The Flowers Of Evil

The Flowers Of Evil (Japanese: aku no hana) is a manga (which I have not read) which has been recreated into an anime. As I am writing this, I feel like there is a bird in my roof...

Although I have not watched the whole anime yet, I still feel like it is a great anime to write a blog entry on.

The anime follows a school boy named Kasuga Takao who has a huge crush on one of his classmates named Saeki Nanako. His crushing was as you would expect from a teenage boy, that is until he finds himself alone in the classroom

In the classroom, he catches sight (there is definatly a bird in my roof) of Saeki's gym uniform. In the heat of the moment, he thinks about stealing it. He hesitated at first but then when he hears an anonymous person making sounds. He panics, grabs her uniform and runs.

When he gets to school the next day, the teacher informs the class that Saeki's gym clothes have been stolen. Naturally, everybody freaks out and the rumours and gossip begins.

At the end of school, he goes to a cool looking hill where he sees a girl who is also in his class. Nakamura Sawa. She tells him to take her "to the other side" on his bike and he refuses. She then leans in and tells him that she knows that it was him who stole Saeki's gym uniform. He freaks out and runs home. An understandable move tbh.

And it is from then a "contract" between Kasuga and Nakamura begun. Let me tell you now, this contract is disgusting. Basically, she makes him do sick and perverted things.

Those things range from vandalizing a classroom to wrote things like, "IM A PERVERT" to making him wear Saeki's gym uniform under his clothes while on a date with her.

A lot of people say that this anime is crap because of the overly-long scenes (there's a scene of Nakamura and Kasuga just walking around for about 10 minutes). But personally, I think that this just adds the the eery vibe that this anime gives off. Another point the people who dislike The Flowers Of Evil have is that the art style is really bad. I'm pretty sure this is because they use face-tacking in an attempt to make the faces move smoother but somethings facial features will be missing from a distance away. THis doesn't really bother me that much but I can see how it can be annoying to people. To me, it gives off "Serial Experiments Lain" vibes (great anime by the way, might write an entry about it).

So in conclusion, I think that this anime is very intersting and I recommend you give it a watch!


The bird has moved to my wall


There wasn't a bird, it was the sound of the metal part of my curtains rubbing against a screw...