That Damn Text

So here's a funny story about when I was coding this website!

right so when i was figuring out where i needed to place the bio on my homepage i changed p { color: #dbdbdb; }

to: { color: #dbdbdb; }

now, the defult font colour is black but i had set the background to black. cause i changed the class of the bio text, it turn from grey back to black. this was cause although i changed the CSS for the text i didnt change

<#p> insert bio here <#/p>


<#p class="bio"> *insert bio here <#/p>

so for the next half an hour i was getting mad trying to figure out where the text had gone cuz it was black text on a black background #dbdbdb is close enougth to #f0f0f0

If you are wondering why I put a hashtag at the start of each tag, it's hard to speak about tags while trying NOT to actually add those tags -_-