when you fight??? I mean, //=some=// of your opponents give trash talk while fighting� but you just keep your cool!!! I�m impressed!!! Sugoi desu ne!!! Heeyyy� do you currently like anyone??? You�re handsome and cool and skilled� no one could possibly resist someone like you??? Sooo� do you like anyone??? Anyway, please say HI to Hakkai� onegaishimasu??? I really really really like him!!! Please tell him that I like him and I love him!!! ==//*blush*//== ^.^;;; ohhh� with that HI� give him a big hug and a kiss on a cheek, too!!! Please???? I�d give you lots and lots of hot buns!!! Does Hakkai like anyone??? Could you ask him if we could go on a date??? Hehehe� tell him to e-mail me!!! i'd really be happy!!! [if Hakkai does that, i'd give you more hot buns!!!] o.~To Sanzo, give him a big hug and say HELLO from me!!! And to Gojyo, a big HELLO, too!!! And a hug, if you don�t mind� ^-^ ==[ I like the 4 of you!!!]== Son Goku� you�re the best SARU in the whole wide world!!! Ooopppsss� gomen ne!!! hehehe� just kiddin� � you�re too kawaii and smart to be a saru!!! Take Care!!! Aishiteru!!!
With lots o� love n� care� Miyu-chan
p.s. give Hakuryu a pat!!! Kawaii!!!
p.s.p.s. won't there be an "Ask Hakkai" or "Ask Sanzo" ???

Hi!! Eh... life's fun... I just wish people would stop calling me a baka saru!! Thank you for the compliments! ^^.. Eh... what do you mean by like? =??... um, I like almost everyone!...I'll tell them, then... but NO WAY am I gonne do all those hugs and kiss... O_o;... you do that, instead... AND I'M NOT A SARU!... eh... you should tell all your compliments about me to Gojyo. ^_^ Take care!
P.s. I'll pet him! okay!
P.s.p.s. alot of people are asking that...
Sandra: Mayee said one of our friends is planning to make an Ask Sanzo site!! =^^=... whee!! I hope so!!

Tue, 17 Jun 2003
Hallo Goku, hope your head dosn't hurt from all those hit from Sanzo's fan. He's such a jack ass. Well lets see, what to ask.... I know, I'll ask you what i asked Sanzo, do you like cheese? Whats your fav cheese? And can you cook? I don't this i've ever seen you cook befor... *eats mac and cheese* You should become the leader of the group because Sanzo way to pushy. Grrrr.... Can i poke your belly? If i can are you going to make the Wooo sound? heh heh heh.... That be funny. Come by my house some time, i've got to much ice cream and you can have like a box or two.
P.S. - please kick Gojyo in the nuts for me, he gets on my nervs... ANd say hi to Hakkai and Hakuryu to!

Sanzo's not a jack ass!! But it does hurt... T_T I'M HUNGRY! Cheese is okay. Yeah, cheese is yummy. I'm hungry... I want... I want Mac and Cheese! I don't think they'd let me be the leader... what Woo sound? 0.0 Ice cream?! I'm coming there right now! 1

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