Asia Grand Restaurant is an unique Cantonese cuisine restaurant. Our menu features traditional Cantonese dishes that illustrate the emerging influence of China. The dishes are prepared in the traditional way, and with twist of innovation, give the harmony in taste, texture, colour and aroma.

Our chefs maintain the Cantonese culture and traditions in preparing the dishes. They use the typical Chinese cooking utensil like the wok, clay pot and bamboo steamer to prepare the
dynamic dishes. Only the finest quality imported ingredients are used. With their specialized experience and expertise, our chefs will create dishes that allow natural flavours to emerge
and stimulate the sense of the palate.

The "Culture" within our restaurant is the outcome of the hardworking and dedicated staff who
have put in countless hours, effort and enthusiasm in making Asia Grand Restaurant different from
the others. The key attraction is the fine food and warm ambience, which is value for money.

We are committed to provide our guests with a unique dinning experience
and our friendly service every time they step into our restaurant."

亞洲金閣海鮮酒樓一向以 創新美食,精益求精 的服務精神;以客為本、以客為專、以誠相待的服務準則,不斷學習、不斷改良、不斷創新的服務宗旨,為賓客提供: 精挑細選:祇有精選的材料,才能做出完美的菜式,我們採用最新鮮、綠色、營養、健康的原材料,{ 創新美食,精益求精 }飲食概念,讓賓客體會到飲食最高境 界。 多元菜式:我們追求傳統與創新兼容,環球美食與地方菜餚開舉無國界飲食文化,匯中國大江南北美食於一體,讓客人在色、香、味 中盡享美食的樂趣. 至高享受.

我們努力營造整潔舒適、溫馨高雅的用餐環境. 無論是餐廳裝飾、燈光擺設,我們都一絲不苟,力求做到盡善盡美. 賓至如歸:我們視賓客為瑰寶,以真誠質樸、彬彬有禮的親切笑容,為每一位賓客提供細緻周到、體貼入微的服務,讓賓客有如在家一樣開心愉快.

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