Opening Letter from Janet!
                                                  December 16th 1998
Greetings David,

I note from the November edition of the Old Askean that you have not had
much response to your e-mail address from Old Askeans.

Well, I am an Old Askean of the female type. I am actually Hon Sec of the
Hatcham Association and also a co-opted member of the OAA committee.

I was pleased to see that you have a website and wonder if you can
advertise meetings on it either for the Old Boy or the Old Girls.
 You never know who we might contact and it might be
 useful to contact young potential members.
 Please let me know. We do not have another meeting
until our AGM in March. Incidentally all Old Boys are welcome to our

You were at the Boys' School when I was at the Girls' - I left in 1952 so
you would never have noticed our year group. We were contemporary with
Ferdie Forbes, Ian Valentine and Alan Lane.

Hope to hear from you soon,


Janet Gearing

22nd December 2002
Will look at the Aske's girls site - one of our members has found her old
school friend on it and is delighted.


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